Thursday, November 10, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 10, 2011

Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; 
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
 Let us come before him with thanksgiving and
 extol him with music and song. 
 For the LORD is the great God, 
the great King above all gods.
Psalm 95:1-3

Sweet Friends,

So how are ya today???
Doing well....I hope!!

I have had a full day myself,  went to bible
study then out shopping for a pair of black
flats that are comfy and that would look
nice with a new pair of dark jeans I got
a few weeks back.  

I am thankful
that I found some that fit the bill,  the Lord
answered my prayer,  but guess I forgot to
ask that they be not only comfy, but noiseless,
they squeak something awful,  so they are
gonna have to go back, since I don't know any
where I can put any WD-40 on them  to stop
the squeaks!!! lol

I am thankful
that when things don't go doesn't upset me 
like it used to.......and at least you can get a funny story
 out of it,  which makes it all the better..............

I am thankful
that I ran into an old and dear friend today
when I was going into Bealls,  we had a nice
chat for awhile.  Always heartwarming to see
a long time friend.

I am thankful
that when I was in Target,  they had some
"Merry Christmas" banners up!!  Knock me
over with a feather,  what a joy that was to
see,  so I made sure I told them how happy
I was to see that!!

I am thankful
that when I went into Publix I was looking
in their book and magazine area,  and happened
to see a men's magazine that was rather distasteful,
never have seen that before,  so I promptly took
it up to the office and told them that I have shopped
with Publix for years and that I found this magazine
very offensive and that I didn't feel it fit their image,
and they asked me if their were more out there,
and seemed concerned,  so that is the praise,
that they did seem concerned,  and that maybe
someone else would be spared the same

I am thankful
that I am starting to feel the need to start 
speaking up even more about things,  because it
seems that evil is winning out because those
that don't like how things are just tolerate it, and feel
 like what  good does it do,  but I think it does way
 more good than we think especially if we do it in a
nice way, just saying how we feel about it and
saying we just wanted to call it to their attention
since it just didn't seem to fit with the typical
decorum of their store.
  We don't have to be nasty but I do think we need
 to say things at times to either encourage good behavior
 or to discourage bad behavior.  Don't know about
you but I am just sick of political correctness,
cause it is absolutely ruining our country.

Also makes me think of that quote that says:
the only thing needed for evil to triumph is
for good men (and women) to say nothing!!

I am thankful
for the blessing of being married for 41 years
to the same great guy.  I am the only person
in my family to be married this long,  and to still
be married to the same person.  All the praise goes
 to God....that is for sure!!
Cause if it weren't for Him,  I am sure this would
not be our story...............

I am thankful
for all the up and downs of married life that
have taught us so much,  that we can pass
on to help others.  Cause most of it we had
to learn the hard way,  and it is nice if you
can help someone else just learn from your
experience.  What a Gift that is to learn
from it!!

I am thankful
that all the reception pics came out very 
nicely,  and can't wait to have time to share
them with you.

I am thankful
that I got another Thank you card about the
reception,  this time is was from Jerry's grand
mother.  What a sweet lady she is.......
and her card was very encouraging .

I am thankful
for steamed shrimp that you can just pick
up at your friendly Publix Supermarket.  It makes
for a quick and easy din din,  and keeps me from
smelling up our home!!  Like that the best!!  lol

I am thankful
that a local Christian radio station we support
has just about met their 2012 budget goal.
Cause the station is completely listener supported.
So that is great..................

Well, that completes my list
 for today!

Hope your list is full
 and overflowing as well.

You have a Wonderful Weekend
 with your Family and/or Friends
 (Human and Furry)  lol

Thanks for droppin by,  and for
you sweet comments.

Love, Hugs,
and Speak Out Blessings,

P.S.  In case you haven't been by
in awhile and missed the Wedding
pictures click here for the 1st batch
and here for the 2nd batch.


  1. My first visit to your blog. The shades of orange flowers are so beautiful. First time in years and years that I've seen calceolaria flowers. Those little pocketbooks used to be a fav.

  2. #1. Ha! It's like I said on the phone, it's as annoying as a cart with squeaky wheels or those you get that go; bump, bump, bump!
    #2. AMEN! I wonder why that lesson sometimes takes us into older years to learn!
    #3. I find I'm running into more people too, now that I'm retired. (Don't take that physically, lol!) Just last night while video taping the banquet at the high school, one of my Kindergarten students (a senior) came up and was so happy to see me, she called her mom over! Before I said a word, her mom replied,
    "Ms. Todd! How have you been!" She even remembered my name!
    #4. Target will be where I spend my money! I'll tell others too!
    #5. Praise the LORD for your testimony! I surely hope they removed them all and checked to make sure there were no other offensive magazines.
    #6. I think the phrase "political correctness" should be changed to "political corruptness."
    #7. I praise our LORD too! I think sometimes the troubles that do come, is the LORD seeing if we will turn to Him first. Even though mom and dad had their times of testing, I'm so glad the LORD led them to turn to Him and persevere. Their reward is great in heaven now!
    #8. The Bible tells us to listen to the wisdom of our elders. Now, that wisdom is being departed to those younger than us.
    #9. I'm finding it hard to choose the one I want to print out for my "wedding row" of loved ones!
    #10. She is so sweet. I didn't realize I was acquainted with her from Kathy's Ins. company!
    #11. Yes, but it does smell up my truck. I don't realize it at the time, but when I get into it the next several days and turn on my air conditioner, SHRIMP SMELL!" LOL!
    #12. Let me know, so I can start listening and supporting them!!

    Enjoy your weekend! I'll enjoy mine with Molly!
    Love to you all,

  3. Nellie,I do so admire you for speaking up about the magazine. You are absolutely right that eveil can triumph if good people don't speak up. Thanks for your testimony!
    Blessings, Beth

  4. Today I am thankful for simple moments in a quiet hotel room with my four girls and my man. I am thankful for the funny little moments we share - seeing a Santa look alike at breakfast, matching shirts that cheer on our team, a 6 year who can read the word "apple" and figure out which button to press for her juice. These moments are joy.

  5. Hope you enjoyed a sweet Saturday - and looking forward to the Lord's day tomorrow! Always love your thankful posts....what joy you find in the everyday things of life:)

  6. Hi Nellie,
    as always I am thankful I read your post. You made me smile and reminded me about the little things to be grateful for and others not to allow them to upset me..Your thoughts and words are a wonderful teacher and I am thankful to have met you here in blogland.

    Have a wonderful week and visit me when you have time.


  7. Hi Nellie

    A wonderful list of thankfuls. I love how you went to the Manager at Publix and told him that were offended. I hope they removed all of them.

    Hope all is going well with you. The holidays are right around and the corner and I know you will have special plans with family. That is where I am. Things are getting ahead of me.
    I am getting the grandkids Christmas PJS out on time so they can open them on Thanksgiving.

    Our bible study is over until after the first of the year and then we will be in a new group. We have enjoyed so much meeting the 4 couples that were in this study.

    Have a good week!
    Love & Blessings

  8. I really miss your thankful posts when I don't get here to read them. I've been so busy working my life around the puppy, that I haven't been able to sit down and just read blogs for a while. She is getting a little better with her routine and napping (sounds like a real baby doesn't it) so I'm finally back to getting some things done. I'd forgotten how much work is involved when they are so tiny. It is worth it. I've decided that I really needed to feel needed again on a daily basis and there is nothing quite like having a little soft something curled up in your lap. Our older beagle baby just wasn't interested in that anymore.

    I love Publix stores. Of course we don't have them here, but we usually end up in one or two when in Florida.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie