Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thankful Thursday December 19. 2024, and Christmas in the foyer and living room

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

Matthew 1:21 NIV

Christmas Greetings

 Sweet Friends,

My guess, if you are like us, that you

are still in preparation mode.  We

are slowly winding down, today I will be

 making some cakes for our neighbors,

haven't done that for years, as I decided

to give that up years ago in order to

have a less stressful Christmas and 

just bought something instead, but

for some reason I decided to make 

cakes again this year.  So will see how

that goes................

Hope you are having a Merry time

with your preparations and are not

feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

Pictures today are of our Christmas

Foyer and living room decorations.

Now on with my Thankfuls...............


Thankful for a fun evening out with our

 Son and lil darling.  We went to her School Christmas program, which was really nice,

and her class did a skit that was really cute and she had quite a few lines, and did a great job.  Then we all went out to dinner

together where she chose......Texas Roadhouse!!  It was cold and it was nice to get dressed up a lil Christmasy.!  lol


Thankful that hubby caught a charge on

 our bank statement that was on my debit card, and we never use our debit card,

as we don't feel they are safe.  So hubby

called the bank and they have refunded

our money (fortunately it was only for

$48) while they are investigating, and

are sending me a new card. We have

no idea how they could have gotten it

as that card has not been out of my

wallet in I don't even remember when,

but thanking the Lord it is taken care

of and so far, no other charges.

Lil darling made us this JOY sign in art class,  so had to find a perfect place
to display it.  So the wreath was it!!

this window is also in the foyer


Thankful that all our gift 

wrapping is done and under the

tree now.  So now we can move

on to cleaning, which shouldn't

too bad.


Thankful for a fun time being entertained

 at lil darlings dance recital today. (Sat.)

they did the "Nutcracker" and it was quite

 good.  She was a nutcracker soldier, and

 did a great job, and I really enjoyed a lot of the costumes, they were so pretty, and of

course there were beautiful ballerinas.


Thankful for a good time after we left there, as we went to a shopping center we have only been to twice.  We looked around a lil bit, but it was just so crowded and we were hungry as well,  so cut it short and went to an olive garden near there. It was a nice time tho, Something a lil different.


thankful for a wonderful Christmas presentation that was put

 on by our church on Sunday.  It was 

really so was like a

 musical and a play.  Very Good and very enjoyable.

We have so many talented people in

our church it's amazing.


Thankful for another productive 

day, mapping out Christmas meals,

 and creating grocery lists, and

 working on Christmas cards for 

the family.  

Hubby did the vaccuuming, so the

most of the house looks great,

need to dust in bedroom and office,

 then he can vaccuum in there too,

and it will all be done.  He also

helps me with a variety of other

tasks as well.  Very thankful

for all his help.


Thankful that I finally got around

to making my own rendition of a 

fruit cake.  Been gonna do that for

a number of years now. I just used 

a yellow cake mix and put all the fruit

 and nuts in there, in a bundt pan. 

It tastes and smells wonderful but 

parts of the cake are a bit crumbly,

it did get more stable after  settling

 in over night.

Hubby thinks it's so good I should make

 them for our neighbors.

I am gonna make some cakes but they

won't be fruit cakes tho.  lol


Thankful I got more cards made today, 

and the ones printed that I made yesterday, 

 also printed a scavenger hunt sheet for

 Christmas day game playing,  washed a load

of clothes, got my grocery list done   for Christmas eve and Christmas

 breakfast and dinner.  Refrigerator

 cleaned out, so we can now go grocery shopping in the next day or so.

been a good and productive day!!


Thankful to talk with my Daughter

for awhile today,  and to get the

majoritey of our Christmas breakfast

and dinner shopping done, so all we

need to do is just get those last min.

items which should be quick. Also took

a blouse back that came in the wrong

size and it turned out to be flannel

as well, and even if it fit, it would be

too hot for our Christmas day here in

 Florida.  lol  Thankfully I had ordered

another top which came today and 

 I am keeping to wear. So that was nice.


Thankful that all things that were

ordered have arrived, and most are

wrapped and under the tree,  just

a few loose ends.


 thankful that lil darling is able

to go with my Son to his Christmas

Party at his new job, since his boss

has 2  girls near her age that are

going.  It's in Miami ..... So it will

be a lil adventure for them too!


Well, that's it for Cozy Place today!

Thanks for making us a part of your day.

Love,  Hugs and 

Merry Christmas Blessings,


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