Friday, October 30, 2020

Thankful Thursday October 29, 2020, Fall at home 2020 #3

        Let them praise the name of the LORD,

 for his name alone is exalted;

 his splendor is above the earth

 and the heavens.

Psalm 148:3 NIV


Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you week has been a good one.

Mine has been good in spite of the

fact the antibiotics they gave me

didn't work.  They seemed to be

working the first few days but

then it seemed like my symptoms

were coming back,  so now I am

on a new antibiotic for another

week.  Ugh!!  Hopefully this will

 do the trick...........Nope!

I had to quite taking it as I was 

having bad side affects. So not 

taking anything now and hoping

 that I got enough in me to take

 care of the problem............So far,

so good,  but it has only been 2

days off.............

Pictures today are from our

house this Fall 2020.

So on with my Thankfuls......


Thankful for a nice time with our

 Son and Lil darling,  He was sweet

to bring dinner for all of us, and

then we played some wii and a

card game.  A Fun Surprise.....

especially for a Thursday evening.


Thankful the antibiotics have worked

 and I am feeling much better and

only been taking it 2 days.  Well,

that was earlier in the week 

and you know what happened


Thankful to be off all of it.


Thankful that we were finally able

 to get out and cut our rowdy bushes.

It's either been raining, too hot or

we were busy.  So


Thankful for my comfy cozy bed.

I seriously say that almost every 

nite as I settle into it......

It is truly such a blessing.


Thankful for seeing a new talk

show on TBN that was hosted

by Elizabeth Hasselbeck and it

was called Thriving in 2020.

It was really good so hope it

might be an ongoing show.

If you want to check it out.

you can watch it online.

Just click here


Thankful for the song by the

Newsboys called "We Believe".

Such an encouragement during

these crazy times we are living

in....We need to be reminded of

who and what we believe.

That song just perks up my

spirit really quick.

Click here if you would like

to hear it .


Thankful for Lima beans and

cornbread and stuffed bell

peppers for din din. It has been

quite a long while since I have

 had lima beans and cornbread, 

Yummy.......can you tell I am

a Southern gal.............


Thankful for a freshly cleaned

bedroom and master bath.


Thankful to see that Amy Coney

Barrett was confirmed as a new

Supreme court Justice.  She is

quite an estute and brilliant

lady. A Great choice.


Thankful that our lil brown wild

bunny that lil darling called "Coco" 

is back,  he has been missing for

 months, and then all of a sudden he

 shows up when we least expect it.

He's done that about 4 times now,

and just about the time we think

something happened to him, there

he is in the backyard eating grass.


Thankful to have the opportunity

to try and render some comfort

to a young lady that lost her

Mom a few months ago.

She had a great relationship

with her Mom and she just

misses her so much.  My

heart just breaks for her.


Thankful to hear that some 

long time friends who live

in Alabama faired well in

the storm other than some

downed trees.  Great to 

talk with her as well.

Well, this is it for Cozy Place

this week.

Thanks for stopping in. 


Keep your Light shining brightly


eat lots of candy!!   lol

Love Hugs and end of 

October Blessings,  


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Bloggers Pit Stop

Grammys Grid -Faith and Family

April J Harris


  1. I hope you are well today, disappointing that you had to stop the antibiotics. I like your thankful lists and pretty photos. You have arranged some nice little scenes.

  2. Love that Psalm. Don't know what's been going on with you but hope you feel better, no fun being sick. I use to love to play Wii with my grandbabies when they were young. Yum, lima beans and cornbread! Nothing like a comfy bed for our sore muscles. Yes to the new court justice! We live in AL too, so far the recent storms have passed by with no damage. So much to be thankful for. Thanks so much for linking up at our party - #FaithAndWorshipChristianWeekend 7. Shared.


  3. HI Terra,
    So nice to hear from you hon, been a long while. Hope this finds you doing well too.
    I am feeling good still, thank the Lord, drinking lots of water and so far so good. Yea,
    the side affects of some of these medicationss are worst than the problem. My infection was low grade anyway, so hopefully the first one I took for 6 days and the new one I had to quit was for 1 days, So hopefully, that took care of it. lol
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet and encouraging comments,

  4. #1. What a wonderful time!
    #2. Praise the LORD! Thank Him for His healing!
    #3. I'm so thankful Steve does that for me!
    #4. Don't you know it! I have to fight myself to stay out of it in the day, ha!
    #5. I pray more Christian based shows would come on!
    #6. Yes, what a blessing of encouragement it is!
    #7. What a delight!!!
    #8. I feel the same way when I get it finished, ha!
    #9. Oh yes! I prayed every day for her to be accepted!
    #10. How wonderful to see GOD's beautiful animals!
    #11. I will pray for her comfort by the LORD!
    #12. Wonderful! I have been praying the LORD to comfort these people as well!
    Love you, Susan

  5. Hi Dee,
    Yea, we love playing the wii, we like to bowl and play table tennis, at least those are my
    favs. I had a pinched nerve in my neck, so have to be very careful with that, so can't do regular bowling, so this is the next best thing. Glad you faired well in the storm as well,
    neat you live in Alabama too. Our friends live in Mobile. Thanks so much for coming by and taking the time to leave your affirming comments, also thanks for hosting your fun linky parties.
    Have a blessed week hon,

  6. Oh yes, bowling and tennis, some of my favs too! Ouch, pinched nerve, no fun. I'm not as far down as Mobile, up here in the middle of the state in Tuscaloosa :)

  7. Hi Susan,
    Glad you are doing well, since we texted this
    and thanks for coming by and leaving your responses to Thankful Thursday.
    Hope you have a good day hon,
    Love and Blessings,

  8. Hi Again Dee,
    I really love the tennis too, but sometimes I would wack the ball too hard, and actually knock my back out of place, so finally just had to quit playing How old are your grandchildren now? Aren't they just the most fun.....

    Yea, my pinched nerve has been doing really well for a lot of years now, PTL, but doesn't take much to cause it to act up if I am not careful .Anytime I exercise or work in the yard I usually put an ice pack on right after, so that keeps the inflammation down thankfully. It was the most physically painful thing I have ever gone through in my life, and hope to never repeat it ever again. lol

    Tuscaloosa is a pretty good size city, isn't it? Have you lived there a long time?
    I have another friend, my best childhood friend who lives in Deatsville, Alabama is that anywhere near you??

    Thanks for answering back on my earlier comments. Nice to get to know you a little bit.
    Blessings for a good week hon,

  9. Tuscaloosa is a college town, home of the Univ of Alabama. I looked up Deatsville. It's about an hour and a half from here. When I looked it up on Google Maps an image popped up on street view. Shows a sign out in a field, the sign reads: Go to Church or the Devil Will Get You! I bet your friend knows where that sign is.

  10. Thanks for sharing this's such a beautiful way to live! I'm glad you're feeling better and for all these good happenings in your life. I'm visiting today from the Hearth and Soul link up. Have a great week Nellie!

  11. Hi Dee,
    I think I knew that about Tuscaloosa somewhere in the archives of my mind but had forgotton lol That seems to be happening more these days...and yes, That is a funny sign and could certainly be true as well, and yes she probably does know where it is. I would ask if I could get in touch with her. Her Mother (my sort of 2nd Mom) passed away a few weeks ago, and I
    haven't heard from her since, I have sent a card, an email and a fb message, and tried to call her, but her # must have changed, so I wrote and still nothing. Am concerned she is
    really taking her Mom's passing hard or else she is sick or something. Praying I hear from her soon. You take care hon, and have a lovely week,
    Blessings, Nellie

  12. Hi Marielle,
    So nice to meet you hear in blogland, and thanks for coming by and for leaving your encouraging comments.
    I hope you have a lovely week hon,
    When I get a chance I'll have to come check out your blog.
    Welcome to November!!

  13. Thank you, you too and hope you hear from your friend soon.

  14. We just had cornbread this weekend; I never used to like it until I tried a recipe for southern cornbread. Our cornbread up here in New England tends to be rather dry but a sweet buttery southern cornbread is amazing!

  15. Morning Joanne,
    YOu are so right about sweet southern cornbread, it is like cake almost. lol
    and is so good with butter and honey. Yes,I have had just the plain cornbread and the best way to eat it is definitely with butter and honey, too dry for me too. lol
    Thanks for coming by and sharing your sweet thoughts, they were enjoyed.

  16. Thanks Dee,
    I hope so too.

    Have a Sweet Day!

  17. What a lovely list of "thankfuls". I love limas and cornbread too! Thanks so much for linking up with us at the #FaithAndWorshipChristianWeekend 7


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: