Monday, July 20, 2009

Guess where our whirlwind trip took us???? part 2

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,
Hope your day is going well so far!
Below and above are the two darlings we went
after on our trip. Joey looks bright eyed
and busy tailed as my Grandmother used to say.
She has lost quite a bit of weight but looks great,
Scott had fattened her up some before he left
for that reason.
And here is our main Darling.........
Scott looks great too, but he was thin already,
and almost looks a lil bit too thin, course, I am
sure he will put it back on rather quickly
now that he isn't climbing hills and mountains
everyday. Guess we should have fattened
him up too!! ha

The picture above and the rest of the ones below
were all taken while we were out of the car
at a Vermont rest stop.

You knew I would have to get some flowers
in here somewhere. These lilies were growing
all over in so many states where we were.
Scott says the daylilies spread like wildfire
in the colder regions cause they like the
cold and make underground roots in the
winter while they look dormant, they are
busy getting ready for spring.
Plus the soil is so rich and and holds
the water and nutrients unlike our
sandy soil in Florida.

Thought that was a lovely tree, have no idea
what kind it is!!

This nice view was in back of the rest stop.
We saw places where their were houses on the mountains
across the road from here, and this was the view they
had. I told Jimmy I don't know what would be better
waking up to that every morning or the beach.
That would be a hard contest!!

more of the lovely lilies at the rest stop.

Loved this burgundy one, had seen them earlier
at a MD. rest stop but didn't have the camera
out of the car with me, there were oodles of them.
So very pretty!!

another scenic view from the back of the rest stop.
Well, we left out Friday morning to go get
Scott and it was a 41/2 hr. drive over to
where he and Joey were, so I will show
you the few pics I have of that tomorrow
when I tell you where we went.
If you haven't ventured a guess yet,
make sure you leave a comment on yesterday's
or todays blog by noon on Wed.July 22nd,
so I can announce the winner
of the scenic notecards that afternoon.
Remember if you already know because I
told you or you saw it on Scott's facebook
that disqualifies you. Sorry, but we have
to play fair!! ha
Well............Happy Guessing,
See ya on Wednesday with the scoop!!
Hugs & Blessings,


  1. Okay, yesterday I guessed NY, but if you went through Vermont, could it be he was up in Maine?? I'm really clueless. Looking forward to finding out!

  2. I am changing my mind about the NY guess. You are talking about Vermont now. So I will say somewhere along the west side of Vermont. How about in the Burlington area or maybe Middlebury. I am looking at my atlas trying to figure this out. You have really got me curious now.

  3. Hi there, I'm wondering if it is New Hampshire-the White Mts? Loved all the photos-the one tree almost looked like a Maple..which, if in Vermont would make sense. We have daylilies here in Co. and I love them.
    Glad you got home safe and sound(our girlfriend told me to pray for you guys on Friday).
    Blessings to you and yours Nellie.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...