Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Our Fall Family room Part 1

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you enjoying
October cause it is sure flying 
by quickly, can't believe we
are already mid October....

Happy that we got all our house
cleaning done over the weekend.
So we are free to do others things.
Still gotta mow the grass but it
is starting to slow down and not
have to be done as often, so that
is nice as well.  Got to fill out
our mail in voter ballots and
get those off.....definitely want
our votes to count!!

Well, thought I would show you
some Fall scenes from Cozy 
Place this year!!  lol

This vignette includes lots of my favorite
things:  The bowl was my Mother's (my
 Dad won it for her at the Fair, when I
 was just a baby, they divorced when
 I was 3 yrs. old, so it was one thing
 of hers she definitely wanted me to
 have since it was representative of a
time with her and my Dad, and then
 there is candy, candles,  a lovely
 Fall printable (made by Ann, from 
"On Sutton Place"), a pumpkin and
 some faux Fall berries, and such.

Love that these tiny candles from
Bath and body shop have these
pretty leaf embossed lids, they
are a decoration in their own rite.

Next is the coffee table....Pumpkins,
 berries and my
Favorite Fall magazine....

I won these lovely Fall pumpkins from
a blog give-a-way about 3 years ago I
 think it was from over at "Timewashed".
Thank You Becky, as you can see I am
still enjoying them.

One corner of the family room....
see the brown garden stool there....
I really want to paint it but
can't make up my mind what color,
 not sure if it should be white, cream,
 gold or the same color blues that I have,
 or some other color I haven't thought
 of.......kinda want to keep it neutral
 since I change colors with the seasons.

If you have any ideas would love
to hear them........

Here is the vignette on the table 
behind the chair (see pic above)

Had to come back I forgot to
mention this lovely printable
that I found over at "Shades
of blue Interiors" that was
done by Rachel.  Isn't it so
pretty....perfect for my color
scheme.  Be sure and visit
Rachel she is quite a clever
and creative young lady.

Really love the copper mercury glass!!

Really enjoy the blue and orange this
 time of year, It actually reminds me of
 Howard Johnson,s restaurants 
when I was a kid.........lol

Added a posterized affect 
for the fun of it.

Well, here is part 1,  be sure to come
 back for part 2 next week.

Hope you have a cool Fall like

Love, Hugs and
Fun Fall Blessings,


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  1. I'm so glad the meadow grass is filling in thick in my backyard where the pool was removed! Steve came last week and mowed around it. He didn't want to blow away any of the dirt.

    I surely hope the fall weather gets here soon. We can surely use a cool down!

    I love your pumpkin decorations! Pumpkins are surely "fallish!" Enjoy your new decorations for the fall! Love you, Susan

  2. Dear Nellie, you're so creative. I love your little vignettes. They must just make home so cozy and welcoming. I hope that you've been well. I've been crazy busy, but am back to the blog for now. Thankyou for your concern. So much happening here, but it's all good, so for that I am grateful. I trust that your family are hale and healthy and that life is good. Love, Mimi xxx


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie