Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This weeks been full of surprises

Wild orchid from the Appalachian Trail compliments of you know who!!
Afternoon Sweet Friends,
This is gonna be short, but thought I would
just say Hi and let you know what is going on
in my world today.
Yesterday I rec'd a call from a neice who lives
in the panhandle that I haven't seen or talked
to in awhile, anyway, she is coming our way
because she has a really sick baby on her hands,
and they are sending her to a pediatric
Gastroenterologist about 45 mins away from
us. She has an appt. tomorrow at 1:30 to see
the Dr., please pray that the Dr. will have the
wisdom he needs to help her (actually I think
she might have said the Dr. is a lady) anyhow,
or that the Lord would just graciously heal
this lil 11 mos old boy, named Bryson.
He has lactose intolerance and allergies,
they give him zyrtec daily, and he is one
some special formula that is $30.00 a can.
He has acid reflux problems and diahrrea
so badly that she has to give him pedialyte
all the time, but every few weeks she has
to take him to the emergency room to
have him infused with it because he gets
so dehydrated. He has also had constant
ear infections since birth and has been
on a lot of antiobiotics which I am sure
has not at all helped his problems, but
what are ya gonna do!!
They try to pump
him full of probiotics to help that issue.
He has already had several surgeries,
to put tubes in his ears and to remove
his adnoids, which did help the infections
some, and there is so much more she
said but don't remember it all and too
much to tell anyway. She and her
husband have really been thru it to
say the least, they also have another
little boy named Jacob and I think
he is about 4-5 years old.
Of Course, we told her to come and stay
with us cause they will probably need to
be here for a few days at least to get some
tests done. I told her today that they
have a big Childrens Hospital in Orlando
called Arnold Palmer Childrens hospital
and maybe she should ask the Dr. if she
would consider sending her there.
They truly need some answers... this
little guy is suffering. His bottom is
just burnt and because she has to
keep him covered in Vaseline to protect
him from getting more burned the air
also can't get to it to heal and he has
a horrible diaper rash as well.
My heart can hardly stand to think
about how miserable he must feel,
yet she says he is a very happy baby
in spite of it all. Has to be God's
grace is all I can say!!
We are so happy to get a chance to
see her and visit with her but we sure
hate it is under such sad circumstances.
I'm back, went to work on din din for
a bit. I am making something called
Parma Rosa spaghetti. It is really a
great meatless meal with lots of veggies,
we all really love it, and the leftovers heat
well and still
taste great. I always like that!!
I will try to post the recipe in a few
days when I get the chance.
Oh yea, just to let you know .....they put
the amount of the bogus checks back in our acct.
last night, so it isn't gonna cost us!! God is so good!!
Had a few comments about the vinegar, yes, it works
great on glass and windows as well.
Have you every had your dishes look cloudy
coming out of the dishwasher??. If so,
put a cup or so of vinegar in a bowl
that will fit between the prongs on
the lower level and run your dishwasher
with or without dishes in it, and it will
cut all that dried soap that get on the
walls of dishwasher and make it sparkling
clean, you might have to do it a number
of times if you have a long time build up,
but just keep doing it till your dishes
and the inside look nice and shiny.
One of the best tips I ever learned.
I actually put vinegar in my rinse aid
dispenser in my dishwasher, has
worked fine for quite some time now.
Definitely cheaper than cascade rinse aid,
and works just as well if not better!!
Well Gang, Have a great Evening,
Gotta run finish dinner
Hugs and Blessings,
P.S. Guess I just can't do short!! ha


  1. Well, it is really Bonnie saying it..I am on Jim's computer for the moment! God's blessings to your little great nephew. Honestly there is nothing sadder than a helpless little, sick baby. We have been through it all with Hazie so I am talking from experience. I hope they come up with a solution soon. Thanks for more vinegar tips and your dinner sounds yummy. Glad you got your $ back too.

    Sweet dreams....Bon

  2. "Oh Lord, please heal little Bryson and comfort his tired family!"
    Praying for blessings for all of you.
    Love ya.

  3. All my prayers are going for Bryson and his famly. Children this young can't really rationalize why they aren't feeling well. It's so good to know he makes the best when he does feel better. I'm praying the Doctor will find out what is wrong and correct it.
    I am looking forward to your recipes! I need new recipes!!!
    Vinegar! It is so good for many things. The only problem I have with it is it stinks so bad, ha! Love, sister Susie!

  4. just popping in to say hi! hope you are having a wonderful day today :)

  5. Great tip for the dishwasher! One question..are you using white vinegar for that? Or does it matter? I hope little Bryson is doing better by now.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie