Friday, August 21, 2009

What's going on in my backyard

Hi Sweet Friends,
How has your day been?? I bet you are glad it is Friday!!
It was a nice day here most of the day, sunny and hot
but it poured late this afternoon!!
I decided to work outside some this morning, since I have
lost my lawn and garden man to his fulltime job!! ha
Course, I am in no way complaining, I am very happy
that the Lord has given him this job that he is so happy
about it too!!
Yet this is definitely not my favorite time of the year
to work in the yard, so I can't stand to be out in
that heat for too long, so I usually just plug away
about 30-60 mins. at a time, whenever the mood
strikes. Course, once we start to have cooler
mornings I love being out there.
Have a lot of bushes that need cutting so got busy
and got a large area done and it looks so much better
already, but I have to finish the other half now,
probably next week sometime. Next time I need to
wash my hair!! Cause I get so sweaty and yukky!
This is by our shed in the back yard,
Wanted you to see what my Green Thumb Son
has done for our yard. The opening pic is what it looks like now,
the one below is in spring before he got so busy fertilizing, and
pruning. I have a whole new crop of Roses that are about
to open on the corner in that urn. (Have to look at top pic to see the urn).
And of course, There is Joey looking for Lizards

This plant is called Lantana and their was a beautiful orange butterfly
getting nectar, but I couldn't catch him with his wings open enough.

That wierd looking thing is him too, but when they
are drawing nectar for some reason they close their wings.

This is what you call Cuban Buttercup, Scott grew this
from seeds when he worked at the Flower farms
and also the Lantana you saw.

This is called Fantasia, he also grew this,
at one point I thought it was gonna die, but
he has revived it!!

These are some trees he has grown from seeds,
and the one in the urn is one he pruned and fertilized
for me, I actually like it by my front door, but had
moved it cause the back was pretty bare, it is looking
better now, so hopefully soon I might be able to
move it back by my front door.

Remember I said he planted some flowers for me a few
weeks back, well these are some of them, they are
pink Zinnias, there are some outfront as well, meant
to go take a pic of them too.

And the bougainvilla is blooming again. I really love

the color of this plant, and it reminds me of when we

lived in KeyWest, cause it is all over the place down

there, and just gorgeous!!


I forgot yesterday to give a praise about my

little nephew Bryson. He has not been having

the stomach problems and his rash has all cleared up,

Thanks to the Lord!!

She did get a scary report back from the Dr. on his

bloodwork and they said that he basically has no immune

system, so now they are going to send her to an

Immunologist and he is also an allergist as well.

The Dr. she went to see down here also did not write the

order for the celiac test, and she didn't discover

it until they had already taken his blood and they had a really

tough time getting enough draw cause of his small veins.

So of course, she was not too happy about that at all.

The Dr. now thinks that maybe he had some virus

that just hung on and on, and that was what was

causing his bad intestinal problems. We are sure

hoping that is the case, but I think whatever it was

the Lord probably took care of it because of the prayers,

so we truly thank you all for your prayers.


Well, there has been tiling going on in our bathroom

again tonight, all the side walls are about done,

and we are getting ready to start on the floor

and step soon. We still have to put the towel

rack and soap dish in tomorrow. I am getting more

excited everytime we tile cause it means we are getting

closer to grouting, and then closer to being finished!! yea!!!


Well, that is about all my news for today.


Hope you have a truly lovely weekend.


Take care now!!


Blessings and Hugs,



  1. Your garden is so beautiful! How do you get such lovely photo's~a special camera? I saw your post on Walking on Sunshine~so I thought I would come to visit. God bless and have a wonderful weekend, Rose

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  3. Hi Gal, This area sure looks nice! Love that plant in the urn! What's it called? I have stuff I have to do outside, too. My sago has that asian scale and I still haven't dealt with that yet, and I have a few other things to do.

    Hope your weekend is a pleasant one! Great news about Bryson. Keep me updated ok?

    Love ya,

  4. Fun post! I enjoyed seeing all your yard pictures. Have you tried the macro setting on your camera? It is great for taking closeups of flowers. I use it all the the time for my flower pictures. My Pink Saturday post is about flowers and all the close ups are done with the macro setting. Just remember to have the zoom lens back to normal when using the macro setting.

    Sounds like things are getting resolved about Bryson. I hope so. Glad the rash cleared up!

  5. very pretty flowers and plants! i hope you have a great weekend. wonderful news on Bryson- thanks for his update :)

  6. Your yard looks so pretty. How nice you have had Scott to help with it. Yard work is kind of overwhelming to us it is just not our favorite way to spend time but we have done it for many years. We have just recently hired a gardening company to come by once a week and tidy things up and it has helped a lot. Maybe in retirement we will do our own again but for now with really only one day a week that is semi-free for Jim I just would rather cut the budget some place else and let him have more free time.

    So glad little Bryson is doing so much better.

    Happy weekend!

    Hugs, B

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May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie