Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Monday !!

Morning Sweet Friends,

We had a nice weekend,

and You???
How was your weekend???

We just came in from doing the yard,
it rained so much last week,  we never
could do it,  but it actually wasn't that
bad..........getting to the time of year
where the growth slows way down.
Now that is a good thing!!!   lol

We really love working out there early
in the morning when it is cool and breezy,
just feels refreshing and freeing for some
reason.  Feels like Fall for a few hrs., at least.

We had a pretty full and fun weekend,
Friday night, we watched a movie called
"road to redemption",  it was made by
the Billy Graham Assoc., it was a pretty
good movie, we both liked it.

  I was telling a friend at church about it
 yesterday and somehow it came up about
 where did I find out about these movies. 

Some how I came to get emails from a place
 called Christian Cinema,  and of course, they
 sell movies, as well,  but I learn about the
 movies from them,  then check netflix.  Netflik
has had most of them, by the way. I have
really gotten a lot of good recommendations
from Christian cinema, so If  you would like to
 check them out for yourself, go to

Saturday we made pumpkin pancakes for
breakfast, and boy, were they good.  It was
the first time we ever made them, and we 
really enjoyed them.

Later, in the day we went to Home Goods
to look around, then did our walking in the
mall,  went to Cracker Barrel for dinner,
and to look around in their gift shop.  We 
always love eating at Cracker Barrel, their 
food is sooooo good, and we both so 
enjoy their gift shop,  they have so many 
neat things to look at in fact, they already
 have their Christmas stuff out.  They have 
some really pretty christmas things, 
 I have to say.

I don't know why but for some reason 
when it turns to Fall,  I just want to
go to Cracker Barrel.  Think we just
have a lot of really fond memories
of being their in the Fall,  and they
usually have some special new dishes
on their new Fall menu.  We didn't get
any this time tho!!  lol
We typically do tho.

Sunday, was our usual day, Sunday School
and Church and ran to Target to pick up a 
few items, then came home and ate lunch, 
 took a nap, then went back to church,
came home and had dinner and watched
our Pastors, and went to bed at a decent
hour for a change.  We knew we wanted
to get up early to do the lawn, so we
decided to behave ourselves!!  lol

Sorry there are no pics today,  but
they did something and changed the
picture loading device, and it is not
working,  I have been trying to upload
stuff for over 2 hrs. and they just will
not load,  so hope they fix it soon.
I takes me long enough to load pics
now, as it is,  so sure hope this isn't
the new wave!!

If you are participating in the 140 days
of prayer for our nation,  today starts
week 13,  and we are to pray for 
Terrorism in our country,  and our 
scripture is in Psalm 91-4-9.

Thanks for stopping by,

Hope you have a delightful evening
with your family, friends or pets!!

Love and Blessings,


  1. Hi Nellie! So glad your weekend went well! Ours was pretty good, too.
    Keeping busy that's for sure. Loving this weather we are having! The high is supposed to be in the lower 80's Saturday! WOOHOO!
    Love ya gal, and will talk to you soon!
    Hae a wonderful evening!

  2. Glad you had a wonderful weekend. We did too...Garrett actually sold 2 ukuleles at the craft show they attend on Saturdays!!! We praise God for the way he is growing Garrett's little business.

    Oh, I love Cracker Barrel much for the gift store as for the food. I think my favorite thing on their menu is their hashbrown casserole.

    By the way, I had HUGE problems loading up the photos of the cards for my Pink Saturday post. Yes, there was a new way of doing things...and I don't like it at all. It kept turning my photos to the side. I tried about three dozen times before I got the pictures to post right. And now it's time to do my tea party Tuesday post, so I'm kind of dreading the thought of adding photos.

    Have a lovely evening.


  3. I'll try this again. I did it once already, but it came up error and didn't post!!

    My Saturday was busy. I spent most of the day "bubbling in" my Flicker Documents for my class. It's like the old SAT test we used to take in school. Except it has about 35 questions we have to answer concerning the students abilities with certain tasks.

    Sunday I got up early and went to church to work in the sound booth only to find out it wasn't my turn!! I stayed for the first service and came home to check my e-mail from Julian and yes, he had me scheduled. He usually sends e-mails if he changes the schedule. Coming home, I graded papers and took a nap.

    Today was great (after I got up and got going!)
    However, after school I went to Baldauff to support Joan (one of our kndg. teachers) and the loss of her mom.

    It's always so good to get home, sit down, and relax.

    I love you all very much,

  4. How do you take naps? If I dare fall asleep even 5 minutes even when I'm sick, then there's absolutely no way I can sleep at night. I'm glad you had a fun weekend. I went to Oktober fest Saturday. Today, I tried to go shopping for my sister's birthday, but I didn't find a single thing that fit her nutty personality.
    I had problems with the uploader today. But I just got off the page and then signed on again. And it worked for me. I like this loader better. You can actually load more pictures at once.
    I'm glad you came to look at the sailboat. I think it's better off as a boat too!
    Have a terrific evening!

  5. Hi Nellie!

    I love fall and I love the gift shop at Cracker Barrel! My husband loves fall also and he is so lonely for it! I told him the other day that I put up a few decorations and I could tell in his email back to me that he really is missing all the fun things we do at this time of year. I told him I couldn't go to the farm to get pumpkins and things without him! My mom did bring me a nice size pumpkin and I have it on my back porch, but that's it.

    I'm going to send him a little scented tea light in our favorite candle scent in my next box to him, and maybe a few leaves to make him have a little fall in the middle of the wilderness he's in!

    Pumpkin pancakes? Never had them! Sound delicious!!! Enjoy!

  6. Nellie-
    Oh is a new thing not to be able to truly feel fall (cool mornings, fall colors, leaves falling, camp fires,etc.). Being this Florida is helping prepare me for going to El Salvador in January where I won't experience it there either. It is an adjustment before moving out of the country.
    Your comment of Cracker Barrel reminded of the five years I had worked for the company. I am many fond memories and I still catch my self saying we sell that at Cracker Barrel, funny thing is I haven't worked there for 3 years. I loved opening in the morning and the fires and the wonderful country cooking smells :) It is strange to see Christmas stuff up, at cracker barrel the first tree goes up in August. I asked the manager why and he said because people buy it even then. Crazy!
    Do you have the recipe for the pumpkin pancakes that sounds wonderful?

  7. Pumpkin pancakes sound great! HomeGoods is where I get in trouble. I can fill my cart way too easily there. I live very close to Cracker Barrel, it is our "I don't feel like cooking" place. We do carry out every couple of weeks.

    I'm glad your weekend was a good one. I hope the week is going well.

  8. Nellie

    Sounds like you had a full day. I too love cracker barrels. We do not have one out here but when we are home or travel we love to eat there and walk through the gift shop. I did find out you can order online from them.

    Hope you had a great weekend since I am late to post.

    Blessings & Hugs


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie