Thursday, December 22, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 22, 2011 and continuation of white Christmas room decorations

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, 
keeping watch over their flocks at night. 
 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory
 of the Lord shone around them,  and they were terrified. 
 But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you 
good news of great joy that will be for all the people.
 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;
 he is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:8-11

Evening Busy Sweet Peas,

How are things coming along?
Almost ready for the big day??
Hope so.............

I am about there,  still need to come up with another
 tablescape, and just do some cooking, and then
 straighten up the house a bit, and also figure out
what to wear on Christmas day since it is gonna
be 80
which leads to my

I am thankful
that we are much readier than usual for the big
day, at this point in time. We will still need to make 
a quick last minute run to the store and the other
 things I mentioned above, but this is the first time I
 have had all my wrapping done a week and a day
 before Christmas!  So that is exciting!!
and we have not been stressed out once through
out the Christmas Season!
Know that is something to really be excited about!!  lol

I am thankful
for Christmas music, any kind of Christmas music,
it is all wonderful to me.  we have many Christmas
cd's and I love love love playing them, starting the day
after Thanksgiving is over,  and they are usually on
every day throughout the Christmas season.
Last year my cd player was broken, so I missed
it terribly so................


I am thankful
that hubby knew how much I love having my Christmas music
 and he got me a new cd player a few months ago,  so it has
 been an extra special treat this year!!  I love all  kinds of
 Christmas music, but playing the traditional Christmas songs
 are a constant reminder of the real reason for the Season.
So I just love it!!

I am thankful
for Christmas cards,  they are just such eye candy,
and such a source of joy, as we hear from our friends
 and loved ones, and they usually carry such wonderful
messages about the Christmas Season.  Believe it or
not I even love the Christmas letters that come along
with them,  albeit, rare these days.  I have read over
the years in the paper and places about people who
 just hate them for some reason.  I find that shocking,
 who wouldn't want to know how their friends and
family, especially that you don't see everyday is me!!  lol

(Decided to add to it a little)

I am thankful
that today is hubbies first day of vacation and that he
 will be home until Jan. 3, 2012.
A very nice and unexpected surprise since
he just started the new job the middle of June!  

I am thankful
that Dee started her training for the Mammography
Dept. this week,  and she is very excited!!
This will be a great career move for her.

I am thankful
that I got to visit with Dee and Rosie twice this
week,  a quadruple blessing!!  lol

I am thankful
for the gift of prayer.  It is a wonderful thing to
be able to pray for others, and an equally 
wonderful thing to sense the prayers of others
for your and yours, and it is a really wonderful
 way to minister to someone who is hurting,
sometimes to hear someone praying for you
is just what you need.
  Really doesn't get any better than that.

I am thankful
for God's love letter to us, the Bible, and that it is one
 of the avenues God uses to change our hearts and our
 lives.  I am always amazed by the peace, conviction,
 enlightenment, praise, direction, and the desire to be
and do good that it invokes in our lives.
Yep,  soooo thankful for God's Word or we would
have no real direction for our lives..............

I am thankful
for healthy fast food,  not too much of it around, but there
is some,  like veggie pizza,  and wholegrain subs, and
Black Beans and rice with Chicken or Pork from Tropichops,
and salads.  They sure come in handy this time of year!

I am thankful
for another great Christmas movie we saw last night,
it is called "The Christmas Lodge", and it is a really
sweet movie,  in fact, so good we want to watch
it again!!

(My fav Christmas Carol mixed with cutie pie
snowmen,  a gift from a friend some years back)

I am thankful
for another movie we watched this week too.
It is based on a true story,  and it is called "Ruby
Bridges",  I think.  It is an amazing story about the
spiritual attitude of a lil girl that was just 6 yrs. old.
Totally Touching! and Highly Recommended.
We got both from Netflix!

(I just turned this pic where it was more elongated
than wide, and stuck this lil angel girl on their
with tape)  loved the way it turned out!

Well,  that is my list for the week.

Great to hear from you, and happy
 to know you came by to visit,
and if you happened to miss the
first part of my white Christmas
room,  and would like to take a 
peek,  just click here.

My prayer is that you and yours
will have one of the Most Meaningful
and Blessed Christmas's Ever!!

Love, Hugs,
and Merry Christmas Blessings,


  1. Merry Christmas sweet Nellie, Thank you for the beautiful ecard. I loved reading your TT list-so many blessings. I too love to pray for others and cherish when others pray for me! May the Lord richly bless you and yours this Christmas. Hugs today.

  2. Enjoyed your TT list as always Nellie, and it sounds like mine, like you I love all types of Christmas music, and enjoy reading my love letter from God my heavenly Father. Your white decorations are beautiful.
    Wishing you and your dear family a most blessed and joyous Christmas.

  3. #1. I'm starting!!
    #2. I love to listen to Manheim Steamroller's Christmas music! It really can be felt to the very core of your being when you sit back and really listen to it.
    #3. Manheim has great Christian Christmas music too!
    #4. I love hearing from some of mom and dad's friends from years ago. I still get cards from them (as well as sending to them as well!)
    #5. A Christmas Blessing for you both!
    #6. Thank the LORD that He watches out for His own!
    #7. Visiting loved ones are always such a joy for all involved!
    #8. The best of all is to see GOD answer those prayers!
    #9. I started 2 years ago reading just 1 chapter a day, along with Daily Bread and Charles Stanley's daily Bible study. I don't realize sometimes (now) that I have been in His WORD for 2-3 hours! (As well as writing down in my journal as though I were talking to GOD!) What a Blessing it is!
    #10. I often wonder if we ate as did the Jews when they were in the wilderness if all of the problems with the diseases today would be naught. Of course all of the walking they did in the desert was exercise that I don't think I would want to do!
    #11. Were you able to get the Hallmark movie, "A Dog named Christmas?"
    #12. I need to get Netflix!
    Love to you all,

  4. It looks really pretty and elegant! And I love those letters also! My parents would receive tons of cards and letters every year, my mom still does, and when I would go visit them I would sit and read all the cards and the letters! Hope you have a Merry Christmas Nellie! Thank you again!!!

  5. Hi Nellie

    What a great list of thankfuls. I love your white decorations so clean and pure.
    I hope you had a Merry Christmas. We did. We celebrated with family, phone calls , skyping and Christmas Eve service which is my favorite service.
    Blessing & Love

  6. Hi Nellie,
    What a beautiful setting and such sweet vignettes. Everything looks quite serene and peaceful! Thank you for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. Happy New Year, Hugs, Cindy


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie