Saturday, December 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday - December 18th, 2014 and Christmas Mantle Pictures

 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a 
census should be taken of the entire Roman world.  And
 everyone went to his own town to register. So Joseph also
went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to
 Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the
 houseand line of David.  He went there to register with
 Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was
 expecting a child. While they were there, the time came
 for the baby to be born,
Luke 2:1-6

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a better last half
 of the week than I have had..............
Can't believe it's only 5 days till

Late Tuesday evening I started coming
down with a virus, so have been sick.
The reason for my late post again!!  lol
The headache, sore throat, coughing,
aching all over and exhausted type, 
but I have gotten a lot of rest, and do
feel a lot better this morning, not 
nearly as achy this morning, and the
soreness in my stomach muscles is
way better today, that was from the
coughing, so hoping I can get some
thing accomplished today.  Mainly
gift wrapping is the order of the day,
 only thing that has been wrapped so
 far was what we sent to Dee and
Jerry the beginning of December.

So with that said I will get on with
my Thankfuls which are mostly
 already done, as I start my list early
 in the week and add to it as I go.

All the pictures you see are of our
fireplace mantle.  We took the 
back off of one of our pictures and
wrapped it in Christmas paper and
stuck it back in the frame, and my
plan was to have a sort of a modern 
sophisticated look,  but it sort of
 morphed into kiddie land.
Guess that is the way it should be
now that.....
 we are grandparents!  lol

Well, here we go...........

I am thankful

for a big nudge from the Lord!!

  I was on the way home from the mall and listening 
to all the Christmas music and thinking how neat it is
 that they play Christmas music from the day after
 Thanksgiving till the end of December, just like the
 regular radio stations did when I was a child.
So thought I really need to call or write Z88 (our
 christian radio station) and let them know. When
I got home I actually had an email from Z88, telling 
us why they play Christmas music all season long,
so clicked to answer their email, and told them what
I am telling you. So guess the Lord knew they
needed that encouragement, they also wrote back
to me and seemed very pleased to hear from me.

I am thankful He made it so easy for me,  as I 
might have just  forgotten about it.........

for a Wonderful Christmas Party for our Sunday
 School class last Saturday night 
 We all had a wonderful time.......

With light on

for Pastor Andy Stanley who is  Pastor Charles 
Stanley's son.  We are just about to finish up a
 video series by him in our class and it was terrific,
 so much wisdom. It was called "Guardrails", 
 if you ever get a chance to see!!
We highly recommend it.

with light off

For a fun night out Christmas shopping.
Mostly hubby did his shopping, as I am
pretty much done.
 I just tried things on
I mostly wanted clothing, so part of the
 gift is he goes with me,  and gets actively
 involved with helping me pick stuff out and
carries things around for me and gives opinions
on how they look. We have been out several
times now and I have looked online and pretty
much exhausted all the stores where I typically
find things, and I just can't find anything I like.
I am trying to find some new clothing to
wear to church, cause I have plenty of casual
clothing.  We decided to go to another town
nearby that we haven't been to in a long time
where they have a Belk Lindsey store,  found
more in there in the first 10 mins. than I have
found anywhere in months.  Course, still only
came home with a few items,  but hey, at this
point I am ecstatic with one new outfit.

Have to say.....
 I will be singing the halleleujah chorus 
and it will  surely make my Thankful list......
when spandex goes out of style!!   lol

for a fun midnight trip to Denny's afterward
for a SuperBird us
crazy but staying up late and doing some
thing different that we don't normally do
Spells FUN to us!!  So it was a Fun night.
What can I say.......we are easily entertained!!

that most everything is done shopping wise other 
than a trip to the grocery store.

Note: I wrote that earlier in the week and now that
I have been sick, boy am I glad that is

that if I had to get a flu virus, I am glad I got it this 
week and not next week.  It has had me out of 
circulation since late Tuesday night.

for rest and sleeping well,  and that I am feeling
 a  lil better everyday, still not quite there yet,
but much better today. (Sat)

that Susan got the okay to drive again on Wed.
and actually drove around some that same day.
She is still using a walker, so she is able to get 
the walker in and out of her truck all by herself
 and go do her errands and stuff. 
 She was also able to walk down to get her mail
 with the walker,  which is a lil bit of a trip.
  She is really doing amazingly well, and we are
so proud of her recovery, hard work, and good
You Go Girl!!

that hubby started vacation today,  which means
he will be around to help me get things finished
up before Christmas. What a Blessing!

for the blessing of having him home every year
at Christmas time for at least 9 days or so. It
has always been a Christmas tradition for our
family,  he was usually off most of the time
when the kids were out of school for the
 Christmas break, back when they lived at
 home, so that was always a time the whole
 family looked forward to. 

for this wonderful season of the year, and for the
one it represents, Emmanuel,  meaning God with
us..............what a wonderful thing He (Jesus, 
God in the flesh) has done for us all....and
of course, without Him.......

 there would be no Christmas!

Well,  there you have it another
week of Blessings.

So happy you could come by
and hope you enjoyed your

With posterized affect

Love,  Hugs, and
Merry Christmas Blessings,


Sharing over at:

Dwellings with Cindy

A stroll thru life with Marty


  1. #1. They do have great Christmas music. I was listening to it as I got my hair done today!
    #2. I am thankful for my Christmas Brunch with Sylvia! I'm so thankful I can drive again!
    #3. I love to watch him as well as his dad on the t.v.
    #4. Shopping is always more fun with two than it is with one! Hey, that rhymes, ha!
    #5. I didn't venture out because Norma and Merle brought me a meatloaf and delicious corn casserole!
    #6. All I need do is go to the bank on Monday!
    #7. I've been praying for you every moment. The LORD has surely been bringing you to my mind for prayer in your healing.
    #8. I'm so glad the LORD gave us time to rest!
    #9. Thank you, Nellie! I went and got my hair (colored). Now I don't look like a little old lady, though I am, ha! I also went to Publix. I used my walker to go up to the front door, then used one of their electric carts! (My walker folds and fit in the cart!) Praise You, LORD, thank You!
    #10. Yea for you and Jim!!
    #11. GOD's blessings on you all!
    #12. I am so glad my Creator GOD chose me to be one to be with Him for eternity...NOT TO MENTION all of my beloved family and friends!
    I love you all so much, love Susan

  2. Merry Christmas, Nellie. I celebrate all your blessings with you - especially you return to health AND the fact that Susan is on the mend!

    Your mantel is beautiful. Such a great idea.

    I'm back to using a walker after a nasty fall on my "new" hip. Lost of pain, but no broken bones - for which I'm SO grateful. It's been a really difficult year and I'll be MOST happy to see 2015 come!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours ♥

  3. Hi Nellie! I am so glad that you quoted those verses from the book of Luke! God with Us, was the GREATEST GIFT He could Bless Us with!
    I am sorry to learn of your bout with flu. I had my share of it just over a week ago and then passed it on to one of my sisters. She was not thankful but finally hers is over too, so all is forgiven. :))
    I wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and May the God of All Grace, continue to shower you with His love. :D

    And sister Susie and Rebecca too!


  4. Merry Christmas to the whole family, Nellie! Get better soon. Everything looks so festive at your house and it sounds like things are good except for being sick. Bummer. But it should pass soon. I'm so glad that Susan is recovering more now. What a terrible accident. And you are right, she does have a great attitude. And loves you dearly for all you did/do for her.

    We are working hard, and trying to get everything ready by Christmas. I still have nearly all my Christmas Blog posts to do yet. That will be my project tomorrow. We took time out for a four day get away last week. It was great but now I have to scurry! Love to all of you for a happy and blessed Christ-centered Christmas. Bonnie & Jim


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...