Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thankful Thursday - December 4, 2014 and ChristmasTable Scenes from the past

Thanks be to God for his 
indescribable gift!

1 Corinthians 9:15

December Greetings
 Sweet Friends,

How you are getting your homes
all guzzied up for Christmas!

I absolutely love this time of the
year, cause for us it really is the
most wonderful time of the year
because it is the birthday of Jesus,
our dear saviour and Lord.

I just hung the first Christmas 
decoration about an hour ago,
 it was a new sign/picture we got 
at the Christmas tree store some
 months back, and I love it..............
gotta hang something first right??  

Well. guess what it says???
Merry Christmas down one side,
and on the other side, it says, it's the 
most wonderful time of the year!
That sign just had to come home with
us for sure!

Thought I would throw in some
 Christmas decorations from 
years passed since I only have
1 thing up so

and here goes...... for the real 
reason for the  post...........

I am Thankful

for a very different yet very delightful
Thanksgiving with those I love so much.

that Dee and Jerry could be here, and that
they made it here and back  home again 
safe and sound.

that we all got to celebrate Megans birthday
together while they were here, and that was a
 fun time as well.

that Susan got out of the rehabilitation 
center on Sunday and has been doing really
 well, accept she had to have my hubby take
one of her elderly dogs to be put to sleep.
She had not been eating and was already 
very thin do to kidney problems and you
 could see and tell she was not feeling well 
at all.  Poor baby!

that our life is getting more back to normal
again..........especially because Christmas is
coming soon.............

that I got all of Dee and Jerry's Christmas
things wrapped,  and anything else they
left here,  together and gave it to Megan 
yesterday to take up to them this weekend. 
 So that is one project done and off my

that hubby's boss has been so gracious to
allow him to work from home during this
whole ordeal,  what a tremendous help
that has been...............

for leftovers from Megans birthday
 celebration,  it was one of Dee's favorite
meals,  so she got to eat it twice while
she was here.  It is one of those meals
that reheat in the microwave really well,
and tastes even better the next day.

for Dominoes veggie pizza,  it has become
our fav pizza this year,  we usually get it
every Wed. night,  since we watch
 Brooklyn that day and I am usually too
tired to cook, so Dominoes to the rescue.

that I should be able to get all my Fall things
down and packed away today.  I am very
excited to get started.
update: Fall things are down and packed
away for next year.  Yippeeeeeeeeee

that when we had 2 incidents involving
glass this week that could have broken 
and been a mini disaster, that the glass
did not break.  One involved a window
and our lil darling, the other my dining
room table when something accidentally
dropped on it.  Shew....thank you Lord.

Had another one today, wouldn't have

been a disaster but a mess, and I would
have been sorry it broke, cause it was
one of those glass terrariums that a
dear friend gave me.  Told hubby what
is it with glass this week!!  lol

that hubby and I got all of Susan's bills
together and the rest of the paperwork
 filled out to send in for Insurance, so just
 have to type a letter tomorrow to go with it,
 and off it goes.........whoo Hoo!

Thanks so much for coming by.........
always nice to know someone is visiting!

Sharing with:

Susan over @ Between Naps on the Porch

Cindy over @ Dwelling the heart of the Home

Three Mango Seeds

Hope you have a lovely Friday and  weekend
with no stress..............

Enjoy this special season of the year!

Love Hugs, and the Blessing of
Happy Festive Times,



  1. I like your photos of Christmas decor beginning to appear at your house, and also all the things on your thankful list.

  2. #1. Time spent with loved ones is forever treasured.
    #2. I'm so glad you brought them by to see me! That made my Thanksgiving too!
    #3. GOD has so blessed our family with all of the loved ones He's given to us!
    #4. Just coming home, I think that's what kind of had me down for a few days. Even Cody (my cat) misses her. They always walked side by side bumping one another when I was fixing their meals. Gracie would wag her tail and Cody would rub his face on hers!
    #5. I am so praising GOD for that. I know you had a hand full! I'm back in my routine.
    #6. I need to talk to you about "my list FOR YOU KNOW WHO. #7. Praise the LORD Jesus. Thank you LORD for Jim having a wonderful boss!
    #8. Those are my kind of meals! Ha!
    #9. I'm glad for Publix's subs! Thank you for picking it up for me!
    #10. Where has 2014 gone!
    #11. My mishap was one of my collector plates got knocked off the wall! Thank the LORD it was securely
    housed in its wooden frame!
    #12. I can't thank you enough for doing that for me! I would have been totally lost! I praise the LORD for all you, Jim, and Scott have done! I love your skills of arranging things!
    I love you all, Susan

  3. Dear Nellie, we all have so much to be thankful for. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. Love your thankful post. Happy Holidays.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...