Saturday, August 8, 2009

Trying not to press the panic button

Happy Saturday Morning dear friends,
Well, we woke up to a fun surprise this morning!!
We rec'd a letter from our bank saying that they have our
acct. frozen because someone cashed a bunch of checks against
our acct. using hubbies name and our acct. number,
to the tune of almost $1000.00.
Jimmy just returned from the bank, so they
closed our old acct. and opened up a new one,
but it is very strange....... They show that the money
was deposited to our acct. but the checks were
actually cashed, and they have our acct. frozen supposedly
for some tax reason, which of course, we know nothing
about or any reason why that would be.
He is on the phone now with the fraud protection
part of the bank. We are trying not to push the panic
button, and realizing this passed thru our Father's
hands and he knows all about it and also how to get
it straighened out. Jim will have to go back to the
bank on Monday with his I.D. and hopefully he can
get the money that is frozen in our 1st acct. unfrozen
so we can move it to our new acct. He just got
paid on thursday and that is the day they froze our acct.,
so we are so grateful they realized there was a problem
and did that, but we have a few small checks that have
not come in yet, and we are hoping he can get that straightened
out Monday too, cause our first acct. now has a zero balance.
So if they don't clear we might have nice check charges.
We are thanking God the bank was open this morning,
cause at first I was thinking we had to wait until Monday.
So altho I feel bad for the people that have to work there
on this lovely Sat. morning, I am so thankful they were
there, cause who knows what other damage could get done
before we could get it taken care of.
So if you work in a bank we thank you for doing that
and being such a service to folks like us!! Whether
on Saturday or the rest of the week.
We have had a good week so far, so we don't plan
to let this ruin it!!
I have to give a few Thankful Thursday
reports since I didn't get to post on Thursday.
We are sooooo thankful that Scott got the job!!
It is working for a pest control service doing the
lawn and garden care. He is so happy about it
and it is so great to see him soooo happy again.
He probably want start until Monday after
next cause of all the background stuff, but he
will start with going to 3 weeks worth of classes,
probably a bunch of stuff he already knows ( that's
mom saying that cause of his college classes) but
maybe not, but if it is it will be a good refresher for him.
We are also thankful that
On Thursday evening we got to go see some
friends from Tennessee that were staying in
in a condo near disney. We have known them
for 35 years and it is always a joy to see them
and their family. Also Scott got to see their
son Brian, and it has been years and years.
So they had a great time catching up.
We walked around the grounds and the place
is fabulous. It has 3 large pools, and a bunch
of hot tubs and even a lazy river and then
a nice walkway all the way around the
grounds, sandlot volleyball and miniature
golf. Quite a nice place and quite a nice walk.
I was wishing I had my camera with me,
so you could see! I do miss my ol girl,
may she rest in peace!!
And last but not least I am thankful
that we are tiling again, it is going much
slower now that we are having to cut
the tile, and the walls are not square
on the sides, so some of the tiles have
to be cut a lil bit more or less than the others
so that takes more time measuring and all.
But thank the Lord is is coming along, and
one day soon we will get there!! ha
Well, hope you are having a fun Saturday or
at least a productive Saturday!! ha
But don't forget to rest tomorrow!!
We watched Lord of the Rings until
2 a.m. last night, are we crazy or what???
So we got up a bit later than usual.
Think we are feeling like we are on
vacation after going to that lovely resort.
We went to Perkins @ 12:15 on Thursday
night on the way home from visiting.
Hey, we were hungry (must have been the
walk around the hotel grounds) and it is summer
time, we always did fun stuff like that
when are kids were younger.
Think all 3 of us really enjoyed it........
It was like old times... and Full of good
For our family there is something
so fun about staying up late,
I just don't know what it is but
it spells FUN to us!!
Well, hope you enjoy the rest of your
lovely weekend. I do mean lovely
we didn't have rain today, first time
all week! Don't hear me complaining
tho, I love that rain, everything looks
lush and beautiful, and all Scott's
hard work fertilizing and pruning is
paying off. Got lots of new flowers
opening up, mostly lantana right now,
but soon it will be more knock out Roses.
Thanks so much for dropping in.........
Gotta get back to helping hubby with the tiling.
Bye Now!!
Love and Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a surprise that was for you! I hope it all gets straightened out. I wonder who was writing those checks against your acct. I hope they are able to catch that person.

    I had a panic button in my hand during the MRI yesterday. But I was okay, I got through it without needing to squeeze that panic button. Whew!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie