Saturday, December 13, 2014

Thankful Thursday - December 11, 2014 and whimsical Christmas tablescape

 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his
 mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.
 Then they opened their treasures and presented him
 with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.
Matthew 2:11

Morning Greetings
Sweet Friends,

So how is your Christmas
spirit??  Are you enjoying
the season, and keeping the
stress down?  Hope so.....

My Christmas spirit is alive and well, and
I am do everything I can to keep the stress
level down. Officially finished my Christmas
decorating last night, so now we can just sit
 back and enjoy it all...........very happy about
 that!!  Just have a few leftover items to move
 off the dining room table this morning, then
it is over for another year. Course, I always
enjoy doing it, but when it drags on too long
you just want it done!!  lol

Sorry I am posting so late,  had all my
Thankfuls done,  just had to add the pics
and the prose............wasn't sure what
pics I was gonna add but then sort of by
accident.........I was looking for a way to
use our old tree idea was to stick
 it in an urn or something but it wouldn't
stay together,  and this basket with the
bear just happened to be sitting out in the
garage, and I needed some place to sit
 the tree for a minute so just stuck it in
 the basket,  and then thought that looks
 pretty cute.  So decided to drag it in
and embellish it a bit.  His intended
destination was the front porch,  but
then I decided to make a quick table
scape from some of the paper goods
I got for our  Sunday School party,
just can't pass up a opportunity to
So decided it would make a cute and
quick centerpiece for the table,  and
in my playing I came up with our
Christmas brunch tablescape, so that
was fruitful playing I would say!!

I put the paper plates right on top
of my white corelle ware, and it looks
like real Christmas dinnerware, and
will make for easy cleanup, Christ-
mas morning since we will be having
dinner later in the day too.  Think
I will use a different tablecloth the
next time, this one just happened to
 be on the table already, but think 
 either white, gold, tan, or maybe 
green would look nice, and next
time it will be in the dining room.
Oh, did I mention this was a $2.
table,  had everything else and the
 paper plates and napkins came
from dollar reason
you can't have a pretty table even
if you don't have nice dinnerware.

Well,  think I better get on with this
 post since I am already 2 days late!! lol

I am thankful

for a delightful story about a couple
who gave a car to a server at cracker
barrel who was sorely in need of a
car,  as her was so beat up and old.
So wonderful to hear of people that
give to total stranger like that!
The woman was thrilled as you can
only imagine, she had been depressed
and felt like no one cared, so that
restored her faith in humanity.
What a wonderful gift!!

that Scott, Megan,  Dee and Jerry had
such a fun time together last weekend
in Savannah.  Like an early Christmas
gift to each of them..........

for a quick night out grocery shopping
and a lil Christmas shopping and din
 din at Perkins after trying to finish
up my Christmas decorating Tuesday.
Didn't get finished yet, but there is
always tomorrow........actually it will
probably be Thursday since I have
our lil darling tomorrow (Wed.)


That I was able to find all the paper
goods we need for our Sunday school
class pot luck dinner this Saturday
night.  Since I had them tried one
plate and then decided to do a quick
table for fun, hence all the pics
you see here.


 that our co-workers were willing and 
happy to host it at their house since we 
had so much going on at the time 
of planning it. I found out she has
had a terrible week of pain and had
to have a root canal on Wed. bless
her heart!

with a colored pencil affect

for free Christmas printables that I 
was able to download from "On Sutton
Place" blog. They are so cute and I have
used them to help decorate my living
room area.


that I am about done with my Christmas it will be on to
wrapping,  haven't done any of that

with posterized affect

to hear that Gov. Rick Perry of Texas
signed into law that Christmas can be
 talked about and celebrated in Texas
schools without any repercussions and
that no one has to participate that 
doesn't want to.........Good for Texas,
 now we need to get the Governor of
 Florida to do likewise..........It's about
time.....I am really tired of people in
stores being so afraid to say Merry 
Christmas for fear of losing their jobs.
Christmas always has been and always
will be no matter what, no one stops
others from celebrating what they 
want to celebrate!  I am stepping off
my soapbox now!!  lol


for an article I read, think it was from
Prevention magazine about things they
don't tell you about menopause.  It de-
scribed so many things I have dealt with 
in the last years and felt were caused
by menopause, so it was just very 
affirming to read.  


for a super easy and delicious way to 
make a quick cup of hot cocoa that I
learned last year, and have been
having every day this week, since
it has been fairly cold here in Fl.

1 cup of milk

1 heaping tsp. of cocoa powder
1 pk. of sweet and low/ or however
much sugar you would like

I pour 1/2 cup of milk into a microwavable

 (Christmas) mug add the cocoa powder and 
Stir as best you can, you kind of have to
 smash the cocoa powder on the side of the
 cup, as it likes to float on top of the milk,
 then add the sweet and low (this is the only
 time I use sweet n low) then  stir again, and
add the other 1/2 cup of milk and microwave.
( I do mine for about 1 min. and 30 secs. but
 your microwave may not be the same,  so
 you will have to decide your time frame.)  

Stir again and Enjoy!


for eggnog,  It wouldn't be Christmas without
some eggnog.  We just love that stuff,  course,
I mix mine with equal amounts of half and half,
cause it is too strong for me all by it's lonesome.

Ever tried it in your coffee.........if not,  try

some.... it is delish............

with filmgrain affect


for an unexpected visit from Megan and the 
baby, and later from Scott.  He was flying 
home from Texas and was suppose to be in
 at 6:00 but his plane was delayed, so he came 
a few hours later.  Was a nice evening, of fun, 
watching Brooklyn play with strings of beads, 
then putting beads on our Christmas tree, having 
pizza, and salad, and  caramel apple blosssoms.

Well, there you have it another week at
Cozy Place.............

Hope you are totally enjoying this most
time of the year!

What makes it the Most Wonderful Time
of the Year??

The Birthday of Jesus Christ,
 and remembering all He has done in our lives 
this year and every year. 
 He is truly a wonderful Savior and Friend.........

May Every Blessings of the
Christmas Season be Yours,


Am Sharing with:

Susan over at Between naps on the porch

Karin over at the Style Sisters

Patti and Paula over at Ivey and Elephants

Cindy over at Dwellings


  1. #1. It's great to hear some good going on out in society!
    #2. Christmas bliss throughout the month!
    #3. I'm ready to do some of that myself when my doctor gives the okay next Wednesday!
    #4. They definitely fit the occasion!
    #5. I'm glad there an alternative!
    #6. It is so nice of people to share things for free!
    #7. The Christmas Celebration is really one for keeping you busy!
    #8. Praise the LORD, we need more politicians to support Christmas for Christ!
    #9. The LORD has surely blessed me these last 12 years to not have many!
    #10. I'm lazy, I used the fat free packaged cocoa!
    #11. I never could "acquire" a taste for it.
    #12. Gifts come in all kinds of "packages!"
    I Love you all, Susan

  2. I found my way here via "Timewashed" and I am so glad I did .... wonderful blog and wonderful post! You have been so busy! Enjoy the holidays!
    diane @ thoughts and shots

  3. What a charming way to use mittens!

    My wish for you is a holiday season filled with peace, joy and love.

    Happiness an health to you and yours in the new year!

  4. I love coming here to your IS a cozy warm and welcoming and inviting. Your words are filled with grace! I am standing on your soap box with you! I am so tired of people walking around on eggshells, afraid to call Christmas by its real name. Have you heard of the naughty and nice list at the American Family Association's website? I love it and keep it in mind, not just at Christmas, but all through the year, and I allow it to guide which stores we patronize. I am SO thankful to hear this about what Gov. Rick Perry did in Texas. I can't believe we would even need such a law in America! It just goes to show us how far we have drifted from God and what is right. Dear Lord, help us! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas! So thankful to have "met" you this year. Much love and many blessings to you!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...