Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tablescape Thursday - Thanksgiving table 2011

Evenin' Sweet Friends,

So how in the world are you??

Seems like ages since I posted, and it is only
 been a week..............funny!!

Well, guess I am up to the same thing you are
 this time of the year,  taking down Fall decor
and putting up Christmas decor, and shopping.
I have done a lot more online shopping this
year cause the kids have sent me links to
things they would enjoy, and that has 
simplified things a lot!!

We had a very nice Thanksgiving and were
all able to be together,  which is the most
precious blessing of all.

Just after I had stripped the house of all
the Fall decor, and "it was looking a lot
 like Dullsville", everywhere I turned!!  lol
 we got a call from an old friend we haven't
 seen in over 25 years ( he lives in Missouri)
 and he was in our area and wanted to come
 by to see us, and of course,  we were 
thrilled, but the house looked empty and
 so uninviting, so we had to shake our tail
 feathers and get moving,  so I kinda just
 put whatever I could find here and there,
and figured if I didn't work, I could change 
it later, but at least the
 family room would be nice and cozy!

It really was such a joy to see him.  
we met he and his wife at the time,
back when we were only married 2 
years. It was like we just picked up
 where we left off, it was such a fun
time catching up and remembering old 
times and we all had such a great time,
so we are so glad he surprised us!
It was a wonderful blessing.......
and we are gonna all try to keep
in touch more often.  We have 
talked with him over the years
but not real recently.

In my mind this was gonna be a short
posts with mainly pics,  so guess it is
time to quit typing and started down
or uploading pictures,  so I can go
start din din!!  lol

This was our Thanksgiving Table this year!

Found these wonderful pumpkins at Michael's
at the end of October for $2.40 a pc.
Just love them!!

This is the opposite side of the center
piece. You will see lots of things leftover
from the reception, this one with a 
 a chocolate brown ribbon.

 From the one end of the table,
Decided to use the chocolate brown
ribbon as napkin rings as well,
and added the lil pearl like stick ons.
Love those things!!  lol

This is how the pic came out with the flash!
Looks like we might need to call the Fire
dept. soon!  lol

From the same end of table just
on the opposite side.  I made this
table runner a few years back, no
sew just cut out and stripped the
threads to look like fringe.

From the opposite end of the table.
Since there were only 5 of us for dinner
this time,  I added the candles to the
end of the table.  Scott and Megan
came later for dessert,  as they
had dinner with her family.

From the opposite end too!

Done in photoshop colored pencil

An overall of the centerpiece

Shot from above!

I added some white carnations in the gold
mercury glass candleholders at all the ladies
Also, like to add a different verse for each
of us to read as we eat dinner,  and  we
did a thankful list as well.  So I didn't 
really miss thankful Thursday last week,
just didn't get to post it!!  lol

I love the way these 2 pics make the lil
bejeweld leaves shine,  I was so happy to
find them in the $1 rack at Michaels,  they
were the perfect finishing touch.

and love these colored pencil photos.
Would like to print an 8x 10 one and frame
it as a wall decoration for next year!

Hope you are enjoying the 
Season,  can't believe tomorrow 
is December 1st,  wow, that sure
got here fast!!

Thanks so much for dropping by
 to check on me,  love hearing from
 you, and hope you ..........
enjoyed your visit.

I am linking up to Susan over at
Between Naps on the Porch, so
if you want to see beautiful 
tablescapes, just click here!

Love, Hugs and
 Seasons Blessings to you!


P.S. if you happened to miss
the reception pics, but wanted
to see them, just click here.


  1. Beautiful table! I love the freshness of changing the decorations around this time of year. It's like you get a whole new house!

  2. The table looked fabulous! It's so cute with all the confetti. I love the color scheme too!

  3. Thank you for your comment! Your dishes are beautiful. Love the whites and browns.

  4. A beautiful table as usual! Love everything! Glad you were able to spend some time with an old friend! Enjoy your Thursday!

  5. Sweet Nellie, Loved seeing your table setting-I love the gold pumpkins and your plates are incredible; what a great table. It sounded like fun to get caught up with your friends from long ago. I imagine you are having nice weather while we are having snow storms.
    Hugs today.

  6. I love the effects the Photoshop colored pencil gives! It looks like an artist's drawing!

    It was an enjoyable time as it always is!
    Love you all,

  7. I love that ribbon! And those dishes are so beautiful! Loving the color combo! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind words :-). Merry Christmas!

  8. Very nice, Nellie! I love the addition of the carnations at each of the ladies' place setting. I do that myself quite often, and it really is an appreciated touch. Carnations have such a wonderful fragrance, too!!! So glad you and your friend had a good visit. Surprise visits are often the best!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie