Friday, April 25, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 24th, 2014

 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
 In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living
 hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ
 from the dead,
1 Peter 1:3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have all had a nice 
restful week after all the festivities
 surrounding Easter.............

I sure have!!  Been enjoying the Easter food leftovers
and bird nest treats, the  porch and the sun, reading, 
 talking with my daughter, my new computer, since it
 is so much faster, catching up on some blog reading 
and leaving comments, making birthday cards for 3 of 
our sunday school students, and getting out of the
 house some. I did do some work this week.....
 but not a whole 

I needed some down time..............Sometimes a
 girl has to do,  what a girl has to do!   lol

Since Easter hasn't been over that long,  thought I 
would show you some of my Easter decorations
 before I change 'em out for  Spring decorations.

Love this figurine that was given to be my a
neighbor/friend who is in heaven now.

So on with Thankful Thursday as well.......

I am thankful

For a nice Easter celebration,  good food, and fun
 decorations,  but Most of all for the reason we
 Celebrate.....Our Risen Saviour.  

for our new computer I am typing on today,

for my techie hubby, or else I couldn't even
have a computer. He has done an awesome
job of restoring everything from the old to
the new computer.  Has just one more thing
to go..........

for the wisdom the Lord gives my techie
hubby as well,  cause he has led him to lots
of info that have helped solve a lot of problems
 in the process.

Plastic eggs are for Brooklyn

for a new way to clean the soap scum off our
 bathroom tile, that is amazing.........I read about
 it somewhere months ago, but just remembered
on Monday to try it..........
 (might have been in a Real Simple email I get)
It is a clothes dryer sheet........just dampen and
wipe the tiles, you don't even have to scrub it
hard or anything,  and the scum comes right off.
Then rinse, I used hot water.

You can do about 2 tiles to a dryer sheet.
Try it you won't believe it,  and then you don't
have to use those harsh stinky cleaners.

and the shower looks Great!!

Brooklyn's lamb we bought her on the way to
 the hospital before she was born. It sings if
 you;re happy and you know it clap your hands,
  and he claps his hands!  So cute!

that we got to go see "Heaven is for Real" Tuesday
night.  It was really good...........we have read the
book and it goes into a lot more detail as to what
that family went thru when the lil boy got sick,
way more than what they show in the movie.
But it was till an awesome movie.  Another
highly recommended movie, in theaters now.

for some sunshine,  it has been very overcast and
 cloudy the last week,  so was very happy to be
able to get out there and get my Vitamin D
and work on my tan.

for our new sidewalks.  We have had them for
awhile, but went for a walk this morning and the
 sun was shining bright and it was 60 degrees,
but felt like 80 in the sun, but up the street
from our house the sidewalks were all shaded
and it was nice and breezy so I just walked
up and down in that area,  it was great!!

Dee's bunny from when she was little.

for a much  needed  meeting that should take place on
 Friday evening.

for vitamins and probiotics that help to keep me well
 and feeling good.

With Posterized affect

for a another really great story I read on yahoo
 news Wed.  A lil 10 yr. old boy was abducted in Ga.,
the man cursed at him and told him to not say word, 
so he started singing a gospel song called "Every Praise",
all while the abductor was calling him nasty names and
telling him to shut up!
He sang it for 3 hrs., and the abductor finally put him
out of the car, totally unharmed!  Isn't that the coolest
thing you ever heard..........
and there is more the man that wrote the song Hezakiah
 Walker was so touched that the lil boy thought to sing his
 song at such a terrible time, and felt like God spoke
 through him and saved that child's life that he came
 to his church and sang the song for him on his brithday.

If you would like to hear the song, which is a great
 song by the way............just click here.
This is just his music video of it.

that I finished my friends book.......
"The Mother Gap",
It was an excellent and heartwarming read.  Jessica is
a very gifted writer, and it is easy reading, and very
descriptive,  a very enjoyable book.  It is about the
victory that came out of living life with an alcoholic
mother.  I know it had to be cathartic for her!
Very well done!

Now I can go do a review for her on

Her book is being sold on Amazon. com, if you
 are interested in reading it, as I would highly 
recommend it.  The ending is very heart warming.

Well, here's another week
 of Thankfuls..............

So happy you stopped by..............

and hope you say hello so.....

 I know you were here!!

Love, Hugs,  and 
End of April Blessings!



  1. #1. Thankful for the LORD's salvation of our loved ones!
    #2. Isn't is great!!! That's how I felt when Jim got me my new computer!!!
    #3. Isn't he just great!
    #4. Praise the LORD, He led Jim into this career!
    #5. What a discovery! Thanks for sharing it with us!
    #6. I noticed on the trailer advertisement of the movie, the little boy playing the part was really good in portraying his character.
    #7. It seems to start out sunny and ends up cloudy!
    #8. It's nice to have your county taxes seen in your own neighborhood!
    #9. I'm praying the LORD's hand and leadership to prevail!
    #10. Amen!
    #11. What a blessed song from our brothers and sisters in Christ!
    #12. The LORD will surely bless her in uplifting Him!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Sweetie! There is always so much to be thankful for, isn't there? I praise God for all the little blessings tucked in between the often crazy moments of our days! I think the are just little glimpses of heaven, and they give me such joy!

    Thanks for sharing!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: