Friday, June 28, 2019

Thankful Thursday June 27, 2019, 4th of July centerpiece from the past

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
 let them ever sing for joy. 
Spread your protection over them,
 that those who love your name 
may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this find you doing well,
and weathering the heat okay.
It is like an oven when you
open the door to the outside
world here.  Definitely not
my fav time of the year, 
mainly because of the heat.
We have been getting quite
a bit of rain so that does help
 some, but then the humidity 
is very high as well. The plus
side is our grass in the front
yard where they put the new
drain field is growing back
way quicker than we had
expected, so we are quite
happy about that.

Not a lot going on here this
week other than having lil
darling on Tues. and Wed.
and working on cards, and
the normal day to day chores.

Since 4th of July will be
here next week decided
to post some pics of a
patriotic centerpeice I did
some years a back.
 It was one of those shop your 
house and use what you have

Well on with my Thankfuls...

#1 and 2

Thankful that our friends really
liked the Vow renewal certificate
we did last week.  

Thankful for their sweet encourage-
ment and guestures on our work
as well. Always nice to have some
one appreciate your work.

#3, 4 and 5
Thankful that I made 3 new cards
this week and caught up on some 
other things I needed to do towards
our business.

Thankful that we are about to hit 
the halfway mark on opening our 
online card business.  Getting very 
excited, as this has been in the works
 for years, but nothing could really
 happen until hubby retired and had 
the time to do a website. We are
still a ways out yet, but it is coming 
together finally, Lord Willing!!

Thankful for the joy it brings
me as I design cards, it is some-
thing that I never imagined I
would be doing and loving it
so much especially because it
is done on the computer.

Thankful for a good time with
our family celebrating Father's
day again.  Since we couldn't
get together last weekend we
moved it to this passed weekend
and we had a good time as always

Thankful for a long chat with
 my daughter yesterday evening.

#8 and 9
Thankful for all of you that
come by and visit my blog.


Thankful for all the creativity,
 inspiration, ideas and enjoyment
 I glean from all of the blogs I 
visit as well. 
 You ladies really Rock!!

Thankful for God's word and
the inspiration, comfort, and
peace it brings to our lives

Thankful that my daughter-
in -love was able to take a
new picture of me that I liked
 to put on my blog. She is very
 good at that..........
Will post it soon!!

Thankful for a heart warming
story we heard and saw on 
video. An Algerian teenager 
was walking down a street in
Turkey, and saw a little 2 yr.
old girl playing in an open
window and was concerned 
she might fall, so he stood
there watching her, and she
did fall, feet first and he was
able to catch her just inches
 before her feet would have 
hit the sidewalk. She sustained
no injuries!  He said, Thank
God I was able to catch her.
He was 17 yrs. old.

Well, that's it for this week.

Glad you could stop in,
and hope you have a lovely

Love, Hugs and
end of June Blessings,


Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai

Life and Linda

Oh My Heartsie Girl

1 comment:

  1. #1 & #2. "That's great! It's wonderful to be a part of two remembering their love for one another! A loving marriage is the next best thing to the Love of GOD!
    #3 #4 & #5. I pray every day for the LORD's blessing on your new business! It's especially wonderful when it is something you enjoy so much! It reminds me of my "Picture Prayer Journal" though it is personal and not shared but in prayer to the LORD.
    #6. I'm sure the "kids" loved on their dad a whole lot, ha!
    #7. I'm so thankful you both are so close in loving one another!
    #8 & #9. I enjoy so much visiting your Thankful Thursdays! We spread the joy of our LORD!
    #10. We are so blessed to have His Word to lead, guide, and direct our lives to bring praise, honor, and glory to Him in the ways He's taught in His Holy Word.
    #11. I should change mine, ha! The present one is from years ago, like say 20, lol!
    #12. Praise the LORD for his testimony in thanking GOD!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie