Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Summer Bathroom Refresh

Happy Monday  Tuesday
Sweet Friends, 

Started this on Monday...lol

Hope you had a lovely weekend.

We did...on Saturday at least.
we had the joy of going to our 
friends wedding on Saturday
and it was just such a lovely
 Wedding and reception. 
She was stunning of course.....
and he is a veteran, and wore his 
Army dress uniform, so looked
 very handsome as well.
Everyone that knows her and all
she has been through were just
beyond thrilled for her.

Sunday I finally got hit with
whatever has been making me
so tired.  Woke up with a bad
headache, hurting all over and
a bit of a sore throat and just
 exhausted, so wound up stay-
ing home from church and 
watched some Pastors on TV
and rested and slept off and
on all day, and slept really 
good last night as well, so am
feeling much better today.

In fact, we got out and cleaned
our porch chairs earlier this
morning, but been taking it
easy the rest of the day....not
wanting any relapses!!  lol
So the reason I am finally
having some time to do a
post today.   lol

Well, onto my Summer
Quest Bath Refresh......

It all started with me finding
 these Periwinkle blue towels
 a few months ago that I have
 been trying to find for years......
I had actually given up on find-
ing any, and then one day I was
in Penneys and there they were
on a clearance table. I was so
thrilled....doesn't take a lot for
me folks.........lol

Then I decided to try and find an
inexpensive white shower curtain,
which I found at Home Goods, and
liked that it had ruffles as that was
a nice change. Already had the 
shower curtain hooks, so thought
they looked perfect with it.

and once the room was mostly 
done we ran into the 5 and
 under store looking for some-
thing else, and happened on
these rugs for only $5 each, so 
just had to bring them home.

This is what is over the
 potty. Made these pics
a long time ago, but
rotate them in and out
of the guest bath from
time to time. Add a 
towel stack just for
color and warmth.

Raided my house to see what I could
find in the right colors, so this is
what wound up on the left side of
our counter. Not easy to see but
notice that the handle lotion,
liquid soap and box the birds
nest is in all match.  That was
a birthday or Mother's day
gift from my daughter last year,
and went perfectly with every
thing else...............

This is the right side of the

Also made these pictures too, 
have thought about putting the
words of a quote in each frame,
but haven't found the perfect
fit quite yet.  So still looking.

another periwinkle blue towel
and decided to add a birds nest
 as well.

I love my wallpaper and Border
 in here as much today as the day
I picked it out, and it's the only
place I can use purples and 
lavenders in my house. lol

Only this wall with the towel
 rack is floral, the rest are more
 plain...sort of antique looking 
with a french or Italian words 
written on it here and there
and the floral border around
the top of the room. Wish I
had thought to take a picture.

I loved the rugs but really
wasn't sure if I loved the
rugs on our tile or not.

But my daughter, grand-
daughter and daughter-
in love all convinced 
me I should leave them.
So now I am glad I did,
guess I just had to get
used to the new look.

Well, there you have it folks,

Hope you enjoyed your visit,
and come back soon.

Love, Hugs and early 
June Blessings,


Gosh, only 10  9 more days till
it is officially Summer.  It
feels officially summer here
in Florida already!!  lol


  1. Ni Nellie! I would never have thought to put periwinkle and sage green together, but it looks so pretty! Nice job. Thanks for sharing at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home! --Jennifer


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...