Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas or Winter Tablescape

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a 
Wonderful Christmas!!
and that the memories 
are enjoyable and lingering!

I have to say we really did,  it was truly a delightful
day, it was a quiet morning with just hubby and I
opening our gifts to each other.......  we have come
 back full circle, it was sort of like our very First
 Christmas together!  Then my Sil Susan came
over about 10:30, and we had brunch and visited
 until around 2 or so,  when Scott and Megan came
 with the baby.
 Then things go a bit more lively as we were
 watching the baby enjoy her gifts, and opening
 ours too. We got her a huge teddy bear and a
 tricycle. you will see below.......we had to laugh
 she even seemed to enjoy the clothes we got her.
She would take them around and showed them
to her daddy and Aunt Susan. Most lil ones
 have absolutely no interest in

She of course, has to learn to ride the trike, 
 but did pretty well with some help from her 
Mommy.  Her other grandparents got her a 
pink rocking horse, that makes the noise of a
 running horse, and moves it;s head and tail, 
 adorable, and of course, Brooklyn loves it......

She also got some type of remote controlled
car that she can ride in from her Aunt Dee
and Uncle Jerry and sure seemed to like
too, but she is still learning how to navigate
that as well.  Like most kids they like any
thing that

It was pretty much as perfect a day as it could
be accept for one thing...........and that was Dee, 
Jerry and Rosie were missing, but we were glad
that since this was her first ever time not to be
 with us at Christmas, that Jerry's parents went
 up to visit them for Christmas, and they had
plans to go to the Biltmore Christmas afternoon,
something they have been wanting to do every
since they moved there.  We did get to talk to 
her for a few minutes in the morning.and they
 were certainly with us in spirit...........

Isn't he adorable.  We found him at Cracker Barrel
 back in Oct. when we went up to Asheville for those few days.

Well, guess I had better get on with my
tablescape here...........

Started off with these pretty plates and napkins I found
quite by accident at TJ Maxx.  Was still trying to decide
on what to do for my Christmas dinner table,  had
already decided on the brunch table,  so finding these
were a nice surprise.

right afterwards I found this lovely heavy duty wrapping
paper there too, and thought it would be great
 as a table runner.

used my brown tablecloth  and glasses since
 I was going for a natural woodsy affect.

Already had the lil pinecone ornaments and
all the greenery from our old Christmas tree
we replaced last year.

My sleigh that I keep on the dining room
table anyway was perfect, as it has brown
green and some rusty red,  so put it at the
end of the table since no one would be
sitting there............

Pulled the floral arrangement off my
coffee table and took the red candle out
and put in a white one and added some
other white candles for the centerpiece.

I really wanted to see if I could find some
lil deer ornaments to go on the table but
with me being sick and not being able to
get out,  I just had to improvise which
was just fine....................

Now I am wondering why I put the fork way over there,
would typically put it right next to the plate..... must
of been my leftover flu brain fog!!  lol

You probably didn't notice but the lil plates you saw 
earlier (used those for dessert)  had some touches of 
red in them,  and was wishing the napkins did too. 
 Afterwards, when I was cleaning up I realized if I had
 just opened them up and  flipped them the opposite
direction they did have the red touches too.  Poo..........
Think they must have packaged them wrong.

Turned out to be a nice simple woodsy
table,  just like I intended. Hubby said it
was one of his favorites, think it was be-
cause it looked a bit more manly.   lol

with colored pencil affect

a nice overview

overview looking  down the table.

So happy you could stop
 by for a visit, hope you
 enjoyed it,  and will come
back again soon.

Hugs and Blessings Galore
for a Happy 2015,

Can't believe we are about to leave

another year behind.......

Sharing over at:

Three Mango Seeds with Clydia

Dwellings with Cindy

A Stroll Thru Life with Marthy


  1. Wow! Where does one put a bear of that size?!?

    Glad you had such a sweet Christmas, Nellie. Your table turned out so pretty, too...

  2. What FUN! I can just imagine the look when first seeing the huge teddy on the tricycle! I remember getting a big teddy like that and I always kept it in the center of my stayed with me for YEARS!
    Many blessings Nellie!

  3. Hey Gal!!
    Everything looks nice!!! And I'm glad it all went well. Did so here also! Just all happened so quickly. Hope 2015 is a wonderful year for you and me both!! And that we get some more time together!! :o)


  4. It surely was a most delightful, happy, and enjoyable day! You did a wonderful job, Nellie! Thank you for your joy of Christmas to everyone!
    Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...