Wednesday, August 5, 2009

(This is wild Lupine from the Trail compliments of Scott)

Good Morning Sweet Blogger Friends,
I have been up since 5, actually woke up at 4 but couldn't
get back to sleep cause I was feeling hungry, so figured I
might as well get up and eat something, so I did and am
now wide awake so thought........ might as well blog!! ha
Hope your Tuesday was nice! After I finished my blog
yesterday I went over to visit with my daughter DeeAnna.
We haven't had a day just by ourselves in awhile, so it
was quite fun for both of us. We went out to Ross cause
she needed to return something so while we were in
there looking around she founds some Pretty pictures
she really liked for her bedroom.
So I asked her if she would like them for her birthday
which is coming up in less that 2 weeks. So we found
2 narrow elongated ones for each side of her window.
and then 2 square ones, one had a zebra, the other
a giraffe, she was gonna hang them together until
we found this adorable paper mache giraffe, and
then found a shelf to put it on.
So now the picture with the Giraffe, along with
the shelf and the Giraffe will go on another wall,
the one with the Zebra will go over her potty
in the bathroom. Right now she has nothing on
her walls. Her shelves and table top areas
are all decorated nicely, but she is in huge
need of wall accessories.....
but I wouldn't let her have them till her birthday.
Then we will have another fun day hanging it all.
Not on her birthday probably, but soon after!
I just love Ross cuz you get the best deals there.
We got all that for $54.00. You could pay that
for just one or 2 pictures most places.
So she is very excited. I also am gonna work
on another wall hanging for over her bed.
I have had all the materials for over a year,
maybe 2 actually, to make a contemporary
type wall decoration for over her bed.
It will have 3 sheets of foam core board painted
the rusty type red that is the color of her
bedspread and my front door. They will all
be hung vertically but separately, and
then they will have some foam core layers
attached, that have some zebra print,
and silver and white (I think) textured scrap
booking paper attached to them, so it should look
like a nice grouping of modern art.
So pray that it comes out looking as well
as we think it will. Cause you never know!
Guess What???
Scott has his first interview on Thursday @ 4:30 P.M.
It is with a pest control service with the possiblility of moving
into Managment at a later date. I think he is pretty excited
about it..........cause I think he is really ready
to move on with his life.
So we will see if this is what the Lord has for him.
Well, a lil change in subject here.... I almost forgot,
have you ever tried these new green cleaners. I cleaned my
bathroom on Monday, and took this shot
before I killed my camera.

Just thought I would let you know they work really well.....
in case you have not tried them yet!!
I have to say I was a bit skeptical myself,
yet was very pleased with the results.
I really love to hear how someone else likes a product
before I spend money on it cause so many times
in the past I have purchased things to try
and then felt like I wasted my money.
Example: Remember the shower spray stuff
they had a few years back, that if you sprayed
your shower with it was suppose to
keep it clean! In fact, I think it might have been called "clean
shower" or something like that, and thought,
hey, it's worth a try........ well it wasn't!! ha
Well, that is all my news for today,
Hope you have a bright and beautiful day!!
Love and Blessings,


  1. Don't you just love buy something for someone as a gift and they know what it is...are even there when you buy it - BUT they can't have it until the right day! I do that all the time - drives the family crazy!! It just wouldn't be right to have it early :) So glad you had a great day with your daughter!!

  2. Those green products are great because they don't put off noxious fumes or contain chemicals that could be harmful. It is probably returning to stuff our ancestors used to clean!

    Thanks for the tips...


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie