Friday, December 2, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 1, 2011

This pic is compliments of

those who trust in the Lord are protected by his constant love. 
 You that are righteous, be glad and rejoice because 
of what the Lord has done. You that obey him, shout for joy!
Psalm 32:10-11

Good Friday Morning 
Sweet Peas,

Well, better late than ever as the old saying goes!
I really finished late last night,  but unfortunately,
it would not save what I added,  so I was too 
tired to redo it all, hence this mornings post!!

Hope you have a had a very good week,  
and have lots to be Thankful for at this most
Wonderful Time of the Year!

Since I am so late I am just gonna get right
to my thankfuls.....................

I am thankful 
that we are entering my all time, most favorite
time of the year because it is all about my 
all time favorite person,  Jesus!

I am thankful
for the sweet and fun time I had with my
bible study group today,  we had our
Christmas party which ended our study
for this year!

I am thankful
for a quick and very easy recipe I learned
last year that came in handy for taking
something to the party today.
If you haven't heard about pretzels and
rolo candy treats,  let me know and I
will post the recipe!  The hardest part
is unwrapping the rolos!!  Seriously!! lol

I am thankful
that Dee and I were able to get together
this week and visit as she did my hair.
She is always been my best hairdresser.

I am thankful
that all the Fall stuff is put away until next
year and all the Christmas stuff is down from 
the attic and some of it put up, but most of it
 waiting for me to get my groove on!! and
hoping that happens

I am thankful
that the Lord is never finished working on us,
 to make us better and better and more like his
 son,  He does things in his own timing,  but he
leaves no rocks unturned.  He heals gently,
and sometimes calls us to revisit things we
don't necessarily want to,  because he heals
us in layers, much  like peeling an onion.
  I think that is because some things are just 
too painful to deal with all at one time, and 
 He is so good to be merciful to us

This pic is compliments of

I am thankful
for the cool front that came thru yesterday,
it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!
For a few days at least!  lol

I am thankful
that our whole family is going out to Long-
horn's to celebrate Megan's birthday tonight.
I usually do a dinner for her,  but she said
they had a busy week and weekend and
maybe this would be easier,  am wondering
if she is trying to be sweet and give me a 
break as well.

P.S. I am thankful that we all went and had
a very enjoyable and fun time,  and that
Megan liked her din din,  cards and gifts.

I am thankful
for a movie we saw last night that is a true
story and a very powerful and encouraging
film.  It is called "Soul Surfer",  it is about
a young girl who was bitten by a great white
shark and he took her arm off.  Amazing story!
It was a bit intense for me up until the shark
attack happened,  but well worth the watch.
Would like to see it again now that I know
when the scary incident happens,  cause I
can relax until then.  I can't believe anyone
could ever go back in the water after that!

I am thankful
that because of the nice weather I was able
to wear a lovely sweater set Dee and Jerry
 gave me for Christmas last year.  I have 
only had the opportunity to where it just
once,  So that was fun for me!

I am thankful
for this lovely young woman (Megan) we call 
our daughter in love.  She is a very sweet girl
and she and Jerry both are wonderful additions
to our family.  So we are very grateful for
both of them.

I am thankful
that Jim and I get to be involved in the Toybox
ministry again this year  It was started by a sweet
lady that had to move away,  and it has been so
neat to see how so many have pitched in to keep
the ministry alive and well.  It really is such a blessing
to those in need of help for christmas,  and it blesses
those being helped as well, as those that are helping.

Well, that completes my list..................
hope you have a nice list of your own!

Thanks for droppin in.............always great
to hear from you!!

Have Fun with all that shopping and decorating,
and remember to be sweet and courteous to everyone
 you come in contact with as you are out there shopping
 and be sure to  wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!
Cause after all..... who are we really  representing
 and celebrating!!

Love, Hugs and
Seasons Sweetest Blessings to You and yours,



  1. Beautiful holiday samples and sentiments , Nellie...

    I admire your open way of speaking here and enjoy reading it very much..

    I am thankful for so many things but this one is uppermost in my mind this morning.

    I am thankful my perspective is changing. I woke up with pain in my leg and started to whine before my eyeballs were completely open.
    Tossed the covers off and more whining before my feet touched the floor, and then, just as they did I recieved a flash picture in my mind of a lady paralized why could neither toss the covers and more importantly could not feel her arms or legs. I started to cry , but not in pain, but because I COULD feel pain. I grabbed my leg and just said over and over, Thank You GOD I can feel pain, I can FEEL and I am so very very thankful that I can.. It was only a few seconds and the pain eased and I got fully up to begin my day.. As the morning has gone on theres been a pang now and then and I smile and say Thank You God every time..
    I want to Thank You for your weekly post so I could come here and share my new found gift- Change of perspective- and thankfulness for it..

    love ya bunches

  2. #1. Especially when the weather is cooperating with the seasonal cheer! COOL days and COOLER nights! The natural coolness seems to make my seasonal candles smell better than any other time of the year!
    #2. I have really missed my Bible group. Ours ended just before Thanksgiving and starts up again after the New Year.
    #3. Yes! I have heard of them, thanks to you! I have tasted them too!! It's like no other!
    #4. I had to change my hairday from my usually Friday to tomorrow. I took Debbie for her Doctor appointment. She is unable to drive. She had surprisingly given me a Christmas thank you bag!
    #5. Since I have no visitors, I just enjoy everyone else's decorating, ha!
    #6. I find the LORD has my memories of the past being concentrated on those happy times. It's like the LORD's forgiveness has dumped any bitterness into the sea of forgetfulness, never more to be remembered. In doing so, I can focuse on all He has planned for me now.
    #7. Yes! The cool has started early this year!
    #8. I am so thankful the LORD had my tire go flat when it did!! (If it had happened overnight, I would have been in a "pickle.") Thank goodness Jim could come and get us! I enjoyed my large "shrimp" on my steak "stuffed" with a fingernail size of crab! It tasted great! The picture surely was deceiving, ha!Megan really enjoy our outing!
    #9. Reminds me of what could have happened when dad had that hammerhead shark (with an arms sized head) swim into his flipper wake. A very happy memory of GOD's protection when it veered off after its curiosity was satisfied!
    #10. I bet it felt really cozy!
    #11. Yes, yes, yes! Thank you, LORD!
    #12. Isn't it so joyful when you go "out of your way" to enjoy helping others! That's how the LORD has me feeling in helping to drive those in need to places they have to go, yet are unable to drive themselves. It's as though the LORD has opened up a ministry I can do for others.

    Love to all as we count down the month's events that happened in our LORD's birth,

  3. Your thankful heart always blesses me, Nellie. I too am so thankful that he is still working on me.Great thankful list.

  4. very nice post...thank you so much for sharing...Blessings soraya

  5. Nellie,
    Today I am thankful for your sweet spirit. And I just love being called Sweet Pea. :)
    Til next time God bless and Merry Christmas!

  6. I am thankful for the faithful testimony that you and Jim are! In one of my Bible studies this month, the author asked us to list 2 people who have trusted GOD in very trying times and jot down how their testimony encouraged us. You guys were one of the (2) families I thought of.
    Christmas Blessings from our home to yours!

  7. How wonderful your thankful list is! I still haven't finished decorating....just can't get it all together this year....oh well. Thanks for your sweet visit.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie