Friday, November 21, 2014

Thankful Thursday - November 20, 2013

 How good it is to give thanks to you, O LORD,
 to sing in your honor, O Most High God,
 to proclaim your constant love every morning 
and your faithfulness every night,
Psalm 92:1-2

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this Friday evening finds
you doing well and looking for-
ward to the weekend.

We are thankful to have just
made it thru the week with our
sanity still

I am trying to get this posted
since I am so late and so tired,
so just gonna start right in.......

I am thankful

for tart cherry juice because it is full of
 melatonin and is great sleep aid.  

for these beautiful roses you see here,
they came off Susan's rose bush. I have
always loved them, because they start
one color and are continually changing
colors.......and just more of God's
amazingly beautiful creation.....

that we had a care plan meeting on Thurs.
about Susan and how she is doing.  
Finally,we did get some answers to questions
 that we had. So far, it has been like trying to
 nail jello to the wall...............
One person says one thing, another person
says something else,  it has been highly helping someone
with an injury like this can be quite scary, at 
least, to us because I was told she needed
someone to be with her all the time, and
 we were wondering what in the world we were
 gonna do because hubby works full time, and I 
have neck and back issues and we needt her
to be fully functional as far as walking goes,
so she has the least risk of falling again.
We did get some answers and guess we
will find out more on Monday,  as we are
bringing her home while they do a home
evaluation to see how she does and what
she needs, if we have understood it correctly.
Looking forward to seeing her walk with
the walker, as we have not seen that lately,
and also what other info we can glean.
Sometimes you feel like no one really
wants to tell you anything because they
are so worried about all the privacy stuff,
it is really ridiculous.  sorry this really
was meant to be a praise but I sort of
digressed!!, lol

For the 55 and 60 degree weather we had
 onTuesday and Wednesday, loved it.........

that our kitty Molly looks absolutely 
gorgeous, her Winter coat looks so pretty.
We are talking about a kitty who used to
chew her fur out of her back (sometimes till
 it would bleed) and feet, and was pretty
 miserable itching all the time, poor thing! 
 So happy she is so contented now............
Even her feet are full of fur now.
  We have been feeding her grain free food,
so she obviously had allergies.

that we got good results on our biometric
screening they do for our Insurance. 
 Always nice to know your bloodwork
is good.

#7for take out from Outback on Tuesday after
 Fasting all day, for that biometric screening.
  Amazing how good food tastes when you
 are really hungry.

to get into bed every night because we are

 both so exhausted..........

we were finally able to put on our Fall/Winter
comforter, as it is so cozy and comfy,  just
a pleasure to the senses, it feels so luxurious.

that we were able to get a lil Christmas 
shopping done last night,  we needed to do
something fun................
that's why my post is so

for dinner at Long Horn's after our shopping

that somehow hubby had a sense that our
battery might be low on the Van early this
morning,  so went out and checked it after
work and sure enough it was dead,  so nice
to know that rather than going somewhere
in it and getting stuck..............

Glad you came by... and hope you have a
truly wonderful weekend.

Love,  Hugs,
and Blessings Abundant,



  1. Life IS an adventure, isn't it? Thinking 'specially of you two as you try to help Sue the best you can...

  2. Oh, those are beautiful roses! It's been so cold here now the Camellias have been burned by the cold morning frosts. Glad I was able to enjoy a few before then.
    Have a great weekend Sweet Nellie, and if I'm not able to come by before and wonderfully Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Beautiful roses Nellie. My, you have been busy. Love your sweet vignette. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...Blessings, Linda

  4. I hope your SIL's recovery is quick and easy. That is such a bad injury. Praying for her and the best outcome too.
    You sound very very busy! And this time of year is already chaotic. Don't get too tired. That's when you tend to catch all the colds and flues out there.
    I love the roses. They are stunning. I think of you often. And I'm always happy to see your comments.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving!
    #1. Great to know when I Can't sleep!
    #2. I love when they are buds! They have such a bright color!
    #3. A positive to this is the doctor did an x-ray and said my hip fracture is completely healed and I can start to put full pressure on my left leg. Praise the LORD!
    #4. And, the 40+ degree weather last night!
    #5. Yea for Molly dear! She is surely relieved!
    #6. It's always a blessing to have good news!
    #7. It's like anything will taste good, but Outback is better, ha!
    #8. It will soon be back to no exhaustion!
    #9. Fun should always come before posts, ha!
    #10. Outings are so much fun (and needed!)
    #11. Eating out is fun too!
    #12. It's nice to have a new battery. They go a long time! Not to long ago I had to get a new one for the truck. It's only the 2nd one I've had to buy in 11 years!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie