Monday, August 31, 2009

Hope your having a Sunny Monday

Hi Dear Friends,
I hope you are having a Sunny Monday,
at least in your heart!!
Sometimes Monday's are just sort of blah days
or I just sort of feel like I am still waking up days!! lol
I am full of excitement because I am seeing the long
shadows, and a few leaves falling from the trees and
I know that Fall is right around the corner.
Hoping hubby is feeling energetic enough to get my
Fall decorations down from the attic this evening so
I can begin my Fall transformation.
In Florida it doesn't have even the hint of Fall
weatherwise, but I like to fake myself out by making it
feel like Fall inside,
and I love it, love it, love it!!
It is time for burning those spicy candles, eating
pumpkin pie, making pumpkin butter, and soups,
and stews and cobblers, and of course, decorating
the house in those warm colors. I truly think it is
my favorite time of the year!!
I am in the process of making Chicken and Dumplings
right now..........Got to get off to a good Fall Start, ya know!!
Have been thinking about making that for weeks now,
so it will find a yummy spot in my tummy!!
Since I found the pics on Saturday, I have taken pics of some
of the pics and have them all ready to Lord Willing,
I will start my story about what the teabag tag said, in my
"Welcome to my kitchen" blog last week.
Just in case you forgot or didn't read that one,
The Teabag tag said:
"Call unto me and I will answer thee,
and show thee great and mighty things."
Jeremiah 33:3
Also, I am happy to report all the walls in the shower
have tile now, but we still have the step and the bottom
of the shower to go. We went renegade this weekend,
so didn't get a lot done in there,
but we did manage to have lots of fun !!
Hey, it's not going anywhere that is for sure.
We went to a "Ten Year Ministry Celebration"
last night at our church, it was in honor of Jess and
her husband Tony who is one of our Pastors.
(she is over @ Jewelsforthejourney)
They have been one of our 6 Pastorate families
for 10 years now, and they are such a blessing
to our church, and I think they have been
with us the longest at this point in time.
Keep up the Good Work you guys,
You will surely be awarded with the
"Good and Faithful Steward Crown"
when you get to Glory!!
Well, that is my life today and over the
weekend. Hope you had a great Monday
with no blahs, and that your coffee kept
you awake and aware all day!! lol
Thanks for coming by
Hugs and Blessings,
P.S. Did all my Golden Yellow make you feel like Fall is in the air??
Hope so!!!


  1. hope you had a great weekend and a wonderful start to this week!

  2. I think Fall is coming ready or not, Everyone is talking about it and I have to admit a few of my fall things have crept out and I bought an awesome autumn spice candle the other day. I like to light in the the early morning when I am writing my daily post. Jim is not a fan of scented candles so I only light them when he is gone. It kind of cramps my style (LOL) but I manage to work around it!

    I am looking forward to your story...!

    Love you, B

  3. P.S. Love the mustardy yellow...very fallish!

  4. I love Fall and think I would have a hard time living somewhere that didn't truly show Fall in all its beauty! But then you never have to worry about the snow that follows. Great news on the tile. Hope your bathroom gets finished soon and you post some pictures!!!

  5. Hey Nellie,
    Thanks for your beautiful card and your encouragement over the last 10 years.
    A whole decade! Who would have guessed? ;)
    To GOD be the glory!
    He has certainly blessed us and we are grateful.
    Love you ~


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie