Saturday, August 29, 2009

Have a Soothing Sunday

(Ferns on the Appalachian trail in Maine)
Good Morning Sweet Friends,
Hope you are having a nice weekend!
Ours has been good, we did some tiling on Friday
night, well, Jimmy tiled while I looked for
those lost pictures. Guess what???
I finally found them. We took some pics
of the pics but most of them didn't come
out, so we will try again using the macro
setting on the camera, so pray it works!!
This morning we decided to go to Cracker
Barrel for breakfast and get out of the house
for awhile. I have a gift certificate for Bed,
Bath & Beyond that I haven't used yet,
so got to thinking I should use it just in
case they should decide to close down
or something. You never know these
days. Wanted to get something for our
bathroom....... saw some rugs and towels,
and bath accessories, but wasn't sure if
the colors where right. Duh, I forgot
to take anything to match colors! I truly
scare myself sometimes!! lol
So wound up not getting anything.
Then we went to Michaels crafts and
looked around a bit, and I got a pretty
candle jar lid thingie for $3.00, and it
didn't fit my candle jars when I got
home. They also had fall jar candles
2 for $8.00, and they are nice candles,
I have had one before,
couldn't remember if I really needed a new
one or not, so didn't get them. When I got home
I checked, and the one I have has
burned way down, so not much left.
Gotta take the jar lid back anyway,
so guess I will get the candles then.
Then we went to Target Supercenter
and did mostly grocery type shopping,
but looked around a little as well.
By then, we were tired and ready
to call it a day, so picked up some
whoppers and headed for home.
It was just fun to get out for a bit!!
We really should have been tiling,
but quite frankly, we are tired of it,
and needed some fun today!!
It'll get done one of these days,
hopefully soon!!
Well, I will leave you with this favorite verse
from Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the
good of those who love him, who have been called
according to his purpose."
Dear one, if you are experiencing hardship
of some kind right now, whether it be physical
problems or sickness, problems with your
marriage, children or job, financial, emotional,
or spiritual difficulties....... remember first and
foremost that God loves you more than
anything, and then you need to keep your
eyes off what you see in front of you,
and look at what this verse is telling you.
Start praying and claiming what this verse
says, about God working all things out
for your good, then start looking for the
good He is bringing out of it. Sometimes
that may take a bit, but if you keep looking
for it eventually you will see it.
Trust me , we have seen it over and over again
in our lives. God is no respecter of person,
He loves his children, and He loves you and is
working in your behalf if your heart is
turned towards Him!!
And even if it isn't He is still working in
your behalf, cause He wants a relationship
with you because He has nothing but love
in His heart for you, and truly wants the
best for your life.
Maybe you are not experiencing hardship
of any kind today, then Praise God from
whom all blessings flow!!
Have a very Soothing Sunday,
Love and Hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, busy day! We love Cracker Barrel and we do not have any in CA so we always try to find them along the roads out of state. I am glad you took a little day off and didn't keep working when you are tired of the tiling. Remodeling is a forever things it seems sometimes.

    Loved your scriptures and believe them with all my heart. I have seen things work together for good all the just have to pay attention and it is right there.

    Talk to you later...♥ Bonnie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie