Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Make ahead (24 hr. Salad), scenes from Christmas past 3

Good Morning Sweet Friends,
(I actually typed this on Tues. morning)

Gosh, it seems like ages since I did a post,
but it was just since last Thursday, guess
it seems longer since lately I have been 
posting Thursday's post on Friday, but
last week I actually did it on time, and
 early in the day too!  Imagine that!!  lol

Hope this finds you doing well and 
enjoying the festivities of the 
 Christmas Season........

Well, only 10 days till Christmas!!!!
I have been singing......can you hear it,
Halleleujah, Halleleujah, 
Halleleujah, Halleleujah, 
Hal le leu jah!!

I finally finished my Christmas
Decorating Monday!!
Can not tell you how great it felt to get
up the last few mornings and have it all 
done and the house all cleaned up... and
no boxes!!    Whoo Hoo!
Now we can finally start wrapping 
some gifts and maybe try out some
of the cute ideas I have seen in

Thought I would share what I think is
a really great make ahead salad recipe,
that is a family favorite here at Cozy
Place.........I learned this recipe from
My dear friend Arlene almost 40 yrs.
ago..........have to say when I first
heard that it had frozen green peas in
it I thought.........Yuk.....but once I ate
it, I was forever it is a
truly delicious salad,  and love that
you have to make it 24 hrs. ahead.
So it is a perfect go to for holidays,
or special occasions, as that is the 
only time I make it.  I have been
gonna share this many times before
but never remember to take a pic
of it and have tried to find one but
to no avail,  but I am gonna make
it at Christmas time this year, so
hopefully I will remember to take
a picture so I can add it to this
post,  meanwhile I am just gonna
post a picture of lettuce!!  lol

update: As you will see I did take
a picture and it is below.

Thought some of you might like
to have it for Christmas dinner
as well.................

24 Hour Salad
(Some people call it 7 layer salad)

I use a big plastic tupperware bowl
that has a lid, some people layer it in
a glass bowl  or trifle type bowl, so you
 can see the layers and it does look pretty,
 but because they don't mix 
doesn't taste nearly as good, so I highly
 recommend doing it my way or rather
 my friends

You will need to layer:

Layer each item I list below, on top of 
the other making sure to spread them
 out over the whole surface of the layer
 before it.

1 head of lettuce torn or cut into bite
size pieces.  (I use Romaine and some
times I have mixed it with spring mix)

1 square package of frozen green peas
or 1-14oz bag.  (If the peas are in a
frozen cluster make sure to break them
apart as that will make it easier when
you go to mix the salad.

1 cup of sliced celery

 1  purple or yellow onion, cut in rings
 (Lately the regular onions have been so 
strong that it really permeated the whole
 salad and sort of ruined the taste, so
the last time I made this salad I used 
sliced scallions and it was great)

1 Bell pepper, cut into rings (I like to
use a color that coordinates with the
Season that I make it, like Green or 
yellow for Spring, yellow or orange
 forFall, and Red and/or green for 

1 can of sliced water chestnuts
(you can find them in the oriental
 food aisle)

Sprinkle 1/2 cup of grated parmesan
cheese on top of all the layers. ( I use,
Kraft Reduced Fat Parmesan Style Grated 
Topping with 1/3 the fat. when I started
 that 10 years ago due to hubby's heart 
issues, we couldn't tell the difference.

1/2 cup of chopped bacon (I cheat...
 and use McCormick Bac'n Pieces Bits
and they taste delicious.........

Last item,  is 1 cup of  Mayonnaise
(I use Hellman's light Mayo)

Now snap the lid on your bowl or wrap 
it tightly with saran wrap, then put it in
 the fridge for 24 hours.  
It truly is best when you leave it for 24 hrs.
  I have done it for 8-10 hrs. and it is just not 
nearly as good,  as the flavors just don't 
seem to meld together as well...........

When ready to eat, take salad out of
fridge and mix it up well, so that it is
all covered with the mayo.....sometimes I
 add more mayo so all the salad is covered
 lightly,  you don't want a heavy coating tho,
just mix it with the mayo that you put on
when you made it, then taste it.....I add
the mayo according to taste. Also nice
to transfer it to a pretty clear salad bowl
once it is all mixed up.  Doubt you will
have any leftovers............


with posterized affect

Glad you could stop over............
Hope you decide to try this salad, cause
 I know you will love it............

Can hardly believe Christmas will be here
in just 8 days now..........

Hope things are going well with your 
preparations and hope you have a good
rest of the week.

Love, Hugs,
and Special Christmas Blessings,

Christmas scenes from 2015 
coming this Thursday

Sharing at:

Ivey and Elephants with Patti and Paula

Dwelling with Cindy

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

StarFish Cottage with Kristy and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

StoneGable with Yvonne and Friends

Saavy Southern Life with Kim


  1. I like the idea of this make ahead salad and it sounds tasty.

  2. Nellie, I've made a similar Layered Salad, but I LOVE the addition of the water chestnuts. YUM! Mimi xxx

  3. That salad sounds delicious, Nellie! Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: