Thursday, November 17, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 17, 2011

We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks,
 For Your name is near ; Men declare Your wondrous works.
Psalm 75:1

Hello Sweet Peas,

How are you a doing???? 
 Starting to get ready for Turkey day,
 I'll bet!!

Can't believe it is just one week
away.............Can You????

Which brings me to my #1 thankful.

I am thankful that we get to spend part of the day
with our kids on Thanksgiving day. Now that they are 
 married we have to share them, of course,  but it
 could be way worse...............
we could not get to see them at all,  and I know there
are many of you out there that relate to that,  and
I am truly sorry if you can't be with your kids.  I know
that is hard for you..........................
Dee is actually having to work, until 4 or 5 at the
 hospital this year!!

I am thankful
for the wonderful Anniversary Getaway we had,
I know you are probably sick of hearing about
it but I truly feel, I would be remiss not to mention
it as it was such a blessing.

I am thankful
for a beautiful home to come home to.........

I am thankful
that I found some more black flats today,
that don't squeak, and they are very cute too.
 Praise the Lord!!

I am thankful
for my health today.  As I was out shopping
today,  the Lord really gave me a reminder of how
 blessed I am to be able to get around easily and
do things. While I was in Kohl's just looking in
the jewelry dept., 4 ladies crossed my path that
 were around my age or maybe older,  2 were
using canes and not walking very well,  and one
 was in a wheelchair, and the other just out of
breath evidently from a lung problem,  and
said to me,  I am just getting too old to shop
in this big store.
Bless their hearts,  I  felt so badly for them.

I am thankful
that Dee was just offered a new position in
Radiology today, they want to use her in the
 Mammography Dept., in December.  So she
and Jerry are going to travel to S. Florida this
 weekend for her to get the additional training
she needs on Sat. and Sunday.  This will  afford
her the opportunity to do something different
and possibly to work less hours and make
a lil more money,  so she is very excited.

I am thankful
that we get to keep Rosie for the weekend.
Fun for us!!

I am thankful
that we finished our Bible Study up today,
since we are getting into a busier time of
the season ,

I am thankful
that our study was on how to handle the
political atmosphere we find ourselves
in,  and it was a great reminder that we
need to pray pray pray for our leaders.
That will really be the only thing that is
gonna bring any sort of change!!
I truly believe that!!

I am thankful
that a friend of mine is able to get the
surgery she needed,  as she has no
insurance and was desperately in need
of help,  and she is in surgery as I write
this,  so am praying all turns out well,
and this will put an end to a lot of issues
she has been dealing with.

Just heard from her hubby and she is
out of surgery and on her way home.
Please pray for her if you feel so led,
for a rapid recovery and divine help with pain.

I am thankful
that I have officially kicked off my christmas
shopping today.  Yeah!!

I am thankful
for a nice lady I ran into today in Michaels.
She asked me if I had ever used Chargers,
on my table,  which launched us into a long
conversation and we tried to figure out how
she could decorate her table for Thanksgiving
as she was having guests for Thanksgiving
and Christmas and wanted her table to look
really nice.  So we spent about 45 mins. 
together looking at stuff, and she did settle
on some gold chargers, and was gonna do
 some more looking around.  I recommended
she try the dollar store and see what she
could find there.  She evidently use to do
a lot of creative things but has just gotten
out of practice,  but we had fun and I love
those chance meetings like that,  it sort
of restores your faith in people,  don't you
think!  Her name was Ruth and am hoping
the Lord allows us to run into each other
again sometime.

ahhhhhhhhh  Fall...........................

Soon to be gone.................
just another week and we will be 
putting up the Christmas decorations. 

Well, Sweet Friends,  hope you have
 a wonderful, wonderful weekend,
 with lots of neat things happening.

Thanks for your visit, and for your 
comments, they are always a
 joy to my heart............

Love, Hugs and
Last of Fall Blessings to you!!



  1. Mid-November blessings to you, too!

  2. Where are you finding all these black flats?? I am desperate - make that DESPERATE - for flats and especially black ones!! I know that really doesn't go much for a thankful posts...but sure would be "thankful" to find some in my neck of the woods:)

    Love your thoughts today - looking forward to a special, thankful, week - next week!!

  3. Happy for your list as usual! Love how sometimes it's the little things that makes us the most thankful. Hope you have a nice weekend. I'm getting ready for Thanksgiving and the best news...Olivia is coming home tomorrow for 8 days! Can't wait to see my girl! Enjoy!

  4. #1. I'm always thankful to spend time with you, Jim and all your children!!
    #2. I am thankful you had time just for the two of you! I enjoy my time so much without the worry of what I used to!
    #3. AMEN!
    #4. I need to look for some that have more support.
    #5. I'm thankful the LORD has allowed my health to continue. I do have some joint stiffness. I need to check with my doctor since I have had 2 meds changed. I know some can bring about those problems and they need to put you on different prescriptions.
    #6. Praise the LORD! She is really doing well with her occupation!
    #7. Rosie enjoys being in your home, too! She just prances all over the place!!!
    #8. I am thankful for my Bible class too. I'm surely going to miss everyone. It's a long time until January when we start back!
    #9. Ours was dealing with the end time prophecies that portrays just the political things that are now happening, culminating closer to a world dictator!
    #10. I am thankful to be able to assist one of our members on Dec. 2. She has need of surgery in Maitland on that day.
    #11. Hey, before black Friday!
    #12. The San Diego Chargers? That's the only "Chargers" I can think of, ha! What are Chargers?

    I have never seen the months pass by so fast as they have since I retired! I don't know where the days are going!

    See you Sunday,

  5. I sure wish I could bump into you at Michael's, that would be a joy!!! Blessings to you are such a Sweetie!!!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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