Saturday, August 1, 2009

Have a Calm and Cozy Sunday

(Picture from the trail in Maine)

Good Morning Dear Friends,


I am writing this Saturday Morning

for tomorrow Morning because I was

inspired as I was having my quiet time

with the Lord this morning.


I have been doing, well, actually re-doing

a workbook from Beth Moore, entitled

"Beloved Disciple", it is about John the one

who wrote the gospel of John.


I read something this morning that I thought

was so neat, and it gave me the scripture

for this Sunday.




"The Lord Confides in those who fear him."


Psalms 25:14



This is a quote from Beth Moore.

"I desperately want God to be able to confide in me,

don't you? The King James version puts in this way"

The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him."


Beth continues by saying,

I want God to tell me His secrets! I believe these

hidden treasures are not secret because he tells them

only to a chosen few but because not many of us seek

to know Him and tarry with Him long enough to find out.



I think that is because we live in such a Martha world,
busy, busy, and more busy. We have to make a choice to slow down,
and simplify our lives if we are ever gonna have a Mary heart
and live in a Mary World.
Luke 10:38-42

Just some food for thought!!

Thanks for coming by,


Have a Calm and Cozy Sunday,




Blessings and Hugs,



  1. God talks to us in the more simple places. Nature is just one of the most beautifull!



  2. Nellie,
    How true!
    When we are but still...
    resting in His grace, listening for His voice,
    We can hear Him.

    Thank you for this wonderful reminder.

  3. Since I quite working for 2 surgeons about 5.5 years ago things have become way less Martha for me. I enjoy days where not every moment is scheduled with things from my to do list and I have more time to think, ponder, pray and learn. Mary time is essential to our happiness. This is one of the great hidden treasures of getting older.

    Take good care, Nellie!

    ♥, Bon


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie