Thursday, September 16, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - Sept. 16, 2010

(Wish I could say this is my window,  but it is
a public domain photo,  isn't it pretty)

Hello Sweet Friends
Welcome to Thankful Thursday,

Hope you are doing well today!!

It has been a good day here.  I started working
on this post this morning and did part of it,  and
then we went out, so came back to finish it up.

So here's a window on my world!!
Guess my first and most important thankful
to the Lord would be

I am thankful
hubbies blood work all came out so great!!
That is always exciting news for our ears, 
cause as a heart patient you live from blood
test to blood test and we work very hard at
 eating properly, and exercising plenty, and 
we feel the Lord has really blessed
 all that work.  
Praise His Name!!

I am thankful
Scott is feeling my comfortable with the men
he is working with,  and feeling good about his
job,  and that he and Megan are having more time
to spend together,  
and I think they are both very happy about that!!

I am thankful
for our pretty kitty,  Miss Molly,  she really is a sweet
cat.  She puts up with a lot off our Grandaughter dogs,
and even tho she swats at them,  she has never used her
 claws once.  She could rip them to shreds if she wanted
 to,  and if I were her,  I think I would have by now!! lol
Cause they really aggravate her sometimes!!

(Here she is sitting on top of the shed)

I am thankful
that I got a lot of my Fall decorating done yesterday,
still have a bit to go,  but almost there,  and we are
feeling like Fall in this house!!  Oh Yeah!!  lol

(This is from last year)

I am thankful
that a dear friend of mine got some family issues
worked out, that had been troubling her.
God is good!!

I am thankful
that Janet over at  Janet and marvins life is back from
her blogging break.  She is such a sweetie, and has a
very nice blog about family and life,  and leaves
 such encouraging comments.  I am so happy she is
 back, cause she is a real blessing!!

If you'd like to check out her blog

I am thankful
we met with our new couple for the 3rd time 
and they are doing quite well.  They are praying
together often, and what a difference that makes
in a marriage.  They too,  are a breath of fresh
air just like the first couple.

 We are loving it.......and feel so energized 
when they leave. Think that is a sign we doing 
what we are suppose to be doing,  don't you??

I am thankful
that Jim and I were able to get out of the house
 for awhile this afternoon after we met with our
 couple. We were getting cabin fever!!  lol

 We went to Sam's and Target and to the Mall
 to do our walking,  then split a sub and I
dropped him off at church for the bd. mtg.
It was a fairly quick but fun outing!!

I am thankful
that we can walk in the mall since it is so
nice and cool,  and well lit,  and not very
well traveled during the weekdays,  so
makes walking a pleasure,  and it's a 
great change of pace!!

I am thankful
for tennis shoes to exercise in, cause fast
walking in sandals would just not be a
good thing!!  lol

I am thankful
Sam's had their pumpkin pies today,  and
we can eat them cause they have no bad 
oils, we usually don't eat much of the crust 
anyway, but can hardly wait to get into it!!
Cause they are yum yum yummy!!

Can you tell I love FAll???

I 'm glad I wasn't wanting to make one
cause I have gone to 3 stores now looking
for canned pumpkin so I can make more
pumpkin butter and no one has it!!
Hope they don't wait till Thanksgiving!!

(This is from last year too,  just thought
I 'd get you excited about pumpkin pie)

I am thankful
that Jessica from over at Jewels for the
Journey had some success with the county
 today, and may have persuaded them to
 rethink their decision on funding for the
pregnancy center in our town.  If you feel
so led pray they will decide to fund it!!

Well,  Sweet Encouragers,

Hope you have a good Friday and
A super fun, relaxing, productive,
and relational weekend!!

Your a blessing to me!!

Love, hugs and blessings
abundant to you and yours,


  1. Hi Nellie,

    I just wrote you this big long letter and then got booted off the internet. Arrgh! So of course it is gone forever! Let me see if I can recap.

    Love the door and your centerpiece from last year! The pie looks delicious but I can no longer eat pumpkin pie due to heartburn?? My waist is happy but not the real me! But glad you are enjoying it so!

    No fall here in this house so far..with us leaving it may not be happening. It will be nearly Halloween by the time we get back and resettled. I should do it as we are letting our friends host a bridal shower here while we are gone but...we'll see. Maybe I'll save my enthusiasm for Christmas. Have not been into decorating much since I quit work by closing the business. It is very weird, like I am in mourning over it or something. I don't even like shopping in home stores much or looking at design magazines. I am hoping it is just a phase as I do not want to lose my love for it.

    Glad Jim's blood work came out well, my Jim's did too. But he is still having a lot of pain in his hip. Has an appointment with an orthopedic guy on Monday. We are leaving for Utah on Thursday as Aynslee and Hazie both have birthday next week and Aynslee is getting baptized as all the kids do at 8 years old. We will be there for all of that and leave on Monday morning for Rhode Island. So not ready!

    OK I am going to hit send before this computer seizes up or I lose the internet or something!
    I ma glad your kids and pets are all fine!

    Love you...take care..Bon

  2. Nellie

    You are so sweet. You really made my day. You are a real blessing in my life and I am glad that God led me to your path.
    I am happy to hear that your husbands tests came back good and that you are doing better as well.
    I to am a lover of fall. It is supposed to rain today. I love the rain too....
    My lesion that I mentioned in my BLOG was just something that appeared out of the blue. I did not have to have any surgery but the Doctor wanted to watch it. Yesterday I got an all clear.

    Enjoy your day!
    Blessings & Hugs

  3. Nellie as always I enjoy reading about your life. Giving thanks with you over your dh's great report.
    The pumpkin pie looks so good even though it was last years, pumpkin is one of my favorite.
    I must comment on Miss Molly. I thinks she is adorable, and the markings on her face are beautiful, it is like she is wearing a mask. lol
    I am glad things worked out for your friend too, and thanks for sharing these sites I will visit them.
    As a mother, I am always happy when things are going well for my children, and I know you are happy for Scott. God is so great!!
    Thanks for sharing your TT list.

  4. Hello my new friend, my name is Barbara I seen your blog over at Karen's thought I would stop by and say hi, and introduce my self. I really love your blog became a follower too, loved that door, wish mine looked like that too, giggles, only in a book eh, so if you get time stop by my blog and sit a spell with me, the tea is always on.
    Hugs and Blessings, Barbara from

  5. Hey Sweetie,
    How precious of you to share your thankfulness over God's blessing of the Pregnancy Center.
    Though I don't have it in writing yet, it seems that they did re-consider our proposal are going to give us funding!
    Thank You LORD!
    And thank you Nellie and Jim for your faithful prayers. What a blessing to belong to each other in the Family of GOD!

  6. Oh, and I really want some pumpkin pie now! =)

  7. Thanks for the little slice of your life you share with us. Cute kitty!! We have a couple of very good cats. And two naughty dogs!
    Have an incredible weekend!

  8. Oh, rejoicing with you that hubby's blood work came back fine!! Praise God for a good report.

    Also, what a blessing that you are enjoying the couples you are counseling and that it doesn't seem like a chore or a burden. Isn't there a Bible passage that talks about fullness of joy when in God's will? (I'm sure there is, I just can't locate it right now). Anyhow, the fact that ministering to those folks brings you joy really shows God's fingerprints on it, I think.

    I wanted to let you know that I had a horrible time finding canned pumpkin LAST year. Through internet research, I learned that there was a severe pumpkin shortage nationwide. And I have yet to find canned pumpkin in the stores this year, so I'm wondering if the shortage is still around. (Had something to do with a very wet growing season...apparently, all the pumpkins for Libby's canned pumpkin comes from only a couple of states.) Anyhow, that was what I found out last year, because I was going crazy. I even called my supermarket manager last year, because for about 2 months I never found any pumpkin, so I asked about it. He told me no stores in the area had any. So that's how I happened to look on the internet.

    anyhow, sorry for the rambling comment.

    Have a lovely day.


  9. I'm here, I haven't been on-line for a few days!
    #1. I'm so glad. Hopefully in the next few weeks my blood pressure and health will improve too, when I can get out from under all of the stress of this school system.
    #2. I'm so glad his former stress of his old job is gone and he can enjoy what he is doing with his new job.
    #3. I always add your pictures to my file! Molly has her own file! I also love the dragonfly picture! Sara is having some problems with losing some of her hair due to scratching. Tom looked at her and could find no fleas, mites, or other cause for it.
    #4. I'll be glad when we get the coolness of fall to return to our area.
    #5. Hopefully after Tuesday, there will be one more to have problems settled (me!)
    #6. I AGREE WITH YOU! I'm so happy when I read her caring comments on my blog too! Thank you, Janet!
    #7. It is such a blessing when the LORD energizes us with His Spirit through others!
    #8. I'm looking forward to some "cabin fever!" I enjoy being at home! Especially when I won't have any other responsibilities but home!
    #9. I'm thankful for friends. Alice and I will be going to a Christmas program with 2 other friends this holiday season. She always thinks of me!
    #10. I need to wear mine! I haven't since I fell. (They got to feel so heavy on my feet, I fell over my feet, ha!) The shoes I have are causing "corns" to come on my feet.
    #11. I usually get mine at Publix, it's closer, ha!
    #12. I surely will pray for Jessica.
    I love you all very much,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie