Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Have a super exceptional Tuesday, My Friends

Here is another wildflower from the trail, think it is called Ladyslipper!!



Good Morning and Happy Tuesday to You!!


Hope you all had a nice weekend, and a good Monday.

Our weekend was fun and productive. We watched

a movie "New in Town" on Friday evening,

and then again Sat.afternoon as we did the exercise

bike. We also had a lovely breakfast: eggs, bacon and

waffles with some great maple syrup we got in

New Hampshire. Spent some time talking and reading,

and later in the day Jim worked on tiling

as I worked on making dinner for Sunday.


I have to say we loved the movie, it is a pg rating,

and of course, there were a few things we wish

wasn't in there, but all in all, it is a great movie

with a great message, and it is hilarious and

leaves you wishing it hadn't ended yet!!

We Love movies like that!!


The tiling is coming along great...........

the whole back wall is finished now,

and most of the side walls, but we are

at the point of having to cut the tile now,

so it goes a lil bit slower, but it is coming

out very nicely. We are getting very

excited at the prospect of being able

to use our shower again.


Sunday was a very nice day, we went

to Sunday school and Church. Then when service

was over we had the privilege of being part of

and watching 2 young men that we have known for years,

that are friends of Scott's and who were in our bible studies

for years, along with their sweet wives dedicate their babies

in a special intimate service all it's own. It was really a sweet

time and we are so proud of them, and their commitment

to the Lord, and what great parents they are.

Dave and his wife have a 6 mo. old baby girl named

Faith Montgomery ( Dave is like a 2nd son, he and Scott were

inseparable when they were kids and nice that

they have been able to rekindle their relationship)

and Eric and his wife Kathleen have a 3 mo. old

baby girl, named Whitney Faith, she is adopted and

has been a joy to all our hearts because we had the

priviledge of praying for her and her parents,

through the whole ordeal, so she is a very special

lil girl to the many who have prayed for her.


Then after all that, we came home and our daughter

DeeAnna came over with her new beau for Lunch/dinner,

It was around 2 p.m, so whatever you call it!!

Sunday Dinner would describe it best, I guess!! ha

Actually he is a new beau for her, but an old friend of
Scott's and the son of some of our very best friends
of 28 years. His parents were friends, and mentors
and spiritual encouragers and really like family.
DeeAnna and Jeremy connected thru facebook about
6 or so mos. ago and have really enjoyed it and so
In July he decided to come for a visit, and has been
coming rather regularly on the weekends. He lives 2 hrs.
away I might add. It was great to see him, he looks
and is as sweet and cute as ever. He is 7 yrs. older,
but Dee likes older fellows because they seem to
be more assured of where they want to go in life
and what they want, she likes that!!
Smart cookie, this girl of Ours!!
We and His parents are delighted at the mere thought of
possibly becoming in-laws, since we all love each other
so much already. We have great memories of times
we all spent together. Of Course, when the boys were
younger Jeremy never paid much attention to DeeAnna,
cause he and Scott were always buds and hanging out
doing guys stuff, so that is why it is not strange for
he and Dee to now be involved.
We will have to see in the months ahead where
this is all going!! I'll keep you posted!!
Sunday din din was great. we had Lasagna, Salad
with Italian dressing, and yummy multigran bread.
It was downright delicious, if I do say so myself,
I also made brownies, then we had some peanut
butter cup frozen yogurt to go on them.
and while we were at the store we spotted a lovely
lemon pound cake that had no hydrogenated oils,
so we plucked that baby up too, It is wonderful
very lemony and moist. Thanks to Publix
Supermarkets, where shopping is a pleasure.
Always, I might add. Love that store.
Have I made you hungry yet!! ha
That's our weekend, and then came Monday....
I was sort of out of it all day, but somehow I did manage to
acccomplish some washing and a lil bit of cleaning,
and I did manage to drop and total my camera!!
Just call me Mrs. Butterfingers!!
Could not believe it, but oh well, the Lord
giveth and the Lord taketh away,
Blessed be the name of the Lord!!
Good thing I have all those nice
pics from the trail Scott has provided.
I was actually taking pics of my kitchen
counters to show you my new rearrange
when I dropped it, I did get a few pics
so I might put them on in a few days.
cause it might be awhile before I get
a new camera, course, if Scott is not afraid
of Mrs. Butterfingers he might allow
her to use his camera!!
I would be afraid if I were him!! ha
Well sweet folks, I hope you have a super
exceptional Tuesday and rest of the week!
Love and Hugs,


  1. Sounds like an enjoyable weekend!! And very excited for your daughter! I've reconnected with quite a few people on Facebook and it's been fun catching up on their lives! Never heard of that movie!! But it must be good if you watched it twice!! Enjoy!!

  2. Sounds like you had a nice weekend. So sorry about your camera. I am looking for a new one now too. Our got accidentally tossed into the pool by Miss Chloe Jane when they were here. Of course Jen and Lowell insisted we keep theirs which was identical (except for more wear and tear carting it around with four kids) but I think it is time for us to get a new one and give their back to them.

    Your bathroom is coming along. I got all the remainder of our windows ordered so we are making progress too! I want to get as much done as possible before winter.

    Have a great rest of the week, Nellie!

    ♥ Bon


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie