Friday, December 18, 2015

Thankful Thursday December 17, 2015, Christmas Mantle 2015

 "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son,
 and they will call him Immanuel"--which means,
 "God with us."
Matthew 1:23

Seasons Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how is it going??  Are you about ready?
Can't believe by this time next week
 Christmas will be here.......can you??

I have been wrapping away, and starting
 to think about our Christmas dinner and
tablescapes.  We will just have brunch 
here in the morning just us, and my
 SIL Susan, then Scott, Megan and our
lil darling will come mid afternoon 
 and have Christmas dinner with us.
We are looking forward to all the
festivities and time together, as I am
sure you are with your families.

Going to Scott and Megans for dinner 
tonight, so that will be fun and get us
out of the house for awhile.

Finally here are some pictures from
Christmas 2015........just have not had
time to take many and get them down-
loaded or uploaded, which ever it is!!
There will be more to come when ever
I can take some pictures.   lol

So on with Thankful Thursday............

I am thankful

for the great time we had with our coworkers
 and students at our annual Christmas party. 
Was really lots of fun.

for our co-workers and that they love doing
 Christmas Parties, which makes life much
easier for us, especially this year, being so
behind from our trip, and then being sick

everything checked out fine........ after hubby's
5 story work building was evacuated due to
a bomb threat on late Tuesday afternoon.
Shockingly there was not one word about
it in any of the local news.

to finally just be enjoying all our Christmas 
decorations rather than looking at tall the 
mess and boxes to get to this point. lol

for answers to prayer in a marriage 
counseling situation.

for some sweet friends that dropped by on
Monday just to bring us Christmas greetings
and homemade goodies, which are fabulous
by the way.......trying not to gobble them
all down so quick,  but it is hard!!  lol

Polar Coordinates affect

for a very unexpected and good size escrow 
overage check.  We have learned tho....
 that typically these windfall's are usually God
 preparing us for something to come, and that 
he takes care of us ahead of time.
So we no longer think hmmm,
what can we do with this???

for seeing a former church member/friend that 
we haven't seen in years, and who has lost her
 hubby some months back. We ran into her in 
Target and we spent an hour or so talking with 
her and she is really doing well, It was really
a blessing to see her.  She has a very full and
satisfying life and a great attitude, even tho
she really adored her husband.  God's grace
is certainly manifested in her..........

that Mimi over at A Tray of Bliss was so
 sweet to feature my last Thursday post.  It is 
always so nice to know others appreciate our

Thanks so much are a sweetie.
If you have never visited Mimi she lives in 
Australia and has a really great blog full of 
great information and tips to improve life.
Visit her here

Believe it or not this above small arrangement 
was made by our lil darling.........the container
 is a toothbrush holder and she just stuck in the
 poinsettias the way she wanted. She is only 
2 3/4 years old,  think she is a talented lil
girl already.........course, I am not biased
in anyway, of course!  lol

that I found quite by accident, course, I don't
really believe in accidents for a christian, so
 I really think it was by divine intervention, so 
might as well say it!!  lol  A fisher price 
children's Nativity set.......hubby and I both
thought it was so adorable we just couldn't
 resist getting it for lil darling......we gave i
 to her on Wed,, and she really liked it.

that we have gotten 2/3 of our wrapping
done and hope to finish the rest today.

that Dee got to go Christmas shopping
with her hubby in Greenville, S.C. and
loved the town, and they had a great time,
 and then she went shopping with a friend 
and then made christmas cookies with 
another friend......all of those are things
 she misses not being in Florida with
 the know it made this
Christmas more fun for her........
and Jerry's Mom and Dad are coming
in tomorrow until Tuesday,  so they
get to see some family too, and will
have Christmas just the 2 of them for
the first they are looking
forward to that as well.............
and then she will be coming here the
night of the 26th.........


Happy you could pay a visit,  and
hope things are coming along nicely
at your house.

Have a

 "Most Wonderful Time of the Year"

Love, Hugs, and

Blessings for a Merry Christmas!


Sharing over at:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

LiIfe with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

StarFish Cottage with Kristy and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

StoneGable with Yvonne and Friends

Saavy Southern Style with Kim


  1. What a wonderful gratitude list you have created .
    Your list of blessings have inspired and blessed me today.
    Thank you for that.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

    I am off to read your previous post about a special salad!

    Enjoyed visiting, and I am a new follower.

    White Spray Paint

  2. #1. Spending wonderful times together with family and friends makes this life so joyful!
    #2. As so for you too in making Christmas so much about our LORD.
    #3. Praise our LORD! I was surprised too that it wasn't on the hews!
    #4. I can hardly wait to see all of your decorating!
    #5. Thank You, LORD Jesus.
    #6. Save some for me, ha! Alice brought to me some German Chocolate cake.
    #7. I'll pray the LORD has a true blessing ahead of time for you!
    #8. Our LORD has so much in store for us! In these times of sadness, it will be made joyful in the future which is closer than we all know!
    #9. "It's a small world."
    #10. What a wonderful "Bible lesson" gift!
    #11. I'm still waiting for some I had ordered to get here.
    #12. Joy, Joy, Joy, praise You, LORD!

  3. Sounds like you have a very full and happy life. Thanks for sharing with us at the #HomeMatersParty


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: