Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thankful Thursday - January 24th, 2014

Scenes from Cozy Place January 2013

 I will praise your name, O Lord,
for it is good.
Psalm 54:6

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been a good one.

Are ya staying warm these day???

I thought I left the heat on last night,
but got up to it being 60 degrees in the
house,  so that was a surprise,  it is up to
71 now,  but it has been almost 2 hrs.

I am thankful 
and excited to finally be taking my 
Christmas decorations down today.
  They got left up longer than usual for
 a number of reasons, and I didn't really
mind it until the end of last week,  and
now I am very ready to move on and
 get a new look in here.  lol
Course, think our lil darling is gonna
miss them... cause she has had so much
 fun with all the bells, and snowmen.
Think I might just have to keep a few
out just in

I am thankful
that I had a good Drs. visit for my
annual physical on Monday. Still have 
to have blood work done, but my EKG
was fine.  I had some things I needed
to talk to him about and was pleased
that he listened attentively, and agreed
with some steps I have already taken,
so that made me feel good.

I am thankful
that we were blessed to watch our lil
10 1/2 mo. darling take 10 steps in a
row today.  So far, she has only taken
5 or less,  mostly less.........she has been
all over the place today and exploring
and is quite happy with herself.  She
is just pure joy...........

I am thankful
for the nice lady at Cracker Barrel
who tried a scarf on me that had the
same color as my blouse in it,  and
that I loved it and so did hubby, as
I probably would have never thought
of that myself,  but really like it and
how it looks as an outfit,  and we really
 liked her too.  She reminded me  and
 hubby of a wonderful longtime
 friend we have name Arlene

I am thankful
for prenatal vitamins, Sublingqual
B-12, B- complex,  and probiotics
that have been making me feel a lot
better these last weeks.

I am thankful
that my son was able to enclose his
patio right after Christmas,  so now
the baby can go out there, cause she
loves to be outside.  He did it all by 
himself, and did a wonderful job. 
 It really looks great and actually
makes their porch look even larger
than it is! He used to do that for work
 when he was in the early days of college
 with a really great guy from church. 
 Was certainly a handy thing to learn.....
He rescreened our porch some years
back, which was a real blessings and
saved us quite a bit of money.

I am thankful
for a lil tike swing that our sweet next door
 neighbors gave us a few months back,  hubby
 finally got it affixed to our tree and we bundled
Brooklyn up yesterday and took her out to
swing, and she really liked it.......of course!!
We probably would have never thought of
 that..........cause we have a porch swing.

Wonder how this got in here!!  lol

Brooklyn says she is thankful for her
Grampy who put this swing up for her
and pushes her in the swing.   

I am thankful
that Publix was willing to order me  some 
gluten free pretzels.....that are made by Snyders
 of Hanover, and they are really good......very
crunchy,  hubby likes them better than the
 normal ones,  and he isn't all that thrilled about
 pretzels, and I think they are super too.
Found some when we were in Asheville, but no
 one carries them around here, or would order
 them for me.......Dee had brought me another
 bag at Christmas and I was just running
 out when they got the new pretzels in.
   Great Timing!

I am thankful
that Dee and her new friend in Asheville
 got signed up for their real estate class that
 will last 5 weekends.  She has thought of doing 
this for a long time,  and the other lady is not
thrilled with her job so they decided to do it
 together, which is always nice to have a
 sidekick. They both have the personalities
 for it too............course, it does take a
while to build your clientele.


I am thankful
hubby found out at the last minute
on Friday that they had off on Monday
for Martin Luther King Day.  They didn't
think they did,  so always a nice surprise
when something like that happens.
Think they have been working so hard
lately, his boss must have just decided
to give it to them.  Which was very nice.

I am thankful
that our young marrieds class is finally
 getting started this coming Sunday. 
We feel it  must be gonna be a good thing
cause we have never in our 33 yrs.  in
our church ever had such a hard time
getting a class going.......and we know
the enemy is never gonna roll out the
red carpet for anything good!

I am thankful
that my SIL Susan's hand is healing
up nicely, and that she hasn't had any
real pain with it,  just a lil achiness in
the very beginning or any other com-
plications. Amazing for as deeply as 
she cut those fingers.  God is good!!

Well, there you have it another week
from Cozy Place..............

Glad you could stop in....................

Decided this would make a nice Blissful
White Wednesday Post too,  so am
linking up to Becky....
Just go here to visit her.

Have a great weekend,

Love,  Hugs,  and
White Winter Blessings,



  1. What lovely things to cherish, Nellie! (Did I read correctly - prenatal vitamins????)

  2. Hi Nellie, so wonderful to catch up with you. I just finished taking my decorations down last week, and looking forward to warmer weather so I can get to spring cleaning, for now we are trying to stay warm, our furnace has run constantly for the past two days!
    I Am glad yo are feeling better, B vitamins are great! I can hardly believe your grandaughter is almost one, time really flies by, especially when you are having so much fun. ~smile~
    I have not been blogging to much lately even considered quiting, but knew I would miss evryone so much, so I am trying to get back to reconnecting with my friends.
    Thanks for sharing you Thankful list.

  3. I have my a/c-heater on automatic, mainly because of the birds.
    #1. Well, it's still winter, so maybe the snowmen could stay a little longer.
    #2. My doctor is good to listen too. His suggestions help me a lot.
    #3. I can just see her smiling face as she walks!
    #4. Did you buy the scarf?
    #5. I'm on a multivitamin plus vitamin D.
    #6. It reminds me of all the things dad used to do. He was always building on something, ha!
    #7. There's just something about swinging in the sun on a cool day!
    #8. I didn't realize they would do that. I had asked before about an item they no longer carried and was told they just put out what is sent to them.
    #9. I noticed that Jeff G. in our church is now doing that too.
    #10. Days off are always appreciated and greatly welcomed!
    Alice and I really enjoyed the Sunday night program.
    #11. I'll pray for those the LORD has for your class to begin their attending with the joy of our LORD.
    #12. Yes, GOD is so good. He has answered the prayers of those praying for me (me included!)

    You, Jim, and the family mean so much to me! I don't know what other people do who don't have family! I love you, Susan.

  4. Pretty whites, gal, and LOVE that pic of Brooklyn! Just precious! We need to get a swing, too! Saturday is Eleanor's first birthday party! A swing would be a great gift for them, too. Might have to do that!!

  5. Brooklyn will really enjoy that swing! Hope the real-estate classes go very well and your new SS class too!

  6. Hi Nellie!
    What wonderful blessings to be thankful for girl! All those and the Love of our Awesome GOD!
    I pray that the next time you travel to Asheville, you might stop by for a visit. It could be quick or long, we'd love to catch up and we're only 5 miles from the interstate.
    Give our love to Grampy,
    ((HUGS)) ~ Jess

  7. BROOKLYN IS A DOLL! Oh my! Love her! Hope you are doing well:) Thanks for always stopping by and the encouraging words:)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: