Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thankful Thursday November 23, 2017.....Happy Thanksgiving Day

Enter his gates with thanksgiving 
and his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and
 praise his name.
Psalm 100:4

Happy Thanksgiving Day
Sweet Friends

Hope you have a lovely lovely
day with those you hold dear;
With lots of great food, fellowship,
 Fun and most of all gratitude
 to our Lord Jesus!

These are my Thankfuls for
this week.......

Thankful for a fun time out at
 Olive Garden on Sunday with 
a group of 13 other people.

Thankful  to have our Christmas
tree up so early for the first time
in our whole married life.

Thankful that we are thrilled
with the way it came out.

Thankful to have all the Thanks-
giving grocery shopping done early.

Thankful we got all our bushes
cut and new mulch in place so
we can put up the Christmas
lights early too.

Thankful that Dee and Jerry
will have his parents with them
for Thanksgiving this year.

Thankful for the quiet serenity
of watching out the window on
Tues. morning as the sky was
painted a beautiful but fleeting 
pink and blue as the sun rose
 then quickly changed into a
 peach and blue sky.....
Just a sweet reminder that "The
 heavens declare the glory of God"
He paints the most glorious skies
for us on a minute by minute basis.

Thankful for hearing lil darling
singing "This is the day that the
Lord has made", a song she
learned at preschool recently.
So sweet!

Thankful that hubby has had
this whole week off.  It has
really been fun and we have
gotten a lot accomplished as

Thankful for a great Hallmark
movie called "Crossroads", it
is based on a true story and is
just such an amazing movie,
true story really...........
Highly recommend it.....

Thankful for this time of year
and that we get to spend Thanks-
giving with my son, daughter-in-
love, lil grandaughter and my 

Thankful for My Lord and 
Savior Jesus Christ, my sweet
family, the health of all of us,
and all the provisions the Lord 
supplies us with on a daily basis.
We are beyond blessed!

Well, there you have it 
sweet peas.........

Have a Hap Hap Happy

Thanks for stopping in


keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs and 
Thanksgiving Day Blessings,

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie girl

Life and Linda

Starfish cottage


The Dedicated House 

Saavy Southern Style


  1. Hi, Nellie! I thought I had posted my comments!!!
    #1. Yes! Isn't it great to share around the table with other believers! One of my favorite things after Wednesday Bible studies!
    #2. It is truly beautiful! I love how it revolves so you can see all sides!!!
    #3. I can definitely see why! It's beautiful! I love how it looks like real snow on the limbs!
    #4. I'm sure it is a great task to get done, especially when so many others are out doing the same thing!
    #5. Outside work being done is a big accomplishment! Hopefully with winter setting in you won't have much more to do this year!
    #6. What a blessing for them all! Praise our LORD!
    #7. Amen! I have the beauty showing in the sunset! It's great to see the soft colors!
    #8. What joy that must be! I'll have to see if she will sing it for me the next time I see her!
    #9. I thank you as well for the fantastic Thanksgiving dinner! It was delicious! As well as Jim helping me with my computer!
    #10. I'm so glad there are still great movies for us to see that have true meaning!
    #11. Yes, it was a lovely time together! Praise the LORD for our family!
    #12. Amen and Amen again! The LORD is so Good all the time! His promise to us is to supply all our needs and what a joy in those needs we receive! What an abundance He has blessed us with in His Love for us! We can truly say, we are satisfied with Jesus! Love you all, Susan

  2. Your welcome Susan.....

    So happy you enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner and being with the family so much.

    Also glad you and Jim were able to get things taken care of with your computer. Always
    a relief I am sure.

    Have a nice week ahead, thanks for coming by and for your encouraging comments.

    Love and Blessings,

  3. Thanks for sharing this beautiful vignette and I'm happy to hear that you had a great holiday.

  4. Thank You Sandra,
    very nice to hear from you hon,
    and hope your Thanksgiving was
    lovely too.............


  5. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving celebration, Nelle. Your Thanksgiving vignettes are beautiful!.... Christine

  6. Thank You Christine,
    We did have a really nice Thanksgiving.
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.

    Blessings, and Have fun doing your Christmas Decorating!!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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