Friday, June 20, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - June 19, 2014

Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;
 make known among the nations what he has done.
1 Chronicles 16:8

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good week
 and are looking forward to a 
nice weekend.

Honestly, I can hardly believe it is 
Friday already, I just don't know 
where these weeks go so quickly.
 Anybody else feel like that??  lol

Right now it is sunny and beautiful
here in Florida, with blue skies and
 cotton ball clouds about 90 degrees. 
 Our days have been starting like that
 but quickly turns to cloudy with
rain in the early afternoon.  Which
cools things off a bit..........and the
grass and flowers are loving it!!  
Definitely want to get out there
soon and get my Vit
Have been waiting too long to go
out there,  then all of a sudden 
the sun goes in.

Well, better get on with this, as the
 sun is calling my

I am thankful

that Hubby and son seemed to enjoy their
Father's day!  That was the

for a wonderful service we had on Sunday.
Our Pastor has been preaching on the family
all year, and decided to do a really neat thing,
he had everyone that has been married over
25 years send in their weddding pictures, and
they did a lovely slide show presentation to
music of 71 couples,  and there really are
more,  but his point was to Celebrate these
couples who have been married so long!
It really was wonderful.....and hopeful, 
and wouldn't be one bit surprised if it might
 even have saved a few marriages...........

#3 and 4
That I got to talk with Dee on Sunday and 
Tuesday, she has just been so busy lately,
With both jobs and moving, then they had
a flood in their kitchen this past Saturday.
Thankfully,  they got a one year warranty
when they bought it!!  Have to say they
really have a good attitude about it all
considering they just moved in and got
settled.......bless their hearts!
She was still living with us when our house 
flooded over 10 yrs. ago, so she sort of
 knows what she is in for too. Their flood
is actually worse, cause we didn't have
any structural damage,  PTL, cause what
we did have, took us a year to get back
to normal.
 Thankfully, the builders men have been in
 there working on things since Tuesday, 
their kitchen is gutted and they are still
waiting for some things to dry out.
The Bright side is they get to pick brand 
new floors for their town home. 
Something malfunctioned with their dish-
washer, so Tues. they found out they will
 get a new dishwasher as well.  They found
out on Wed.they are gonna get new 
cabinets, and also because the kitchen
is on the 2 level over the garage, they
 found out Thursday that they are gonna
 have to completely rebuild the sub floors
along with the garage ceiling due to water
Anyway, the people have been johnny on 
the spot so hopefully  they will have it fixed
 in a couple of weeks. At least we hope so.

with posterized affect

that I found some new curtains I like very
much at Target on Monday, just got to get
them put up in the family room and dining
 room to see if I am gonna like them as well
 as I think.  Sure hoping so,  cause have
wanted to do something for while now, but
just didn't see anything that said take me
home with you!!  lol  Am a lil afraid it 
might be too much will

Here's a sneak peek of the curtain fabric

for a sweet and precious compliment from
my daughter that I was reminded of this
week when I happened to run into one of
our SS students in Target,  and when we
were talking she said something about
her Mom that triggered my remembrance.
Like I always say, she is one of my best
encourager's.  Have really been missing
her lately....

that our lil darling went down for naps
on time yesterday and because I have
been asked to wake her up by no later
than 4:30, and I really hate waking her 
up when she is sleeping so peacefully,
 so I sort of just shook her bed a little
 a few times ans whispered a lil prayer,
 and she woke up on her own,
 in a very pleasant mood too....
which is not always the case, if she is 
woken up before she gets her nap out.
So was very happy about that and am
 hoping it works every time

Here's our lil darling at a 15 mos. +
love her lil bow but she want leave it in
for too long.

This is one of the outfits I told you I got her 
last week.  Doesn't she look cute!
Just as I was about to take this I realized she
 still had tears on her face from 5-10 mins
before,  when her Mommy left...........couldn't
believe they stayed there that long.  She
lovvvvvvvvvvves her Mommy!!

for a possibly really neat opportunity
for my son.  We are jumping for joy
for him and hoping it works out, if
it is the Lord's plan for him.  Too
early for details,  but if it happens
you will hear us singing all the way

with colored pencil affect

hubby just had his 3 yr. anniversary on
 June 15th, at his not so new job now.
  Many of you might remember when he
 was laid off 4 yrs. ago for about 13 mos.
   and you might have even prayed for him.  
Well.........He loves his job and says it
 is the best job he ever had.  
God is good!!

to have my hair done, it looks so much
better. My hairdresser Eduardo (Aka, Mr
Cozy Place) just finished a few minutes
ago, the reason I didn't get my TT post 
done on time. lol
  Nothing like feeling your hair looks
good to a woman, since our hair is our
 frame - It's a very good thing!!  lol

that Dee and Jerry are having a weekend
away at the beach in Ga. - I think they
really need a rest and some relaxation
for a few days.  They will also get to
see his family on Sat. night as they
 are attending a wedding as well.

for men like Senator Ted Cruz and others who are 
trying their best to stand up for our religious freedoms,
as we seem to be losing more and more daily.  Just 
saw a video where he was speaking and it was very
 inspiring and encouraging.  He was at the Freedom
 coalition conference and I agreed with everything
he said............I think he is spot on...........we need a
gillion more just like him..........Hopefully he , Ben
Carson and others like them will inspire and
 ignite others!

Well, that's all folks...............

So happy you came by,  always nice to hear
from you or to see you came by.

If you happen to be one of my
 followers then click here to read
 about my give a way,
this will tell you where to go
 and what to do to join the fun!!

Take Care and enjoy your weekend,

Love,  Hugs
 and Sunny Florida Sunshine 



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks for your lovely comment and sharing your easy recipe. Sprinkles are used to decorate cookies/cake...

  3. Hi Nellie!
    Your Lil' Darlin' is getting so big...she's adorable! Love your curtain fabric, such a pretty color and pattern.
    Hope you have a GREAT weekend...

  4. Hi Nellie, I always love reading your list and hearing your grateful heart. Now that it is summer, days will be filled with sunshine and fun. Your granddaughter is so cute!
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  5. #1. I'm sure they (like we ladies) always enjoy the time at the table and the activities afterwards whether it is games, a movie, or just a time of chatting and sharing! Family is where it is!
    #2. It was fantastic, especially those with 60+ and 70+ years!!!
    #3. & #4. Oh my dears! At least it is under warranty! Your flood was an overflowing "river!" It's been two years since my flood from the hot water heater!
    #5. I need to replace the drapes over the back sliding door. I think I have gotten my monies' worth. They are thirty years old! I think I will get the vertical blinds.
    #6. I love and really miss mom too!
    #7. Sweetie is so cute in her new outfit!
    #8. Blessings of this joy on the whole family!!
    #9. All the time, GOD is so good! It is my 3 year anniversary of my retirement! I praise the LORD every day all day long!!!
    #10. What a time of "intimate" sharing! Intimate love is displayed in so many different ways! The LORD shares that His Love for us is just as intimate! II Corinthians 13:14, "The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, The extravagant Love of GOD, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you!"
    #11. Good for them! I know they are excited to see Jerry's family!
    #12. Praise GOD for His politicians! I pray GOD's Holy Spirit's infilling of them and His angelic protection over them and His angelic protection over them!
    Love you all, Susan

  6. I love the idea of that church service. And you know what, if we hadn't moved away, we would have been in the slide show, as we've been married 28 years!

    The little one is adorable. I'm so glad she lives near enough so that you are able to be a regular part of her life. I know you are an awesome grandma.

    Ooh, hope the opportunity for Scott works out...whatever it is. Sounds exciting.

    That's wonderful that Jim loves his job so much. Truly, God does more than we can ask or think, huh? Y'all asked for a job, and he got the best job he's ever had. That's awesome!

    Love and hugs,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: