Thursday, December 15, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 15, 2011

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
 and the government will be on his shoulders.
 And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, 
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

Hello Sweet Peas,

Guess I will begin again............was almost 
done and went to copy and paste a verse,
  and lost it all but the above picture.  Have
a feeling it isn't gonna get posted till Friday
again........................Sorry bout that!! lol

Hope you have had a great week, but if not,
that in spite of your troubles that you see
God's goodness in it all................

Today I have been cooking, doing some Christmas
cards, and thinking and exploring ideas for our
Christmas brunch and dinner,  think I finally
have brunch nailed down, just need to get it
on paper so I can start making my grocery
list now.

( These are all pics of my Nativity Set)

Today is my daddy's birthday, and he is
spending it with Jesus,  and has been for
the last 18 years, hard to believe it has been
 that long and I have to say that
is my
thankful today

I am very thankful
that my daddy is in heaven, because he
would not have been 3 months prior to
losing him. God is good!!

I am thankful
that I have figured out what we are
having for both meals.  One more thing
off my plate.

I am thankful
for the lovely Musical we had at church
last Saturday.  It brings such Christmas
spirit to everyone,  and was just a joy
to watch and hear.

I am thankful
for a beautiful poinsettia that my sweet
SIL gave us,  I have enjoyed it inside,
but put it outside by our front door
yesterday as it was looking like it 
needed a bit of sunshine.
Looks so pretty there!

I am thankful
that we got our outside lights up last
evening, and it only took 45 mins. or
less.  We have the icicle lights and 
usually put them on the eaves of the
house but decided to just drape
them on the bushes,  and it looks
great, at least festive and not like
old scrooges live here!  lol
I find we are simplifying more and

I am thankful
that all my packages from online
shopping have arrived. so fun getting
packages everyday.  
You would think it was Christmas
or something!! lol

I am thankful
that I get to spend some time with my girl and
 Rosie tonight.  Always a treat for this Mom.

I am thankful
for my dear sweet husband, and thankful he is
 loving his job and enjoying it so much.  

I am thankful
for Christmas movies.  We just watched 
remake of "Miracle of 34th Street" this week
 and it was great. Highly recommend it!

I am thankful
for all our Pastors and leaders that
serve so willingly in our church to
minister to those that are troubled
or hurting, they teach us, encourage us,
and are fine examples of Godly
men and women.  May God bless
them every one...........

I am thankful
that my back is still doing well, and that I had 
a good day and got quite a bit accomplished.

I am thankful
for you dear friend, and so happy to have met
 you here in blogland. You all teach me, encourage
 me, and inspire me in so many ways.
and many of you are also prayer warriors for me
 and others, and what a blessing that is............
You are a joy to this blogger, and I hope
 each of you has a
Very Merry Christmas!

Well, that is my grateful list for this
I had written a lot more stuff on each
item earlier,  but I am too tired to redo
it guess this was what
was meant to

Hope you have a Wonderful Weekend
full of Seasonal delights,  and may
your focus always be on Him!

Thanks so much for dropping by, and
thanks as always for your lovely

Love, Hugs and
Nativity focused Blessings,


P.S.  Here is a fun treat for you
I call it the dancing house light display, 
 I love it every time I see it. 
 Just click here!

Also once you click on it, andit comes up
 give it a minute or so, and the video 
screen will come up.


  1. Interesting #1. I'm guessing your Dad accepted Jesus Christ 3 months before he died? Don't mind my nosiness. LOL! I see you are blogging at the same time I am. I was just checking my post and noticed yours. I love coming by your uplifting blog! You are such a joy!

  2. Lots of things to be thankful for these days! Thank you for being a friend and thank you for visiting me the other day on my blog! We don't put up outside lights, but my tree shows through the front window as well as lights I put around the hutch. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!


  3. Oh, my heart is full of praise for #1 Nellie!!! Hope you had fun with your girl...I get to see mine today, yippee! Trying on wedding dresses. And #12, what a BLESSING you are sweet Nellie! Hope your weekend is wonderful! :)

  4. #1. We have so much to be thankful for concerning our parents! Mom and dad are there with your parents too!
    #2. Let me know what you want me to do. I haven't made those baked apples in a long time! You know, the little apples with the cake that is baked in and around them?
    #3. They did do an excellent job. I was so happy to help Ron in video taping it!
    #4. I'm so glad you are enjoying it. If I'd still had it, it probably would be all wilted with missing leaves by now!
    #5. I can hardly wait to see them! It must really look beautiful! (And, it is safer for Jim to not have to climb up on the ladder.)
    #6. Isn't it great to get packages in the mail!
    I heard many are doing this now so they don't have to be in the crowd of people.
    #7. I am so happy for the best treat you can get in the world!!!
    #8. Oh how wonderful! It really makes a difference when you have the joy of what you do! (I'm surely enjoying mine, ha!)
    #9. Have you seen the story of "The Christmas Dog?" It is so wonderful. It's about a family with a special needs son and a dog they are fostering for a short time. It's by Hallmark.
    #10. Amen. Many times they are not thought of in this manner until they are needed.
    #11. Thank you, LORD. I'm so glad you are feeling better. Take care.
    #12. Thank you, Nellie for getting me started in blogging. I am so enjoying a new blogger from the Netherlands! We are on each others blogs!
    I love you all so much,

  5. And I am especially thankful for you and your hubby this Christmas! And you know why!!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. (A more formal thank you is coming.)

    We plan on going to see a movie, all four of us, having some fun treats at the movies and maybe dinner together and enjoying ourselves and enjoying being together and having wonderful friends. Thank you!

  6. Hi Nellie, It's always a pleasure to visit. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Our daughter will be home (she lives in TX) so we are looking forward to seeing her.
    Hugs, Beth

  7. S much to be thankful for but for now thank you for this lovely blog....phyllis

  8. Hi Nellie

    What a great list of thankfuls. I am so thankful for you and my blogging friends too. I am so excited to celebrate. We are having our Christmas on the 24th.
    My granddaughter Emma is having her eye surgery tomorrow. Would you please pray for her.

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie