Tuesday, December 8, 2015

1st Christmas Vignette and Easy Peasy "Rolo Pretzel Candy" Recipe, Great for making with the kiddles

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are things going at your house?
Have you finished your decorating yet?

Have to say I haven't finished, but then as
I told you last week, I put the shopping 
ahead of it, so am 90% done with the
 shopping, so have gotten quite a bit of 
decorating done the last few days, but
 have more to go.............lol
Finally finished the fireplace and mantle
today, and had done the sofa table and
serving cart the day before, and put some
pillows out, so it is beginning to look a
lot like Christmas in the family room
at least.........lol

Have also been making candy for gifts
 for our Sunday School class party. I call 
them "Rolo Pretzel Candies" and everyone
 who eats them loves them, and typically
 asks who brought them, anytime I take
them to something, and they can not 
believe how easy they are to make.

 they are a favorite with us and our family.
So will give you the recipe at the end of
the post.  It is really a good recipe to make
with your kiddies or just as a fun family
project..............Hubby and I actually had
a lot of fun making them..........it is sort
of like playing beat the clock.......lol

These pics are from the first vignette I created
with the lovely Christmas bouquet my friend
brought me last week,  and the only decor pics
I have taken so far................this was taken in
the kitchen....justin case you can't tell........lol

This lil snowman you see here was not
already on the pitcher.  They are those
stick on window gel thingies,  so since
the subway art picture behind it had
a snowman, happened to think of these
lil stick on's I got for lil darling, so had
some fun with them.  They stick on so
easily.  Thought he was quite cute.....

Already has these lil children's gloves so
thought they went with the snowman theme,
but they are more lime green, so don't know
 why they look sea green...................
Lighting I guess.............

 Here is a Posterized version from 
photoshop,  my fav!

Got the neat sign or picture at Christmas tree
store last year...............and love it, cause that
is truly my feelings about Christmas.

 on to the fun and delicious candies

Rolo Pretzel Candies

Already had these piled into a container when
I decided to share this,  so just took a pic as
it was due to time constraints. Sorry it is
a bit blurry,  but you get the idea how they
should look at least.

You will need a bag of pretzels, I like Snyder
pretzels the best,  and the gluten free work
fine and taste great, but they taste even
better with the butter snap ones.  So what
ever works for you...................

and some Rolo's..........
(Have no idea why the pic is sideways.....lol)

We used to use the larger Rolo's that you have
 to unwrap, but then we discovered the Rolo
 Mini's that are already unwrapped and make
it even easier.  I would say 2 bags of Rolo's
to one bag of Pretzels

and you will also need
 Pecan  or Walnut Halves.......

As many pecan/walnut halves as you have
 pretzels that you put on a cookie sheet.


Use an ungreased or parchment paper
 covered cookie sheet and put as many
pretzels on it as possible.  I put them
pretty close together.  Make sure to
count them as you put them on, so
you will know how many rolos (if
you use the kind you have to unwrap
or nuts to count out ahead of time,
make sure you do this step as once
 they come out of the oven,  time is 
of the essence.

Once you have all the pretzels on the
cookie sheet,  top each one with a rolo,
then put them in a preheated 350 degree
oven for just 3 mins. or so.  I just open
the oven up and take a nut and see how
easily it squishes down on the top of
the rolo, and if it is easy then take them
out and commence putting and squish-
ing the nuts on top very quickly before
they cool.  Once the nuts are on top,
let them cool a bit,  and commence

I have also tried them with snicker 
bites on top, and that is very good

Happy you could stop by..........
and hope you try these delectable little
treats, cause You won't be sorry
I promise!!

Have a lovely rest of the week.

Love, Hugs, and

Candy Making Blessings,


Sharing at:

Dwellings with Cindy

StoneGable with Yvonne and Friends

Saavy Southern Style with Kim

Home work With Carolyn

StarFish Cottage with Kristy and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Ivey and Elephants with Patti and Paula

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends


  1. I like your creative use of the gel clings! I never would have thought to put them on anything but the windows. Those rolo candies look delicious. They wouldn't last long at all at my house! Thank you for your very nice comment on my soup recipe. I appreciate it!

  2. Sweet little vignette, Nellie, and lovely flowers! I've made several variations of this pretzel candy....Hersheys Kisses or Hugs topped with M&M's work great, too!

    Warm hugs,

  3. Oh thank you for this recipe. I had them at a Habitat event and really wanted the recipe. I am so excited and will definitely be making these.

  4. Nellie, I just love seeing your seasonal accents throughout the year. Everything is festive, but "clean" and uncluttered. I love it. Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


  5. Your flowers look so pretty! Just love the green, white, and red! Looks so Christmasy!! And its great that you shared the recipe of those little goodies! I'm sure if people try them, they will love them!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: