Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas Decor from 2012

Hi, Sweet Friends

So how are all your Christmas
preparations going??  Quicker
than mine,  I hope.

Mine are still going.......I am knee
 deep in decorating still, but it is coming
 along nicely........didn't do any today,
 as I was playing with Brooklyn.
So.... will begin again tomorrow.

Have to say I think we have Brooklyn's
stamp of approval on what is up so far,
she really enjoyed our new Christmas
 look.  She spent quite a bit of time
 playing with these lil plastic crystal 
looking angels we bought last year
 that light up, and 2 of these snowmen
scenes that play music, that Hallmark
 comes out with yearly, compliments
of my Sil Susan in the last several

So since the Style Sisters were
doing Christmas decor from past
or present figured that would make
for a quick post till I get this years
done and in pictures...

So here goes...................
These pictures are all of my 
Living room.

I like to take pretty paper and pretty Christmas cards
and make my own pictures for the season.  It is very
easy and if you want to see how,  just click here!

Both the above single angel and these 3 lil 
cutie angels were done that way.

I think they are so adorable. 

Then you have to have some candles of course,
what would Christmas be without some candles.
right??  or any festive ocassion for that matter. 

 with posterized affect

Well,  hope you enjoyed the tour,  it was fun for me
to look back on some of my earlier decorations I have 
to say, cause I forget about what I did the year before
 for most things.

Do you do that too???

Thanks for dropping by, always nice
 to hear from you or know you have 
been by.

I am Sharing over at:

The Style Sisters with Karin

Ivey and Elephants with 
Patti and Paula

Have a lovely evening,

Love,  Hugs, and 

Protective Angel Blessings,



  1. Nice decorations though I get to see them myself in person, ha! I love your crystal dove! I can't wait to see your decor this year! Love you all, Susan

  2. Everything is so beautiful, Nellie! As usual! I trust God blesses you and your dear family with a Merry Christmas!!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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