Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Family and Dining room Tour

Merry Christmas
Sweet Friends,

Just had to say it...........
cause it is almost here!

Wow, the last week has flown by
 in some ways, but sure felt slow
when I was sick!  lol

I am feeling much better,
  still coughing and hacking,
 but hey, that is  way better
 than what it was!!

Was gonna give you a 
family and dining room
tour last week, so since
I didn't figured I would
just do it this week.

The  header and next 4 pics  are 
of the coffee table.  Look closely over on
the left side of the fireplace.....do you see my
lil mitten garland.  I took some close up of
it to post when I did the fireplace but none
of the came out well..........I thought it was
cute.......and if you look where the arm of
the chair is..............

back in that shelf cubbie,  you will see this.  Took a
pic on the opposite side of the fireplace but just too
dark to get a decent picture.........

Just loved Thomas Kincaides work,  and was so
sorry to hear of his passing last year.

Our Christmas tree,  you can see the edge of it
in one of the above pictures.  It has colored and
white lights.  Hubby likes the colored ones,  I
like the white ones..........lol

I only decorated it with beads and plastic
snow, and love it that way.

with paint daubs affect

Found this wall art a few Christmas's ago and thought it was
 perfect to go with my Gift arrangement.  The picture there
 in the middle was a lovely poem a dear friend wrote and her
hubby printed and gave it to us.  It is called "The Gift".

It's about the Gift of Jesus.

These were some cards I made with printmaster a few
years ago for my mantle,  decided to use them some
where else this year.

with colored pencil affect

Also decided to put our stockings some
where different for the first time in 34 yrs.
The other 2 are on the mantle.  If you didn't
see it scroll down to the last post.

Remember the first thing I hung this year,
well,  this is it..............Have really enjoyed
it too...........

Here it is hanging in the hallway right off
the dining room.

Here's a few overall shots of the dining room.
Without the light....

With the light,  see the edge of our nativity scene

Well, here is the front side.  We have had this nativity
set for 36 years...........We did lose 1 wise man tho!!

Hope you enjoyed the tour............

Well,  I am off to the kitchen to make some beef
stew and some 7 layer mexican dip for tomorrow.

Scott and the baby will be coming over in the morning
unfortunately,  Megan has to work half the day.  Wish
she could come too,  but glad we will get to see Scott
and Brooklyn,  haven't seen Brooklyn in about 10
days..............seems much longer than that!  Will
kinda be glad when she can talk on the phone that
way if I am sick or away I can always call her and
talk to her................

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve
 with your loved ones.........

posterized affect

Love,  Hugs and
Merry Christmas Blessings,


Sharing with:

Patti and Paula over @
 Ivey and Elephants

Cindy over @ Dwellings

Marty over @ a stroll thru life


  1. Yea, I get to see it all in person tomorrow! Merry Christmas to your blog visitors, Susan

  2. Hi Nellie,

    I enjoyed my tour of your lovely family and dining room. Everything looks so festive. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and joyous New Year!

  3. Your home looks so cozy and ready to celeberate Christmas Nellie! Hope your Christmas was very merry and Happy New Year sweet friend!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...