Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thankful Thursday June 13, 2019, Coastal themed Father's Day Table from the past....

 The LORD is good to all; 
he has compassion on all 
he has made. 
Psalm 145:9 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well.

It's been a good week and has 
been a lot more productive
around here this week than last,
 altho I didn't try to run any
 marathons or anything.

It has just been rain, rain and 
more rain this week, and has
been raining all day today, so
it has been a very dreary day,
so we have taken advantage
of it, and just lazed around. lol

Pictures today are of a Coastal
 Themed Father's Day table
just in case someone might
still be looking for ideas....

So on with it............I might
actually be on time for once.

#1, 2 and 3
Thankful for a really wonderful
time at our friends Wedding last
Saturday.  It was really beautiful
ceremony, and they did their own
vows also mixed with the ones
our Pastor gave, and loved the 
songs that they chose, they also
did something I had heard about
but not seen before.  Rather than
a unity candle they had vials of
colored sand (each with their own
color) with a clear container in the
 middle, so the groom poured some
sand in his color, then the bride in
her color, and it made a very pretty 
sand art hill symbolizing what God 
says in Ephesians 5:31 about the 
two becoming one flesh. It was
a lovely yet simple wedding that
focused on the real importance
rather than being so ostentacious
like so many weddings are today.

Thankful that everything came
together so well, and for all the 
people who helped in the process
of making it a wonderful day for
 them. She especially didn't want 
to go into debt to have a wedding, 
and have all that debt to start off
their marriage, as she is a very
wise, and practical woman, and
 it was amazing how the Lord had
so many people do things as 
wedding gift or helped her find 
 so many things at a great price, 
and the expenses they did incur
 are pretty much paid off already. 
She said she has never felt so
 loved by God.

Thankful that my friend, is a 
wise and Godly woman, and
that she prayed for the Lord to
send her a husband if that was
His will for her, and she asked
for a Godly man who had no
children of his own, and that
would accept her children as
his own, and that is exactly
the answer to her prayer and
more. God's timing was 11 
yrs. later and he came into
her life just at the right time,
when she was devastated over
another situation. God's timing
is always perfect!

Thankful that I am feeling
much better since Monday.
I was feeling really bad on
Sunday and have taken it
easy for the most part this

# 5
Thankful that we have been
working on getting our porch
cleaned up by doing small
portions each day, early in
the morning, then rested 
after that.  Have to pace
yourself a bit after being

Thankful for what we have
learned out of some conflict
this week.  Conflict is never
fun...but there is always some
thing to be learned in it.  So 
ultimately it is good for us, if
we keep the right perspective,
keep talking and working at it.

Thankful I am finally getting
started on changing my living
room into a coastal look.  I
have had my bedroom done
in Coastal for a number of
years now, so moving things
out of there and into the 
Living room for a new look.
Looking forward to that.

Thankful that our great neice
saw the Specialist yesterday
about the tick bite. She got more
 symptoms than I told you about
last week as she didn't develop
them till this Monday. They were 
classic signs for Lyme disease, 
fever, headache, sore throat, 
nausea and vomiting. So they
now have her on a treatment
plan thank goodness. Called
yesterday and her symptoms
and subsided quite a bit 
already, so that is good.

Thankful that another long
time friend who has been
sick for a long time, found
out she has had pneumonia
for 6 mos......she is in the
hospital being treated with
like 3 or 4 antiobiotics, and
not sure how long she will
have to be there, but thank
heavens they finally dis-
covered it.....can't remember
the name of the type of 
pneumonia as I have never
heard of it before. She got
out of the hospital on Wed.
but is still very weak.

Thankful that our screened
in porch is spic and span
from top to bottom.  We
worked on it for 3 days,
cleaned the furniture one
day, the knick knacks and
 cushions another day and 
then on Wed. we cleaned
the actual porch and screens.
So happy to have that clean-
ing done, now just have to
put it back together.  The
fun part!!  lol

Thankful that our daughter
and son-in-love made it
safely to Jamaica on Wed.
It is a trip with his whole
family of origin, so they
are looking forward to a
great time.

Thankful for a good movie
we watched last night on
the Hallmark chanel.  It 
was called "Frozen Love".
We enjoyed it and think
you might too.


Well, that's it for Cozy 
Place today.....

Thanks for dropping by
Have a fun time spoiling your
Hubbies and Dads.

Love, Hugs and
 Mid-June Blessings,


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Life with Lorelai

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Life and Linda


  1. Such a pretty table and so many wonderful things to be thankful for.

  2. Surprise! Finally got on time to your Thursday blog! Ha!
    #1, #2, #3. Marriage is the next best love; our LORD's being the first! The love, protection, and joy of a husband is our physical need like that of our Spiritual need for our Heavenly Father.
    #4. I'm so thankful you are now feeling better. I have been praying for you all week!
    #5. I have found I have to pace myself not wanting to admit that comes with aging, ha!
    #6. Praise our LORD. He teaches us in every situation as well as being with us in every situation! He said He would never leave nor forsake us! (Hebrews 13:5)
    #7. You have been busy!!
    #8. Praise our LORD for her getting better! I've been praying all week for her too!
    #9. I will continue my prayers for her complete recovery.
    #10. Yea! I know you are glad that's all done!!!
    #11. How wonderful! The LORD bless them all!!!
    #12. My favorite movie is still "Stars in My Crown" with Joel McCrea.
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie