Thursday, December 24, 2015

Thankful Thursday December 24, 2015, snippets of Christmas 2015

I just love these happy lil faces, they make me smile
everytime I see them!

Morning Sweet Friends,

So here we is Christmas Eve.....
can you believe it??  
Wow, it is hard to wrap your mind around
 how fast these days tick off on the calendar

It appears that most things that needs to be 
done around here are done other han setting
 the table and that will be
my day, and I am sure many of you will
be doing the

Just wanted to say Hello and Merry
Christmas since I haven't posted all week.

A few weeks back, once my Christmas
 flowers passed away, I wound up redoing
my kitchen table, so while I was at it....I
 did a lil playing, so figured I would post
 these pics today, and will show you
 others next week after Christmas.

Happy last minute details to you and
yours, and..... I am off to start
 the cooking.

So on with the this post...............

I am thankful

for a nice evening with Scott, Megan
and lil darling last Friday night. We got
 take out from a great Italian restaurant
and made some of the rolo candies and
visited and played with wee one. Lil
one did great putting all the pretzels on
the cookie sheet and setting the twix
 and snicker bites on top of the pretzels.
We did a different variation of the
Rolo candies............these were 
really quite good too.

for a fun night at the Mall on Monday,
just to pick up a few small items and
mostly to just experience the Christmas
decorations and music and a little of the
hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season,
as I did most of my shopping online and
the stores where we did go, just were not
decorated and hardly anyone was there
so it didn't even look like it was 
Christmas time.................

that hubby was off on Wednesday
and got to spend the day playing with
lil darling and me.  Think he really
enjoyed it.

For Pillsbury orange rolls,  I really love
 those babies, and we  used to eat them for
breakfast on Sunday mornings, but since
hubbies heart issues we rarely have them
 as they have hydrogenated oils, but I had
 purchased some for Christmas brunch and
 hubby found that it had burst open in the
 fridge, so we  had to go ahead and make
 them early............and that made me a
 happy camper, as I could hardly wait for
 Christmas brunch.  lol

that we have everything we need to make
our meals for Christmas day.  Which most
of the cooking will be happening today!

that most of our wrapping was done by
last weekend,  just had a few late items
come in on Tuesday, but got that all done
last night.

with lighting affect

that both my tables are planned,  and
have pre done as much as I can on them.

for the make ahead chicken and rice dish
 and salad recipe I have, as they are both
 delicious and special to only holidays at
 our house, and they keep me out of the
 kitchen as much as possible on Christmas
 day and on other holidays as well. 
 Love that!!

that because hubby was off on Wednesday
and could watch lil darling, I got my big
 pot of beef stew done a day early.  That is 
always our Christmas Eve dinner.............
and nice to already have that done, so I
 don't have to do that on top of my other
Christmas day cooking

with photocopy affect

for a lovely surprise food tower gift we 
received from a sweet couple we are 

I am thankful for all of my family, friends 
and blog friends.  You are all such a 
blessing to my life, and just make life
sweeter and happier.

that last but certainly not the least....
that God loved us all so much that He
decided to send Jesus to earth as a baby
a let him grow up on earth to show us 
what He was like, and made a way thru 
His death on the cross, so that we have
 the opportunity to choose Him, so
 that we can spend eternity with Him!
Now that is the truist and most 
Wonderful Gift of all.................

Well, there you have it Christmas
week blessings................

Thanks for coming by...........
Always nice to hear from you!

Merry Christmas
 with Love and Hugs,


Sharing over at:

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

Designthusiasm with Lori


  1. #1. "The Joy of Cooking," ha!
    #2. I think the companies realize people are shopping on-line more now than going to the stores. It's safer not driving in the "crazy" crowds!
    #3. The joys of not working!
    #4. I believe most of the ice-cream is hydrogenated. Have you ever seen it when it has melted? It looks like foam!
    #5. Mom always did much of the cooking the day before too.
    #6. I'm still waiting for my one package to come!!! It should have already been here!
    #7. You are incredible!
    #8. That's just great! And, the food is too!
    #9. Being ahead of schedule surely assists in not getting "bogged down."
    #10. I can hardly wait to see it!
    #11. As so you do for us too!
    #12. Amen, and what He has in store for us!!!
    See you tomorrow, Susan

  2. Sounds like you had everything well planned and under control :)
    Our actual Christmas Eve & Christmas Day were quite simple/quiet compared to most peoples'....

    How interesting about your shopping mall! (Under-decorated and relatively quiet.)

    Well, the official holiday is over. Hope your new week unfolds peacefully & 2016 comes packed full of new opportunities to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. ♥

  3. I just love that cluster of snowmen. Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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