Friday, October 26, 2018

Thankful Thursday October 25, 2018, Falls past #6

Praise the LORD
Blessed are those who fear the LORD, 
who find great delight in his commands.
Psalm 112:1  

Greetings Sweet Friends, has your week been??

The majority of our week has been 
great, full of love and fun, mixed in
 with a lil sadness and then a lot of 
tiredness near the end of the week, 
but overall a very good week.........

For those of you who might not have
read my Tuesday post earlier this week,
we were away visiting with our daughter
 and son-in-love in Charleston since
Wed. a week ago,  and just got back
home this passed Tuesday evening,
so my Thankfuls will catch you up
on that..........

Pictures today are from a Fall past,
Think it was remnants from my
son's birthday table some years

So on with it...............

Thankful for a safe and uneventful trip 
to Charleston and back to visit with
our daughter DeeAnna and 
Son-in-love, Jerry.

Thankful to see our girl and hubby
 since it has been since August and 
since she has lost her lil dog, Rosie.
(It's been about 21/2 weeks now).

Thankful they are doing much better
with the loss, but are still adjusting
to their new normal, without her. 
Have to say something seemed to
be missing and that something was
a someone.....Rosie.  She has been
 such a part of everything for the last
14 years, so we missed her excited
greeting when we arrived, and her 
sitting next to us and on our lap, and
 her begging and dancing around
 for cookies. Have to say it wasn't
as bad as I thought it would be,
guess because we had sort of
prepared ourselves for it. Have
a hard time seeing her pic tho.
Makes me cry or want to cry
everytime I see it.


Thankful that the Lord had timed our
visit perfectly, and we had lots of
conversations about Rosie, but also
did some fun things, and brought
activity to the house which
I think helped.


Thankful for the lovely cool Fall
weather we had while in Charleston,
it was our first taste of Fall this year,
and now that we are back it is a bit
cooler here now too.  Hooray!!

Thankful for a great time as always,
Staying at their home; Good con-
versations, nice accomodations, just
hanging out and enjoying the outdoors,
 card games, golf cart rides (took more
 pics for yall), good food, shopping and
 exploring, and just being together.
My kind of

Thankful that we even got some
exercise in too. We took a bike ride,
went for a walk, and went in the 
pool once, on different days.


Thankful that this time we got to go
 in some different decorating stores
and shops that are near to where
 they live.  We have been wanting 
to do that for a while that
was fun for all of us.

Thankful we got to go to Trader Joe's
while we were there, and got some
of their Bruschetta sauce, Bread
sticks, and movie theatre pop corn,
and got some pastry's from there
too, this time.  We got some Orange
Scones that were really great. If
we would have known how good
they were we would have gotten
more.  lol

Thankful we got thru Wed. with
homeschooling lil darling and Thurs.
 picking her up this week fine, cause
 we are both so tired.  Hoping today
will be better but think, we might be
fighting off a bug or something.

Thankful that all was well at home
and with  loved ones while we 
were away.

Thankful that the Lord answered
 prayer and took care of something
 I was concerned about.

Well, there you have it another
 week at cozy place.

Glad you could stop by today.

Have a Wonderful Friday 
and Weekend.

Can you believe next Thursday
will be Nov. 1st already......Shew
Oct. really flew by so quickly.

Love, Hugs and 
End of October Blessings
 to you,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

A Delightsome Life


  1. #1. Praise the LORD for His protection of you in your travels. He does answer our prayers!
    #2. I'm sure they were glad to see you too! Little Rosie was a sweet gift from our LORD!
    #3. Rosie was a sweetheart of a little dog. A beautiful little part of the family!
    #4. It surely helps to have others who understand. I always have had my other pets help me through the loss of one.
    #5. The cool weather must have followed you home, ha! It really feels good!
    #6. It was a fantastic time indeed!!
    #7. I need to get more exercise. I'm a "couch potato!"
    #8. Did you get anything from the stores?
    #9. Did you eat it there or bring some home, lol!
    #10. Probably just overly tired. I know if I change my pace with activity, it really tires me out!. I've noticed the older I get the longer it takes to get rested up!
    #11. Yes, all was well.
    #12. Yea, another praise of answered prayer from our Loving Father! Thank you, LORD!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by....
    I actually did get some lil Christmas trees that were in graduated sizes as they match a
    bigger one I got last year. I had actually wished I had gotten a 2nd one last year when I
    put it on the mantle cause it showed up so nicely, but it was the same size, so think these
    different sizes will actually be better. Looking forward to using them this Christmas.

    We brought it home as we just got it the day before we left. We did leave Dee and Jerry
    an apple/cranberry tart, as we ate one for breakfast the day we left, and they were quite
    good as well. So that stores has a really good bakery it seems from what we have tried so far.

    Well, have a good day hon,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie