Friday, October 12, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 11, 2012

The next 4 pics are compliments of Public domain pictures.

 The LORD is my strength and my shield;
 my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.
 My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.
Psalm 28:7

Evening Sweet Friends,

How was your day??  
Hope you had a good one.

Mine was pretty good I have to say,  and I 
will let my thankful post tell you the rest!

I am thankful
for a nice sunny day, with no rain for a change,
and a fun day out by myself.

I am thankful
for the fun of buying my first gift for my grand-
baby that is on the way.  We still don't know
if it is a girl or boy,  but we will be finding out
on Saturday at their gender party.
So Excited!!

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry got to Hawaii safe and
sound for his sister's destination wedding.
and thankful we got to see them before 
they left, and also that we got to keep

I am thankful
that we are gonna spend a night at their
 house maybe just as a get away for us. 
 They were so sweet to offer that.

I am thankful
for some new leaf embellishments that I
found today that gave me a great idea for
redoing a hubby card I made years back,
it will be so cute with these.

I am thankful
that I have learned some new stuff this
week on my new card program.  It just
has so many great features,  but takes
awhile to learn it all,  but it doesn't impede
my card making, as you just learn as you
go,  and it is so much like the old way,
that has been an immense help.

I am thankful
for our new dentist, even tho I have not
been yet,  I have had several conversations
with the girls there and my hubby has been
twice now,  and he loves it and thinks they
are very thorough and knowledgeable.

I am thankful
that we paid attention to that inner voice
that told us we needed a new dentist, as
hubby found out he had quite a bit of work
to be done, and it should have been dis-
covered long before now.  Which is sort
for scary for me.........cause I go next.  lol

I am thankful
for our air purifier that we have had for
years because of allergies,  but lately I
don't have to use it for allergies that often
but it is really handy when Rosie is here,
because every noise she hears she thinks
is our cat Molly, but when we turn on the
A/P it pretty much drowns out all noise,
and we all sleep like

I am thankful
that we have the ability and priviledge of 
praying for our nation and our political 
situation.  We have sure been praying over
 these Presidential and VP debates like crazy.
We believe prayer is the only thing that is
 going to change things for our country.

I am thankful
for you my bloggy friends,  you bring me 
a lot of enjoyment with your comments and
stories and emails.  I have always had pen
pals when I was a kid,  so it is like having
adult pen pals now,  and I love it.
So Thanks for your time, energy, prayers,
encouragement, shared ideas, inspirations
and more........You are all great!!

I am thankful
for what a wise hubby I have,  in fact, after
bible study today, I realized as I was giving 
my own input  about things, how many times I 
mentioned great insights my hubby has given me.
What a blessing!

This is the tree in our backyard last year in winter,
See our trees do change here in

Well, that is my list for this week.
I have to say I really love doing this 
list as it really makes me think about 
my blessings and puts me in a even
better mood when I am done.........

Glad you came by and look forward
to hearing from ya!

I am off to watch the VP debates!

Until next week............

Love, Hugs and
Many Wonderful Blessings
to you!


  1. #1. And the nice cooler weather!
    #2. YES! I have one too!
    #3. Thank our LORD for their safe journey!
    #4. Roser will feel at home, ha!
    #5. That's the great things about making your own. You can make different changes without changing the whole card and have a new card!
    #6. It sounds like when a program on a computer gets an upgrade; it changes some of the ways you did things, but other things stayed the same! I can identify with that since I got my new computer!
    #7. Praise the LORD for His guidance to your new dentist.
    #8. I pray the LORD will give you a great visit!
    #9. Sleep while the air is made cleaner and no interruptions. It lulls everyone, ha!
    #10. I have had my Bible out and my prayer list everyday as well as praying during the debates. GOD is so good. "Whatsoever ye ask in my Name, believing, ye shall receive."
    #11. Thank you for you sharing your thoughts, ideas, and activites!
    #12. I have to rely on the LORD in my daily conversations with Him. It's amazing how His WORD speaks out to my daily needs!

    The debate is now done and over with. To be nice, all I will say is Ryan did a great job which did not include bullying, arrogance, self-righteous attitude, and a few lies kicked in on the sideline!

    Love to you all, Susan

  2. Dear Nellie, It really is the little things that count. I always try to remind myself of all those blessings that I'm constantly surrounded by and sometimes tend to forget. It is important to acknowledge them. I try and teach my kids to thank the Lord for everything they have and everything they don't.
    God bless you dear. Have a beautiful weekend. Your friend, Catherine xo

  3. How exciting to find out if it's a girl or boy. Then you get to go shopping and let the spoiling begin!
    We had an incredible time in Florida. No house for me yet. The house I was interested in is not for sale anymore because the guy is moving into it himself. I keep praying every night that God gives me my house. I'll keep you in the loop.
    hugs and love,

  4. Today I am thankful for this exchange with my youngest this morning.

    Me: Thank you God for my Carynnie (while snuggling her on my lap).

    Carynne: Mommy, you always say that.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....