Friday, October 12, 2018

Thankful Thursday October 11, 2018, Scenes from Fall's past #4

All the earth bows down to you; 
they sing praise to you,
 they sing the praises of your name.”
Psalm 66:4 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been a good one.

Ours has been tainted by some sad-
ness and grief, as our lil furry
granddaughter dog Rosie passed 
away this week on Tuesday.  She
 started having seizures on Monday
 night, and they took her to an
emergency vet clinic and they were
able to give her meds to stop the
seizures and things did look hope-
ful but by Tuesday even with the
 meds she started having them
 again and it was downhill from
there. She was 15 years old and
lived a sweet life, and probably
did more things in her life than
some people. lol  My daughter
and her hubby are devastated,
especially Dee as she has had
her most of that 15 yrs. and their
 bond became even stronger as
 Rosie has been such a great
companion for her in the last 5
years as they have made moves
to Asheville and Charleston and
 Dee didn't know anyone or have
 any friends yet. Our hearts are 
broken as well as she was like our
first grandchild for many years
before we were blessed with lil
darling. So we practiced many
of our grandparenting skills on   So we have already
missed her these last 5 years
and always look forward to see-
ing her, when we visit or they
 visit us, so of course, that will
 no longer be happening.  Sad,
but hubby and I have said many 
times that we are Thankful that
the Lord gave us lil darling before
 Rosie moved away, as we were
very attached to her as she used
to stay with us a lot when Dee
was working and in college.
Anyway, she was the sweetest
lil dog and she will be greatly

Pics today are from Fall's Past 

Also if this is a printable that you
 made please let me know, as this pic
 was taken some years ago, and I 
have no recollection of who did it.

So..... on with the rest of my

Thankful that if this had to happen
to Rosie it happened before my 
daughter and son-in-love left for
 their trip, they were leaving very
early the next morning and the
seizures started about 9 pm or so
 on Monday evening.  Her hubby
had to go there for a seminar and
 because their 7th Anniversary is
 this week, they decided to make
 a longer trip out of it, since he
 only had to work that one day
 and the company was already
 paying his way.  So would have
been a great opportunity, but
just wasn't in the plan!!

Thankful that we were not near
 where Hurricane Michael  hit, 
as we live in Central Florida,
 but feeling so badly for those
that were in his path, it is just
total devastation, like a bomb
hit them, and completely wiped
them off the map, and can't even 
imagine what the poor people
 in NC are dealing with after
 more rain piling on top of what
 they had a few weeks ago from
Lots of prayers going up for
all the folks that are so dis-
placed from their homes and
have lost everything. So
very sad............

Thankful that we got our A/C
and heater serviced and taken
care of for another year. 

Thankful that my son made it 
to Texas safely for work.

Thankful for seeing an absolutely
 gorgeous pink and orange sunset
off our porch.

Thankful for another really great 
Hallmark movie called "Beyond
the Chalkboard", and again our
favorite, it is a movie based on
a true story.  

Thankful for a good day at 
church and lunch with our new
 friends at Cracker Barrel.

Thankful for seeing a lovely
rainbow while out bike riding.

#10 and 11
Thankful lil darling is feeling
better as she had the flu the
end of last week, and thankful
for Tamiflu and fever reducers
 which helped her feel better
until she recovered.

Thankful that my daughter and
 hubby decided to go to Asheville
 since the Tropical storm was
 coming there way and they were
already packed and had time off
from work. Think maybe it will
help them some....

Well, that's been our week.............

Thanks for coming by....

Have a lovely weekend.

Love, Hugs, and
Healing Blessings to many
who need them,


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  1. #1. I always loved to hug on lil' Rosie as well! I will truly miss her. I have gone through losing many beloved pets over the years. I always claim Romans 8:21 for the LORD's animal kingdom, "The creatures themselves will be liberated from death and decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of GOD." Hallelujah! The LORD Loves His Creation!
    #2. The LORD has His timing for EVERYTHING!
    #3. I can surely know what they are going through for I as a child I grew up with many hurricanes in the Florida Keys. We had much devastation too and living in trailers at that!!! My prayers are definitely heart felt for them and I pray many are drawn closer to our LORD.
    #4. I know what you mean. Mine is done in the spring!
    #5. Praise our LORD! I know Megan and Sweetie Pie are glad he's home too!
    #6. The sky has been just gorgeous! Jerry (my parrot) is out on top of his cage whistling up a tune as he looks out the double window beside his cage!!!
    #7. I'm so glad for great movies! I've seen a few this week myself on GET TV Chanel.
    #8. Wonderful!!! I so enjoy when I go out with my friends too! It seems to further the worship of GOD in our sharing of food.
    #9. What a great reminder from our LORD!
    #10 & #11. Do they have flu shots for children?
    #12. I'm praying it will be so. I pray the LORD's Love to flow in and around them!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,

    No, I don't think they have flu shots for children that I know of anyway....

    Glad you had a good week.

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie