Thursday, September 7, 2017

Thankful Thursday September 7, 2017 and more Fall Flowers

God is our refuge and strength, 
an ever-present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Not much time so I am gonna just
jump right

Flowers are all compliments of

 I am thankful we made it back home
 safe and sound from Charleston late
 Tuesday Evening.  A good drive, 
 no rain and no bad traffic......

#2 and 3
I am thankful, that our sweet Rosie girl,
(that is my daughter's lil chijuajua that I
wrote about last Thursday) was acting 
like her old self again before we left 
and got a good report at the Drs.
today.  (Thursday)

I am thankful for those of you who
prayed for her, and that God was
gracious in answering our prayers
for Rosie.........

I am thankful that I found a necklace 
that has great sentimental value to me,
 as it was my paternal Grandmother's
 whom I am named after. It is a
 signature necklace with Nellie on it.
It had been lost for probably close to 
2 years. and just recently I said to my
 husband I sure wish the Lord would
help me find my necklace as I have
 really missed it, (as I wore it a lot).
Then when I got the suitcases out to
pack for our trip, I found it in a zippered
 compartment of the suitcase.  I felt like 
an angel must have put it there, as we
have used these suitcases probably at 
least 4-5 times since I lost it. So as you
 can imagine I was beyond thrilled
that God answered that casual wish,
and desire of my heart!!  He is a
good good Father.........

I am thankful that the Lord put it on
my heart to do our Hurricane shopping
before we came home from Charleston.
As it was pretty crowded there already
and we were hearing that the shelves
were emptied out in some places in
Florida. and it was true for where
we lived.  

I am thankful that we are about as
ready as we can be for the Hurricane,
still a few more things to do but we
still have time. Hubby is boarding
up some of the windows as I am that is done so
we can cross that off our list.  lol
I am hoping we sleep thru this one
just like we did Matthew......

I am thankful that our church 
cancelled services for Sunday
 as I am sure we will be start-
ing to feel the affects of the
hurricane as it is suppose to
be in our area around 8 P.M.

I am thankful that I know
Jesus and know my finally
destination should we not
come thru the storm.  I don't
think he is done with us yet,
so really think we will be
just fine.............but you
never know..........

I am thankful that as a family
we have all decided on our
plans.  We really considered
staying in S.C.,  but Dee and
hubby live very close to the
water, and we knew they would
be evacuated anyway, and then
who knew on Tuesday where
it was gonna go or how long
it would take, and we pretty much
still don't know exactly.  The rest 
of us are gonna stay put....and of
course, we are praying and hoping
 that the Lord will send Irma
 out to sea................

I am thankful that I am all
unpacked and have washed
everything so our clothes
are all taken care of in case
we are without electricity
for awhile,  which it will
be an absolute miracle if we
are not.............

I am thankful for the prayers
of God's people cause I truly
believe that was what saved us
from hurricane Matthew this 
time, last year.........

Well..... it has been a crazy week at
Cozy Place with Rosie being sick
and preparing for this monster
Hurricane.  I feel exhausted after
all the prepping
going to get a shower and crash
on the sofa and watch some TV.

Well, thanks for coming by
and will let you know how things
go once the storm passes and we
get power back.....just hoping it
isn't too too long.......

Take Care and Pray for us Floridians,
Georgians, and Carolinians....
We will all surely appreciate it and
love you for it............

Love,  Hugs and Big
Hurricane Blessings,


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1 comment:

  1. Love you, Nellie.
    #1.Yes, praise the LORD for answer to prayer!
    #2 & #3. Yes!!! Another thank You to our LORD!
    #4. I know how you feel since I lost Sam, Sarah, Gracie, and six months ago losing my precious Xena. It seems like it has been years since she is gone! I thank the LORD Rosie has recuperated! I definitely prayed for her.
    #5. Oh, wow! It is so joyful when we find things we've lost! It reminds me of the scripture that talks about the joy in heaven over one lost sinner that comes to the LORD! GOD is so good when he helps us with the gifts we have received in this world from loved ones!
    #6. Yes, Tuesday I went to top off my truck's gas tank and the stations already had plastic
    bags oven the pumps due to no more gas! I have 2/3 tank, so it wasn't like I was near empty.
    #7. Yes, I found out my front windows are storm windows! Lillian next door has the same builder as my house and the same windows which she said was storm windows.
    #8. I'm glad they did let us know. Since I'm one of the camera"men" the program pastor sent me an e-mail saying there was no services. I also received another sent to the members that there would be no services.
    #9. The LORD has placed a calm in my heart. He is our Protector, Provider, and our Helper in present need! "GOD honors our commitment to Him" Stanley's daily devotional for today!
    #10. I have been praying this for the last several days. I pray many will come to the salvation of Jesus no matter what occurs!
    #11. I saw on the news where there are already electric company people from other states ready to come in and assist the recovery of our electrical needs! Last time I was out 10 days and all they had to do was flip the transformer's circuit breaker switch on the pole!!
    I hope it won't take that long this time!
    #12. Yes! No matter what, "All things work to the good for those that love the LORD!" Romans 8:28 I thank all of your bloggers for praying for us!
    I love you sister-in-law, Nellie!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: