Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome to my kitchen..........

Hello Sweet Friends,
Welcome to my kitchen.........
where I spend a great deal of my time,
preparing meals, eating, cleaning, sometimes
watching T.V as I do those things, and then
there is ironing, and playing cards or games,
talking on the phone and where we just conversate
with a cup of coffee.
I did not really think "conversate" was a true word
and I thought I had just made up my first new
word for the urban dictionary but Lo and behold it
was in there! Drats!!
This is our kitchen table where the eating, game playing
and conversating takes place.
I have always loved sitting around a table talking
cause you can get eyeball to eyeball, and it just
seems to make the conversation flow better
for some strange reason!!

Remember I told you about 3 wks. or so ago that I rearranged
my counter tops in the kitchen. Well, I had been thinking
about it since vacation. One of my favorite things to do when
we go on vacation is to buy a decorating magazine to read.
So while I was vacationing I was also getting some new
fresh ideas for my kitchen. New fresh ideas by just moving
things around that didn't cost me a penny!!
I like those sort of changes, cause I love my home and love
it to look nice, but I don't like it to cost me a lot of money,
as I am sure you feel the same. I am a decorate with what
you have girl, and I have found moving things around
or from room to room, can give you a
whole new fresh look!!
I never remember to do before & after pics, but oh well,
If it were me I wouldn't care , I would just love
seeing the finished product anyway!
So figured you might be like me!!
And that maybe you might glean some fresh ideas
for yourself just in case you would like a change.

My mission was to get rid of some stuff and have
less on my counter tops than before.
I accomplished that, and have really been loving it!
This Pasta and spice rack used to be on the
corner where you come into the kitchen.
There used to be a cabinet type spice rack
there that was larger with other things
around it, and I have wanted to hang the
spice rack on the wall for awhile now, but
everytime I thought about it, there was
no hanger, and I didn't know what else to put in
the corner, so it just never happened.

See where the coffee pot is, my microwave used to sit
there and I have wanted to change places with it and the
coffee pot for 28 years now, but everytime I thought
about it.........It just didn't seem practical because my
dishes were all above the coffee pot and if I moved it
you would have to go across the kitchen for a cup.
Well, duh........amazing how long you go before you
actually think of something. I realized all I really
needed to do was clear out one shelf about the
microwave to put cups on and I could move it.
so that is what I did, and it is working out
wonderfully well, and I have more room on
the counter over there now too.

See where the red container is with the spatulas, there
used to be several more crocks there with knives and
gadgets. and 2 platters against the wall in back
of them, Well, I took one platter and put it on the
counter by the cooktop, as you can see,
and then put olive oil and vingegar and some spices
on the platter, you could put a salt and pepper
grinder or whatever you want.

The white crock in the middle of my stove
was a gift from a dear friend, it is actually
a french dip holder, you can put ice in the
bottom and it keeps your dip nice and chilled.
Well, in the mean time I put a small container
inside the crock, and made kind of a layered
thing where I put most of my knives.
Got the idea of putting on the cooktop
and the platter on the counter with
the vinegar & oil out of the new decorating
magazine, and really liked the look.
And if the platter is in the way, I can just
slide it back to the wall getting it out of the way.

These dishes on the wall have been there every since
the kitchen was redone, I think it may be 8 years
now. I wanted something really unusual to go there,
and happened to get some craft and decorating books
from the Library, and found a picture of something
I thought was neat but I changed it up a bit and made
it my own thing. They had dishes stacked on top of
each other but it was like layers of maybe 6 things,
I thought that much might fall off.
Anyway, I liked
them separated cause they also took up more room.
The silverware was there idea, the food on the plate
and the teabag was mine. That is a scripture teabag
from a Wedding shower I went to, and I won a box
of scripture tea as a prize.
The Verse is from Jeremiah 33:3
I love the verse
It says:
"Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee
great and mighty things."
And the reason I love this verse so much is because
that is exactly what we had experienced in the
almost year before I put these pcs. on my
kitchen wall, and had not actually realized
that until this moment as I am writing this!!
How Cool Is That!!
Tomorrow I will begin to explain what I am
talking about, so stay tuned it is really a great
story and God is so good, and really worth
braggin on!!
Just in case you are interested I used silicon glue
to put the plates together. I actually used a
saw tooth picture hook on the back of the bowl,
just glued it on, and in 9 years I have had
those babies in water cleaning them quite
often so it is great glue!!

This is the top of my fridge

This is my new oven, after 28 years. We finally had
to buy a new one earlier in the year, and might I say
I love it. Still learning to use those timers and stuff,
I am very technically challenged, what can I say!!

Where the microwave sits is where the coffee maker
used to be. The fruit canister and the salt and pepper
shakers on top where a Christmas present from
my sweet sister-in-law. Love them.


The flat basket hides the cords and electrical
outlet. In the picture before there was a
wire basket thingie I found to put mail in so
it wasn't just lying around on the counter.
It makes things looks so much neater.

This is an ironing board, chair and ladder all rolled
into one!! We bought this in a little backwoods store
in Ga. somewhere, years ago. Scott was still in
middle school and taking woodworking, we bought
it unfinished and he refinished it for me.
He did a great job!!
I love having my ironing board right there
rather than having to go in the garage and get
it everytime I need it! I have a regular larger
one in the garage I can use if need be, but
this usually takes care of most stuff.

Oh and remember that spice rack cabinet
I always wanted to put on the wall,
well, we finally put a hanger on that
baby, and she is hanging right above
my ironing board.
Well, hope you enjoyed your visit of my
kitchen and hope maybe you got some new
ideas of your own.
Come back tomorrow and read how
we experientially learned about
that verse in Jeremiah 33:3
Have a Great Monday Evening,
Blessings and Hugs,


  1. very cute kitchen! i love all the neat items you have that most people don't like that ironing board/ladder/stool! that's very cool looking. love the plates behind the stove too!

  2. Hi Nellie, Loved seeing your kitchen-helps me to picture you there. You have a wonderful way of making it warm and inviting; wish I could come have tea with you and Becky....have a blessed evening.
    Hugs, Noreen

  3. Hi Gal!! Love this post! Of course I think your kitchen looked lovely before also! :o) But there is nothing like changing things up a bit and having a fresh new look!! Especially without spending a dime!! Your home is so serene and pretty!!

    Looking forward to your story!
    Love ya,

  4. Me too, I want to come to that tea party! This was a fun tour. I really like the plates and silverware on the wall. I have never seen that before an it is really cute. I have two huge tubes of faux food I use in my business. I should make something like this to use on my houses that I stage. Thanks for the great idea, Nellie!!

    I finally found something we differ on...I love spending money on decorating! Not a lot but I am always looking for something that is just perfect for feathering the nest. That is what I collect I guess. I love home decor stores more than any other! That is why I have a warehouse so I can call my shopping business related! A great tax write off and so much fun. I love shopping for houses so staging is perfect for me!

    Love you....AB (Aunt Bonnie)

  5. I loved the tour of your kitchen! We have the same coffee maker except in white. I really love the idea you have over the stove. That is so cool. I just may try to do something like that.

  6. I noticed the links to Scott's AT pictures no longer work! I think Scott needs to post them on another website rather than facebook! And then we need to provide new links.

    I love your kitchen and I hear there are some great meals cooked there!!!!!

  7. Thanks I love the color and the chair too!!! Well the chair did come with a cushion but it is so tacky I didn't think it was even worthy to post about. Oh actually I did go to Universal on my break. I thought that it was before Tuesday(the day I announced my break) but it was really on Wednesday.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie