Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More Wedding Pictures.................

 (More Wedding pics from St. Lucia)

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy,  and enjoying nice Fall weather.

It has been overcast here most of the week, with temps between 75-80 
degrees, at least pleasant and not so hot.

We celebrated our son, Scott's birthday on Sunday,  he turned 34 this
 year,  and we also celebrated our Anniversary of 41 years.  Our actual
 Anniversary was yesterday, so when hubby got home from work we got
all dressed up and went to a lil local restaurant that we have always loved, 
 but have just not gone to in a long time.  Much to our chagrin,  when we 
walked in.... we could see that things had changed a bit,  but there was
 pretty much no one else in there, and the Mgr. met us and eagerly
invited us to sit dowm.  The young Mgr. was so nice and I think we
 were still in shock,  as we were so anticipating the whole package
 of good food and nice ambiant atmosphere we
made the mistake of going in..............

Needless to say,  the food was horrible,  the atmosphere surely
not the same, I think they are changing it into a lounge evidently.
So we were fortunate to have the whole place to ourselves
really.............but It felt like an awkward date..................lol

It was a bit disappointing but the Lord had us go there for
some reason,  what it was,  I have not idea,  unless it was 
just to be nice and encourage the young Manager. 
or to warn others against going there!!  lol

I have to say I can see where the Lord has done a huge
work in us,  in the past that would have ruined our
whole night,  especially for me,  but we had a good
laugh over it,  decided we would get a good story
out of it,  came home had some frozen yogurt, with
bananas and chocolate and looked at our wedding
pics,  after 40 years they look pretty funny I must
say,  but we did look very happy..................
and other pics of the family until bedtime,  and
that was it.............a good time had by both!!
You just have to make your own fun!!

We are planning a lil getaway sometime this month,
so you better believe we will be praying over that,
after last nights venture.................lol

Well, speaking of wedding pictures................
Here are more lovely pics from Dee and Jerry's
St. Lucia Wedding.  These were all taken after the
Wedding and are all so good it is really hard to choose
 just one or two from each setting, but I did my best.

Wasn't the umbrella such a cute idea!!

They looked too serious for me,  but wanted you to see
the background of St. Lucia.  Their villa was up in those
mountain back there,  beautiful,  huh!!

Love this one!!

This is where they had their romantic dinner on the beach.

and here they are!!  

Oh.........just in case you might have missed the
first batch of Wedding Pictures and would
like to see them, Just click Here

Thanks for stopping by, always
love hearing from you and
hope you enjoyed your visit!!

Hope you have a lovely rest of the week. 
 Enjoy your family and/or friends, 
 and furry friends,

Soon I will be showing pictures
 from the reception, not exactly sure
when yet,  might show the tables
 tomorrow for Tablescape thursday
if I have the time.  Will have to see!

Love, Hugs, and
Celebration Blessings,


  1. What a beautiful place for the happy couple to enjoy.. thanks for sharing this with us.'


  2. The pictures are so beautiful! I love the one with the umbrella and especially the one of Dee by herself. She looks like a model! Thanks for sharing them Nellie! The restaurant story seems so funny! And I would have been so uncomfortable being the only ones eating there! Glad you had a nice celebration.

  3. So cute (and funny) that your anniversary dinner felt like an awkward date! Who would have guessed that one! At least you were able to make another memory:) You won't forget that one for awhile. LOVE the photos....what a month of special dates for all of you!!

  4. Wow! Happy Birthday Scott and Happy Anniversary to you sweet Nellie! Hope your getaway will be wonderful...(surely better than dinner lol!) More beautiful wedding pictures...they are fantastic! Beautiful dress, gorgeous bride and very handsome (& blessed to have her)groom!
    Hope you are having a wonderful week Nellie!

  5. So beautiful. I can't make up my mind which one I want to make my 8x10!

    Remind me again when to take care of Molly!

    Love to you all,

  6. Oh my gosh! The umbrella shot is straight out of a magazine. Stunning photos. Gorgeous couple.

  7. I saw you had wedding pictures up and had to come visit! Oh, what a glorious setting and that dress and that beautiful happy young couple! What a heart warming post!

    Sorry to read abouty your Anniversary! Congratulations! I admire you making the best of the situation!

  8. Nellie, The wedding location was stunning, and the bride is just gorgeous! She has a lovely ring as well. I loved the sunset photos. Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Beth

  9. I just think the wedding photos are about the prettiest I have ever seen. Really the subjects are just beautiful and dashing and the photographer an artist! A belated happy anniversary to you both and also to Scott a Happy Birthday as well. Sorry I have been so bad about commenting and coming by. I can barely keep my head above water but I am trying to stay in touch with the four people I do visit. Bless your heart for your patience with me. The book you sent me has become a real treasure to me. I read it faithfully and love the feelings I have of comfort and peace when I do. Cannot wait to see the photos of the reception I know they will be great!

    Love you, sweet freind. Take good care of you for me! Bon

  10. Sorry your dinner was a bust...that happens, I'm glad it didn't ruin your night. This just looks like the perfect wedding to me. I love the idea of an intimate wedding. Mine was large and not by my choosing, my mom wanted it that way and I was too young to even know what I wanted. They will always have such beautiful memories of an amazing place.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: