Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Brunch Table

Happy Monday Sweet Friends,

Hope this find you well and happy and that
 you had a really lovely Christmas Day
 and  Season.!

Have to say our Christmas was lovely 
and still sort of going on.........We had 
Christmas Day with Scott, Megan and lil 
darling and my sister-in-law,  then Sat.
 night late DeeAnna came in from Asheville,
and we had a dinner just the 3 of us, she was 
suppose to be in at 8:15 but didn't arrive until 
10 p.m. so we just had a very late dinner.
Then Sunday afternoon the whole family
came over for that Lasagna I made and
froze earlier in the Season,  so we are
 continuing to celebrate as she will be
 here until Wed. afternoon.  Also, Hubby
 is on vacation until after New Year's,
 which is great!  All the kids  (We call 
them kids, they in their early to late 30's 
and of  course lil darling is only 2 3/4 
yrs. old) went to Disney World today.....
so their Mom and Dad are resting up, 
 as we are whipped!
A good whipped,  but whipped........

Thought I would show you are Christmas
brunch table...........and  will try to get all 
the rest of my Christmas pics in this
week before New years if that is

Remember you can click on any pic to 
expand all of them for better viewing

I was comtemplating 2 tables for Christmas day, 
so happened to remember I still had some of 
these paper goods left.  I actually bought these
 at Target about 12 yrs. or so ago, and wound 
up finding something I liked better for a party 
we were having, and meant to take these back,
 but didn't get to it soon enough, so they have
 been sitting in my closet up until a few years
ago, when I used some finally.

You can see it here if you like

Tried them on a gold tablecloth but the
 white one just looked so much more elegant, 
 so went with it.

with poster edges affect

The plates look a bit washed out that is 
why I did the big one a few pics back.

These luminary bags were made to go with
 the plates and napkins so I had purchased 
those as well and never used them until now.

Poster edges affect

Just tucked one in the glass, and thought
it looked cute...........


I had purchased a rosemary tree
 for the first time ever,  have always 
wanted one,  but if you buy them at
 a florist or even garden dept, they
were so expensive,  so our local
Publix grocery store had them
 this year for $12. so..........
I finally bought one.

Wanted to  do something that would 
take up the whole table since it was
 just the 3 of us.
So decided to use all my trees. 
 I used my double topiary and the
 rosemary one,  and then my ceramic
 white tree and the 3 tree luminary

Soft omni lighting affect

Figured out a new affect and
Love it!

cutout affect

Glass distortion affect


Photocopy affect

So there you have it our
 Christmas Brunch Table.

I was happy with the way it turned out 
and think it looked way prettier in person,
but  of can only capture
so much in pics.  Funny how things can
sometimes look worse in pics but then
other times they can look way better.....

Glad you could stop by,  and hope you
have a really good week.

lens flair affect

Love, Hugs, and
May the Spirit of Christmas
continue in the New Year,


Sharing over at:

Shared this in July 2016


  1. So pretty! I love gold and white. Thanks for posting every week at My Flagstaff Home!


  2. Thanks for posting useful links in your article regarding military. Keep it up.

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  3. The table is lovely. I do like how you grouped the trees all together. I always like finding little things to make the table come alive with just things I have hanging around. Thanks for sharing at Christmas in July. Do you have a Facebook account?


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: