Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Manna - "Jesus Calling" devotional book

Good Monday Morning to you!!

and how are you this fine
 Monday Morning???

Hope it is as beautiful where you
live as it is here. It is a gorgeous 
sunny, clear azure blue sky,
with no cloud in sight, day!! 
Be still my heart!!

Hope you had a good weekend too!!

Our's was mostly quiet but good, tied up some loose
 ends that needed doing. One of which was getting
our swing back on the porch, now I can finally get 
my porch back together again. Got our Thanksgiving
table all set, we watched 2 movies, both were great.
Have you ever seen "Forever After"??  It was really 
a nice movie,  then we also watched one we had
never heard of, but was just amazing.  It is called,
"Molokai"  and it is about a priest, named Father 
Damien who worked in a leper colony in Molokai,
 Hawaaii, back in the 1800's.  It is an amazing story, 
 sort of sad but very inspiring.  Highly recommend it.
He dedication reminds you of Mother Teresa.

Sunday was church, as always,  our fav smoothie,
and then Scott and Megan came for a visit, and
 we got pizza and I threw a salad together, so
it made for an easy and very nice time.

On Saturday I was reading in this lil book a 
friend gave me back in May I think it was and
we read it daily.  It is just short lil one page
devotional,  but boy, it pack a whollop.
and as I was reading on Sat. I really felt like
I should share it again,  I have mentioned it
before way back in May probably,  but it is 
such a treasure trove of truth and encourage-
ment and is obviously, annointed by the Lord,
so since we are almost in the season of gift 
giving, tought it might just be a gift you might 
like to purchase for someone or that you might
 like to have yourself.

(and I get no kickbacks for saying any of this,
unless they are heavenly rewards, because I
don't know Sarah Young,  only can wish to
meet her someday,  as she is a very neat
lady, I am sure)

Here is what it looks like.........................

and below you will find the devotional I read on Saturday.

It is the Sept. 5th devotional,  we are out of sink
with the dates cause we started at the beginning 
of the book when we got it.

So here it is.......................... I tried to 
type it exactly as she wrote it,  think I was
successful................ Keep in mind, it is written
 as if Jesus were talking to you Himself.
Scriptures were taken from the Bible, His
love letter to you and me!

I AM YOUR BEST FRIEND, as well as your King.
Walk hand in hand with Me through your life.
Together we will face whatever each day brings:
pleasures, hardships, adventures, disappointments.
Nothing is wasted when it is shared with Me.  I can
bring beauty out of the ashes of lost dreams.  I can
glean Joy out of sorrow, Peace out of adversity. Only a
Friend who is also the King of kings could accomplish
this divine alchemy.  There is no other like Me!
The friendship I offer you is practical and down-
to-earth, yet it is saturated with heavenly Glory.
Living in My Presence means living in two realms
simultaneously:  the visible world and unseen, eternal
reality. I have equipped you to stay conscious of Me
while walking along dusty, earthbound paths.

John 15:13-15;  Isaiah 61:3
2 Corinthians 6:10

May it Bless your heart, as it does mine every
 time I read it........

Thanks for stopping by and
 for your sweet comments, 
they are always a blessing to me.

Have a Wonderful Fall Day!

Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Love this, Nellie. What joy we can have in Him!
    Working on shop stuff here, and gearing up for hosting the Thanksgiving feast! Some exciting things are happening! I'll give you a buzz when I get a couple of minutes!!

    Love and hugs,

  2. I love the line, "The visible world and the unseen." So much of our walk is based on faith in things we don't see. Beautiful devotional! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your day Nellie! My table is set!!! Just need to put the chairs around and find extra! Enjoy!

  3. You are right - a lot of "power" in a short devotional - glad you shared it with us...and He does, indeed, make something beautiful from our ashes:)

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  4. Jim and I both enjoy this little book that you sent to me Nellie. it really is sweet and gives me many moments to ponder his place in our lives. Right in the center, that is where it is.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family. I am sure Susie will be with you too. Big hugs to everyone!

    Love, B

  5. What wonderful inspiration for this time of year. Have a blessed week and Thanksgiving.

  6. Love it! Very eye-opening. :)
    Happy thanksgiving


  7. Hi Nellie

    I have the same devotional book. I love Sarah Young.
    I am getting ready for Thanksgiving too. I am so excited to go to Hollys. The girls will be there too and I can't wait to see my grands. It will be fun.
    We will probably start putting up the Christmas decorations during the weekend. We have so many. But I love it.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
    Blessings & Love

  8. I watched an old movie from 1958 on the classics chanel. It had Richard Todd playing a Presbyterian pastor that came to a large church of few members in attendance. It was called, "A Man Called Peter." The movie would surely not be "politically correct" for today's increaing population turning away from Christianity. I want to go on-line and see if I can find it on DVD.

    Besides my reading through the Bible (one chapter at a time), I read "The Daily Bread" and Charles Stanley's daily Bible reading. So much food for thought and for living for GOD!

    See you soon,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: