Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our Whirlwind Trip Reveal

Happy Reveal Day,
Well, it is finally here.
The picture above is another picture from the Vermont
rest stop that I missed yesterday.
Well, here are the guesses I have had
by comments or email.

Upstate New York
Schenectady, New York
Poughkeepsie, New York
Western Vermont
Maine (3 guesses)
New Hampshire (2 guesses)
New Hampshire (The white Mountains)



DRUM ROLL PLEASE.............




It would be New Hampshire (The White Mountains)
The name of the town is Gorham, New Hampshire

and it is right by the White Mountains and that

would have been his next climb.


Our winner is Noreen from
Make sure to drop by to visit Noreen and Congratulate her
on a great guess.
You nailed it exactly,
and I will have your scenic cards
in the mail within the week.
Want to say a Big Thank You
to all of you who have lived
this adventure with us, and have
been so caring, concerned and prayerful and
excited for all of us. You were truly a blessing
and it made it fun to be able to share our
lives with you.

This was a nice lil creek in back of the McDonalds where
we had lunch at a picnic table in the shade,
it was lovely and reminded us of a time when
we found another spot like it on a vacation in
Murphy, N. Carolina.
Same Spot

This was on the way back in a small town near Gorham
we stopped at a lil Gift shop, and bought some
New Hampshire syrup, the proprietor and her
husband own acres and acres of maple trees
and make their own syrup. How neat is that.
The syrup is wonderful, by the way.

This was by the Gift shop, hubby was watching
Joey and taking pics while Scott and I shopped
for a few minutes. He was also taking pics, God
Bless Him!!

This was from the side of the gift shop,
He forgot to walk around front of the shop
to get a shot, but remember he was
babysitting Joey. ha!!

This was a really neat bridge we saw on the
way in New Hampshire. This was taken out of the car
window, believe it or not!!
Actually, Vermont and New Hampshire were our
all time favorite parts of the trip.
The lil towns in New Hampshire were just delightful
and so quaint. Gorham was really neat town
as well. The population is about 1800 people.
You will see more of the town when we put
up the link next week.

On the road back thru Vermont coming home,
the scenic beauty of Vermont was just so
Wonderful and refreshing, we loved every minute
of it.


We thank the Lord for his grace in having us

decide to go get him cause it was neat for him and for us
to see some of what he had seen. Plus after we
drove it we could understand why the Lord would
not want anyone to drive it alone, cause there is no
way you can drive and read the directions in
the New york, New Jersey area.

Anyone could get hopelessly lost in that place,

cause a few times we thought we were...

but thankfully, we found I-95 again. Shew...........

On the Road Again!!

Does Joey look content or what!!
Well, we covered 12 1/2 states in 3 1/3 days with
60 hrs. actually driving time!!

A lot of territory let me tell you, but we realized
that if it wasn't for this adventuresome son of
ours, we would not have had our own adventure
story to tell. It has really been a hout for us too!!
Once we got used to the idea!! ha
Well, thanks for participating in my lil contest,
I thought it would make for a fun time.
Oh Yea, almost forgot!! Hubby says he thinks
we can give you a link so that you can see the pictures
from Scott's trip. He started in Maine, by the way!!
So look for the link next week once we figure it out. ha

Have a Blessed Day Now, Ya Hear!!
Love and Hugs,

PS. Just so you know, I did not post this until about 12:30

but I did start downloading pics @ 9:10 a.m or whatever it

says about what time it was posted, don't know why it

does that!! Strange!! Have a good one!!


  1. Dear Nellie, Thank you so much! Hubby and I have been through N.H. once-and the White Mts. and I love that whole area-especially in fall.
    So glad you are all back home and doing well.
    Blessings on you and yours.

  2. Well, okay so I didn't guess right! Congrats to Noreen for winning! And you're so right about getting lost in NJ. I grew up in Queens NY and we lived in NJ for a few years and it is the most confusing state there is around when it comes to follow signs!

    Glad you're home!!!

  3. Congratulations to Noreen. I guess I didn't stay on Google long enough to figure it was the White Mountains. I have been to 39 states but not New Hampshire! Bummer! :-) To tell you the truth I have never heard of the White Mountains! Glad they are home safe and sound.

  4. I have never been to that area of the states yet. Actually a lot of areas of the states. I really wish we would be able to travel a lot more. It would be so cool to see more of this great and varied country of ours. Congrats to Noreen. I am so glad your son and Joey are back safe and sound now.

  5. i bet you are so happy to have your son with you safe and sound again! and Joey, lol! beautiful photos. I'm going to go back and catch up on all your posts I missed while I was in Texas for 3 weeks.

  6. 12 states in 3 days!!! Oh my goodness. Your pictures of lovely.....really enjoyed looking through those. Popped over from Heather's blog. Have a great week :)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie