Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Part 2 - of our 4lst Anniversary Trip

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope yall had a good weekend and aren't

freezing too death again!  Weather reports 
say the midwest and Northeast are getting
another arctic blast.  Bless your hearts if you
live in those areas.   It is cold here for us....55, 
 but then tomorrow it will go into the 60's, so
 we are finally having what we call Winter
 weather here!  lol  Have to say it is 
delight to us.........

We had a very nice weekend,  enjoyed
Dee's visit,  altho it seemed to fly by. The
 baby shower for her friend was really nice,
 she did a great job, and did get some help
 from her friends family as well,  so that 
was nice. 
 Hubby was off on Monday, so I had a Dr.
 appt. so he went with me, then we went to
crack your barrel,  as my hubby calls it...... 
he was taking off on my son in love who
 calls it Crackle barrel.........just to be funny.
anyway, it was a nice lunch and then always
 fun looking around in their gift shop.....wound 
up having one of the sales ladies in there talk
 me into a pretty scarf that matched my solid
green top I got for Christmas,  it really was
pretty and she was so nice it made us both
want to get it.  I really do love the scarf, and
am hoping I can find some other things to
wear with it as well..........that would be nice.
 We also decided to go to Home place
 and look around  as we enjoy that store too. 
 I bought a new white pitcher cause it was
 a good deal and thought I looked it over 
really well, but once I got home and un-
wrapped it to wash it to get the sticker
off, it had a chip right on the mouth of the
 pitcher underneath, not easy to see.
So it will be going back,  too bad, cause
 I really liked the shape of it.

I happened to come across these pics of
our 41st anniversary trip and realized I
never did share all the pics with you,
( They are over 2 years old)  lol
I would like a nice record of it myself,
so thought why not.........cause I know
yall are like me and enjoy pics of pretty
and unique decorating, and this place
fills the bill.................
Also since I have Brooklyn don't have a
lot of time,  but to upload pictures any-
way. So seems like the perfect time.

These are picture taken throughout the
Wyndham Grand hotel in Orlando.
We got a great deal cause it was that
time of year for Florida residents rates.

All the rest of the pics accept the header are mine.

We totally enjoyed the decor,  so modern and so different

I was fascinated by their lovely and unique
carpeting and chandeliers.

Cutest lil bench chair,  they look like they should
we in an Alice in Wonderland movie.

This is like a grand ball room, for weddings
and convention and stuff, I would guess.

This was a closeup of the lights on the walls.
With the shadows it looks like a strange
 insect,  don't you think!   lol

Loved all these Spherical lights, 
very unique and just noticed they had 
a heart in the center.

The carpeting seems like it would be like
 in an Alice and Wonderland movie
 to me too.  lol  Isn't it so different??

This one is recessed but it looks like a gold
circle was painted above it.

A very cool mirror.

Just a sitting area..........when you come in from outside

These pics just don't do this justice, cause it was really
beautiful, and loved this mobile they had hanging there.

This pic and the one above was sort of in
a stair well,  but can you see it sort of has
like a lacy opague shade of something on
the windows.

In another hallway.  Another nice grouping with
 a sharp and modern mirror..............

Well , that is all for part 2,  there will probably be 2 
more posts in the next few weeks, so stay tuned.
More fun decor ahead.............

My first post was of our hotel room and off 
the balcony at night,  and if you want to see it
Then you will need to scroll down passed
 this post. Have never seen it happen like
 that before,  but because they all have the 
same name, it doesn't pay attention
to the Part 2...for some reason.

Hope you had a fun tour of the Wyndham..........
We sure did.........

Thanks for stopping in............always appreciate
your comments.

Love, Hugs and
Modern Decor Blessings,



  1. Wow Nellie, that's one fancy place! So many pretty details. We love the barrel too!

  2. The Wyndham is a gorgeous hotel, outside and in!

    I'm so happy the shower was a joyful success!

    I'm glad you had a great time at "Crackle Barrel" ha! I'm sorry to hear the pitcher was cracked, maybe the store should be called "Cracked Barrel" ha!

    Hotels look so luxurious! I noticed that about the ones we stayed in on our trip.

    The light on the wall looks like a lightening bug, but the glow is in its antennae instead of its abdomen! LOL

    The light with the yellow at the top looks like one of those Chinese lanterns.

    The curtains in the windows look like big hand fans. I couldn't tell if they had tassels on them or not.

    The mirror's geometry of the square inside of the four outer circles is really unique!

    Thank you for sharing the beauty!
    Love to you all, Susan

  3. That must have been a really great trip. It's always nice when you find a hotel that impresses you. Hope you had fun with Brooky!!

  4. Such a beautiful place to celebrate your anniversary. Congratulations!

  5. Hi Nellie, What a pleasure to visit your cozy place tonight! I enjoyed the photos from your trip and also seeing the snowman tablescapr. Glad you are feeling better too. You are a lovely lady, inside and out!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: