Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Yummy Din Din idea & a before & after lamp

Good Evening Lovlies,


Well, not much going on her today but cleaning,

I did get to talk on the phone with 4 ladies today,

2 of them twice, which is not my usual day.

So that was a really nice treat!!


Made a nice dinner. We had grilled shrimp on

skewers, basted with olive oil and sprinkled with lime pepper.


Have you ever had lime pepper??????? If you like

lemon pepper, you will luvvvvvvv lime pepper.

It is not as salty as lemon pepper, and I like it so

much better. Bought it at Sams wholesale.


We had black beans and yellow rice.

To my black beans I add a lot of garlic powder, some oregano,

onions, vinegar and olive oil, and when I

serve the beans I add cilantro on top.


Has everyone tried cilantro???????

I only found out about this great lil herb a few

years ago, it is lemony tasting and absolutely

delicious, I love it on just about anything

that you would want to be lemony tasting.

It is great on fish, in salsa, in salad,

that is about the extent of my uses.

Now I will be challenged to find new ways

to use it!!


We also had a nice salad with ranch dressing.

We were all happy lil campers with full tummies

when we left the table.


We had to wait for our dinner to settle and now

we have to do a workout for 30 mins. cause

we forgot to do it last night cause we were

fiddling with the links for the pics on my blog!! ha


Thought I would show you a before and after pic

of a lamps where I changed the shades.

I bought the lamp shades for my bedroom

lamps that are wooden and cylinder shaped,

but they didn't look good, so I was gonna take

them back, but I had them stashed in Scott's

room while he was gone till I could take them

back.........so when I started dusting and

sprucing up his room a bit before he came

home, I decided to bring the bean pot lamps

in that I used to have in my bedroom (they were

in the garage and I didn't want them to get broken

they have been around a while) In fact, I bought

those babies with S & H green stamps probably

27-28 yrs. ago. Do you remember Green Stamps.

Weren't they wonderful, I hate they quit doing

that, it was so much fun when you had no $$

to buy anything you could go there and getdd something

for free, what a sweet treat that was!!

Anyway, here is the lamp and shade that was

originally on it.

And this is with the new shade,
adds a lil of an asian flair, and I think it
makes it look more like a giner gar
than a bean pot.
Don't know if it is my imagination
but I think it looks slimmer!!
and it gives it a new look,
found the shades at Lowe's on sale,
a great place to look for lampshades
by the way is Ross, just in case you
are in the market.
Just thought I would share that I know
how you guys love anything to do with
decorating, and so do I!!
The pic at the top is from my Family room,
and the pics were a great early spring find at Where else..........
But Wally World for $5.00 each, I just love them.
Sorry about the glare. Think you should be able to click
on the pic to enlarge if you want, it worked for me anyway.
I made the birdhouse and just noticed that the ribbon had
come lose and was just hanging there. Funny!!
The white book laying there by it's lonesome is a
book published by the ladies in our church some
years back, it is stories that we wrote about
God's goodness, in fact, Jess at Jewels for the
Journey, was the one who got it all started
and published for us.
Well, maybe tomorrow will be a more exciting day,
In fact, I know it will be cause I am getting together
with a few girlfriends, so that is always fun!!
See ya tomorrow,
After while Crocodile...........
My exercise video is beckoning me.............
Love and Blessings,


  1. Hi Nellie! Can't sleep so I'm visiting buddies!! Love how the lamp looks with the new shade! Huge difference! I haven't tried lime pepper, but we put lime on a lot of stuff and use pepper!! HA!

    Gotta try to get some sleep!! Love ya!

  2. Yes, I recently purchased new lampshades for our lamps. What a difference! Your dinner sounds yummy! I haven't done too much cooking this week, but plan on having a nice barbecue when hubby comes home this weekend! Enjoy your day!

  3. Hi Nellie,

    Wow you had a lot of stuff going on, cleaning, decorating, cooking! I need to get some cleaning done. I have been working on it a little each day. I always kind of chuckle when people say their house is clean. just cluttered. I try to keep mine tidy and picked up all the time but I still know there is dirt under the stuff and on it. So when I see these houses that haven't had a cleared counter in months but to their mind it is still clean...hmmm, not really! I guess with my business I see it all!

    We love cilantro here on the west coast. I do want to try that lime pepper too. Sounds great.

    The lamp looks so updated with the new shade. I have been thinking that my next decorating post may be on lamps and lighting in general.

    I tried to look at Scott's Facebook photos but since he and I are not connected as friends on Facebook I didn't succeed. I am so glad he enjoyed his time in Maine.

    Oh, and I am so glad Becky is back!

    Love you..have a great day! B


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...