Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Our 41st Anniversary Trip

   Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends,

How are you doing this week??

I am doing well, a bit slow getting started this week,
 cause I am a bit tired cause we had too much fun
 on our weekend Anniversary getaway this passed
We stayed up late and got up early so as not to
miss anymore that we had to.................lol
But am paying for it now,  actually,  I am feeling
better today than yesterday,  felt like I had a
head full of fluff yesterday,  and I didn't even 
eat a 3 Musketeers bar!!  lol

The header picture was the view off of our
balcony. We had a great time once
we arrived at our destination.  On the way I had
 some stomach issues,  probably from rushing around
 and getting overheated trying to get out the door,
 and then on the way we had planned to go to a new
 store that just opened in the Orlando area a few 
weeks ago,  called "Garden Ridge".  We did get
to go but it was a huge disappointment.....didn't 
see anything calling my name.  Someone had left
a comment on their website saying they were
like an Old Time Pottery, but they were a lil
bit higher in price.  Don't think they are as nice
as an Old Time Pottery,  and don't think there
wares are as nice nor their layout.  Their layout
 of the store was terrible as far as I was concerned, 
 and stuff was more pricey, and a lot of stuff very
 chinsey looking.
Maybe it was just our mood,  but hubby felt
the same way.  My fav aisle in the whole store,
which I spotted the moment we walked in the
door, was where they had the mercury  glassware.
They had some things that were this incredible
shade of blue, that just takes your breathe away, 
it is so pretty...................unfortunately, at the time,
I couldn't think of anywhere I could put  any of it,
duh........ now I realize my guest bedroom would
 have been a great place.   Oh Well!!  Too late now!!

When we left there, we missed the exit we wanted
to get off on,  as it came up way quicker than we
 expected,  and then got off at another one and
 kinda wandered around awhile, totally in unfamiliar
territory, so thank the Lord, for Ella our GPS system, 
Scott and Megan gave us for Christmas last year. 
 We had her programmed for the hotel, 
 and thought we would just get off
 at this other exit to go eat,  should have 
programmed that exit in as well,  but after some
 meandering around and looking for some place to eat
we finally saw a Chick-fil-a,  and I said at this point 
anything will do, I am starving,  so we got chicken salad
 sandwiches to go, and headed for the hotel,  she finally 
got us to our hotel safe and sound!!  Yea, Ella!

We were there just in time to get cozy comfy by
 throwing on a hotel robe over our clothes,
 making some coffee and going to enjoy sitting
 on the balcony in the cold night air,  it was the
best part of the day, and then awhile later
 much to our surprise we got to watch the 
Epcot fireworks.  It was great finish to sort
 of disappointing and frustrating trip there,
but the rest of the time was great..........but
 have to say we were beginning to wonder!! 
Especially after our Anniversary dinner fiasco,
on Monday, we were thinking, uh oh, think we
 might be entering a testing time here!  lol
Happy to say that was not true!!!

We stayed at the Wyndham Grand Orlando hotel
at Bonnet Creek.  Seasoned friends of ours, that
live in Tenn. come down all the time and stay
at the resort timeshares there, and we have
been out there to see them several times, and
know they are very nice,  and she has a special
lady she works with in which she gets great
deals,  so she had me call this lady,  and they
didn't have any condos,  but the lady told me
about the new hotel and said they were running
 a  special for Florida/Georgia residents.  So I
called and we got a great price, and the hotel
was just 6 weeks old,  and Gorgeous!!

So know how we all love pictures, so took some 
pictures of our room,  and of the hotel,  but will only 
show you the room today, and nighttime balcony
views.  When you see our room you will think
the Ty Pennington or Nate Berkus must have
decorated it...............lol

 The bed  doesn't look quite as neat as when we came
in because the bell hop came in to check our pillows, 
 cause they usually have down pillows, and I am allergic
 to them,  so he was making sure we had
 polyester instead.

Those lil belt buckle looking things on the
 headboard are reading lights,  very cool!

Love the throw,  sort of silky looking, might be 
hand screen print!

Sofa was very comfy and a nice neutral of beige, 
khaki with a bit of a gold sheen t it,  that couldn't
 be captured w/ the camera. Was wondering if the
 picture was of the Fountain of Youth maybe!!

Really liked the carpeting,  it is very different......
and it is unique all over the hotel as you will see
 in the other pictures I post at a later date.

Curtains were like this when we came in!

Curtains closed,  love this shade of blue,  course,
 it reminds me of home!!  lol
Only lots more modern......

Dressing room area

Hallway in the room near the bathroom 
and closet areas.

This area was in that Hallway across from the 
dressing room,  if you look closely you can
see a reflection of it in on of the pictures.

Table and chairs.  Like the way they did this,
 and loved the modern spindle leg, 

The drawer fronts were some type of laminate,
 I believe that mimics the look of Capiz shells,
 I think they call them.  Very Pretty,  it is also
 on the front of the sink area in the dressing
 room, and we also saw it in other areas
 in the hotel.

These are views from our balcony on the
first evening...................................

That tall red thing is a fountain that turns lots of colors
 and does all kinds of neat things.

Sorry this are a bit blurry,  but love all the lights reflecting
over the water.

This area is pretty big,  there are probably 8-10
condos around this lil lake,  as well as the hotel,
and a nice walk way so you can explore.

We enjoyed the hotel so much,  and decided that

we would spend most of our time there,  which
was great.  Spent lots of time reminiscing about
our lives together over the past 40 + years,
 and drinking coffee on the balcony, the weather
 could not have been more perfect for it.

We also ventured out to see the Outdoors,
and to explore the whole hotel.  what fun!!

Will show you the rest of the pictures 
another day soon!!  

Well, Have a great day!  

Thanks for stopping in...........
Always love hearing from you!

Blessings, Nellie


  1. Oh Nellie, that looks so beautiful! And how nice to be able to just get away for a few days and reminisce about the years! Love the hotel room and the colors they used and the carpeting! Glad you had a nice time! Please stop by today and answer my question I'm asking on my blog. Would love to hear your answer! Enjoy your day!

  2. Hi Nellie What a wonderful anniversary get-away. What a legacy you are leaving your kids and family. May you have many many more years of blessing dear one.
    Hugs Noreen

  3. Beautiful place for a wonderful couple.. Glad ya'll enjoyed yourself.
    Nice room but too contemporary to suit me. I like cozy but then I guess they dont do cozy hotels rooms lol..
    Glad to hear you're feeling better today..

    Thanksgiving Blessings to You and Yours.

  4. Well a very happy anniversary to you and Jim. It looks like a lovely place for a celebration getaway.

    I am having horrible problems with my Blogger dashboard. I have missed so many blog updates, because for some reason, blogs are removed at whim. One hour they are there, the next, they're gone. I assume people haven't updated their blog, but it ends up that they have, but I just never knew about it. It's been a huge pain.

    I'm taking a break on my Fill My Cup blog. In an effort to deal with the cold, dark weather, I am pouring myself into my movie blog, and it's too hard to keep up with both of them. I've challenged myself to write on my movie blog every day for the next 5 months!!

    Hope all is well with you. Not much new here...just waiting and hoping...and trying to have a good attitude.


  5. I enjoyed your photos and reading about your trip of celebration. Congratulations on your anniversary.

  6. I've always loved the cool or cold crisp nights under the stars! I had always wished we had an outside balcony on the roof of the house. Laying there, wrapped up in a blanket, gazing at the beauty of GOD's heavens, pondering His Greatest was always a dream of mine!

    So glad you had a great time!
    Love to you and yours,

  7. Great pictures - looks like a hotel Hubbie and I would really enjoy...and we do like to travel to Florida:) Thanks for the tip!

  8. Hi Nellie! I'm back to blogging again! haven't seen you on facebook in a while.
    Happy belated anniversary! The hotel looks amazing! So happy to see you again!-

  9. I saw your message, not sure why it's not working. Try familyforever.blogspot.com

  10. Happy Anniversary! As much time as we spend in Orlando, I love seeing about a new hotel. It looks great! I love that carpeting. I've seen the Bonnet Creek area. We already have reservations for our next trip, but until we actually move south, there are many more hotel rooms in our future. I'm glad you had a great time. It is easy to get lost in that area and I'm scared to death of Orlando drivers...I could never do it!

  11. Looks and sounds like you had a fantastic stay once the initial bumps were worked out. Funny thing, we call our GPS, Susan. We never leave home without her anymore! Glad you had so much fun you got tired. Good sign! Jim's birthday is next week. Have absolutely nothing planned yet. I better get on the ball!

    Love to you and Jimmy! Hugs, B

  12. Happy Anniversary, Nellie! It's always nice to hear about couple who have been together for 30, 40 or 50+ years. It's always a surprise, but shouldn't be. The Man and I have been married 42+. Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time & stayed in fab place!

  13. Hi Nellie. Glad to were able to have a getaway. The view from your balcony was gorgeous! That would make the trip worth while to me Ÿ

  14. Wow Nelli, what an amazing place! Happy Anniversary and I am so happy you had a fancy & special getaway with your Sweetie!!! Your photographs are beautiful! :)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: